
September 2024
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Moneyball Confirmed For Jan 10th DVD

blu-ray_001Confirming our report from Saturday Moneyball is set for a home entertainment release on January 10th in the US of A.

DVD, Blu-ray and a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack will be available of the movie that tells the story of Billy Beane’s (Brad Pitt) usage of statistics to improve the odds for the Oakland A’s baseball team.

The reported extras for the DVD include:

  • Blooper-Brad Loses It
  • Billy Beane: Re-Inventing the Game
  • Moneyball: Playing The Game

The Blu-ray version also adds:

  • Adapting Moneyball
  • Drafting The Team
  • Moneyball PS3 Wallpaper/Theme

Nothing there screams Kathryn’s scenes that were cut so we are left guessing for a little longer.

More info can be found on, amongst others.

Update:  You can now find the DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray/DVD combo available for pre-order on the US site.

Halloween 2011 Fan Art Special

wallpaper_170_1920x1080_lollyBOO!  😯

Time for some extra spooky fan art images :-)

Lolly, IcyWinter and new name to us amei heeded the ghostly call and have created some fantastically imaginative Banners and Wallpapers to help us mark Halloween here at KM UK.  Many thanks to them for responding at such short notice.  You can find the fruits of their labours in the various sections of the Gallery.

In the coming months we have Thanksgiving in America, Xmas, New Year and Kathryn’s birthday, all of which might make great subjects for fan art.  Please contact me me if you would like to donate some works of art for a future update.

banner_108_700x200_icywinter wallpaper_166_4288x2848_amei wallpaper_167_1024x768_icywinter

Moneyball Set For January DVD Release?

blu-ray_001Movie news and reviews website is reporting that Moneyball is expected to get a DVD and Blu-ray release on the 10th of January 2012 in North America.

We know that Kathryn is not in the film in its released form.  However, director Bennett Miller has discussed having shot a lot of additional footage that didn’t make the cut, and that it is likely to be used as part of the extra features on the home release.  So far there is no news as to what the extras will be but hopefully this means we will finally get to see Kathryn’s scenes with Brad when the discs hit the shops.

Until now I had not heard of the DVDizzy site but it has apparently been around for along time (in Internet terms at least) in its earlier incarnation as Ultimate Disney and is highly regarded.

Moneyball is due to start showing in UK cinemas on November 25th.

3000th Comment Posted!

We’ve just had our 3000th comment posted on KM UK.  It was posted by little old me and you can find it HERE. It’s a doozy :-)

It was just over a year ago when TRB posted our 2000th.  Can we crack 4000 in another year?  Will you be the one to post it?

Thank you so much to all of you for making this site what it is with your contributions be they news, comments or images.


Danny In L&O: SVU Screencaps Part 2

001Let me get this straight:

  • Detective Nick (Danny) has a bit of a temper.  We saw him getting a little “hands-on” with a suspect within hours of joining the squad.
  • One of Nick’s partners is a blonde female detective.
  • The Captain is quite old and balding.
  • There’s an attractive red-headed A.D.A.

Anyone else have a sense of déjà vu?  :-)

I won’t be doing every episode but I’ve created two more sets of Danny screencaps from recent episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

You can find screencaps from episode 2, Danny’s debut, in a previous post.

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