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Revival House Trademark A Step Closer


A few weeks ago I posted about how the name of Kathryn’s new production company, Revival House, had been “approved for publication” as a trademark.

Although every word of the piece was true, and still is, in light of new information the headline and tone was a little misleading.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing.  I’m no expert (clearly!) in trademark law and should have researched the meaning of the phrase further before posting.  Apologies for any confusion caused.  Mea culpa.

To clarify the situation: a recent update in the process suggests to me that “approved for publication” actually means that the chosen name cleared basic checks to search for any obvious clashes with other organisations in the same field.  That’s the “approved” part.  The next step is “publication”.

A couple of weeks ago “notification of publication” was issued stating that the “mark” will be included in the Official Gazette, the weekly journal of the USPTO (United States Patent And Trademark Office) that details filed applications.  This is done to allow for 3rd parties to raise issues.  Any opposition has to be put forward within 30 days of the publication.  It is the “speak now or for ever hold your peace” moment.  Revival House will be include in the Feb 14th edition.

Being a fan of Kathryn is educational.  Who knew?  :-)

For those interest in the details you can them on the Trademarkia website.


wallpaper_179_3000x2000_ameiWe don’t do a lot of shouting around these parts but some things need yelling from the rooftops :-)

Kathryn, best wishes to you from everyone here at KM UK.  We hope you have a wonderful day.

The full version of amei‘s wallpaper seen above includes wonderfully chosen lyrics from Rock & Roll Queen by The Subways.  I’m going to be cheeky and borrow some of them as they are so appropriate:

You are the sun
You are the only one
You are so cool
You are so rock and roll

And to lower the tone back to my usual level:  A variation on the saying “you are only as old as you feel” gets bandied about on these occasions so it would be remiss of me to not slip in a “if you want to feel a few years younger, I’m available.”  😉

Birthday Fan Art – January 2012 – Update x2

wallpaper_176_1024x1024_lollyHappy Kathryn Birthday Eve

As I’m sure you all know tomorrow is Kathryn’s birthday, but today we get to declare the Fan Art Video section of the KM UK Gallery open.  Sound of ribbon being cut.  Polite applause.  Cheese and wine consumed.  :-)

New girl Katie‘s promo video, which we posted about earlier this week, is our first exhibit.  Thanks to Katie for getting us off to a great start.

Lolly and Katie have provided wallpapers, some with a birthday theme to help mark Kathryn’s big day.  Birthday fan art from previous years is still in the Gallery, of course.

If you create Kathryn-related fan art (wallpapers, banners, avatars, buttons, drawings or videos) and would like to showcase it here on KM UK please contact me.

Update:  Thank you to amei for sending a lovely additional image (left thumbnail below).

Update 2:  And another thank you to Kareen T for creating a great collection of 7 new wallpapers (see the middle thumbnail below for one of them).

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KM UK Promo Video FTW

A bit of blatant self-publicity disguised as bigging-up a fellow fan :-)

Prolific YouTube user Katie (previously mentioned here) has managed to tear herself away from making videos counting down to Kathryn’s birthday to put together a video specially for KM UK.  The 90 second piece outlines the many great aspects of KM UK that you’ve come to know and love.

Called Kathryn Website! you can find Katie’s video on her Kathryn Morris FTW YouTube channel.  A copy will be added to the as-yet unopened Fan Art Videos section of the KM UK Gallery in an upcoming Fan Art update.

Thanks to Katie for creating the video for us.

Kathryn @ NASCAR NAPA 200 – August 2007

nascar_napa_004Two things dominated Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances: promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ and motor sport.  And the Monte Carlo Television Festival.  Three things dominated Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances: promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ, motor sport and the Monte Carlo Television Festival.  And the Sundance Film Festival.  Four things…  :-)

The 4th of August 2007 saw Kathryn combine the first two in an interesting bit of PR north of the border when she attended a NASCAR race to promote the movie Resurrecting The Champ.  Built on a man-made island in the St. Lawrence River, the Canadian Circuit Giles Villeneuve hosts the Nationwide Series NASCAR NAPA Auto Parts 200.  Since it was first run in 2007, the event is the only NASCAR race to be held outside of the USA and one of the few road courses used.  I don’t know how it is received by the stock car drivers and fans but the Montreal track is definitely a favourite of Formula 1 fans, having been the site of many classic races.  Last year’s event that was effected by severe rain was particularly memorable.

The movie promoting activities involved a participating race car adorned with stickers announcing Resurrecting The Champ’s release date of August 24th, 2007.  It can’t have been the most difficult deal to strike because the car was driven by Stanton Barrett, brother of Kathryn’s then boyfriend David.

To business.  For this update we could just have posted the 3 small photos from this event that have been seen quite widely for years.  Here at KM UK we like to go the extra mile (or 2.71 miles in the case of the Circuit Giles Villeneuve).  Not only do we have one of those 3 in a much larger size (the last thumbnail below) than previously seen, we also have the great image that you’ve already noticed above left.  We have to thank Eric Gilbert of for allowing KM UK to showcase his rather enigmatic photo of Kathryn.

All 4 images (2 big, 2 small) are now available in the Gallery.

We will be returning to many of the above topics in future updates.

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