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New Danny Pino Fan Site

001Yesterday I stumbled across a new Danny Pino fan site that I thought some of you might like.  We try and bring you the big Danny news here on KM UK but a dedicated site, giving comprehensive coverage, will do a far better job than we ever can.

To that end Danny’s fans are lucky to have people like Jessica creating sites like aka Danny Pino Online to do just that.  We wish Jessica and her contributors the best of luck in their endeavour, we know what hard work as well as fun these things can be.

A permanent link to Danny Pino Online can now be found in the menu on the right of this site.

KM UK is proud to have supplied collections of Danny screencaps published here in our brief forays away from all things Kathryn to DPO.

If you find a great fan site for a member of the Cold Case cast please let us know so we can help spread the word.

KM UK Awards 2012

RichE MedalIt’s effected/affected everyone to some degree or other.  Sadly even the KM UK Awards are not immune to the global financial crisis.

Belts must be tightened.  No diamond-studded Ferrari’s for the bankers this year.  The little ‘RichE’ statuettes have been melted down to make gold watches for their bonuses.  Don’t worry, they’ll get their normal bonuses next year for (not) screwing things up again.  Instead we’ve had to resort using the silver medals that Team Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) won’t be winning at this year’s London Olympics.  We’ve even had to sell the red carpet (which would have been white anyway due to current the whether in England), so no parading up and down in inappropriately skimpy clothing for the time of year ladies.  And, the budget will no longer cover the legions of scriptwriters, so don’t expect the usual comedy gold either.  Sorry.

All the press attention might be going on the upcoming Oscars and this weekend’s BAFTAs but even in their reduced form these are the awards everyone really wants.  Ladies and gentlemen, the Kathryn Morris UK Awards 2012.

Continue reading »

Starpulse Interview With Danny

001I know that many fans of Danny from his Cold Case days check out this site regularly and I like to be able to keep them up to date with major news on his career.  An interview with Danny Pino primarily about his move to Law & Order: SVU would fall normally fall outside even that extension of the remit of this site (see above for details) but I’m prepared to make an additional exception in this case :-)

Brittany Frederick at the entertainment website has managed to snag herself an interview with Danny.  In it they discuss SVU and Cold Case.  Kathryn gets several mentions as does Danny’s feelings about the way Cold Case ended.  I thought it might be of interest to some, hence the posting about it here.

Danny says that the series finale (the last episode of season 7) was written that way to leave things open for the show if it received another season.  Interviews with Kathryn varied in tone but leaned more towards “we knew it was over”.

You can read interview in full on the Starpulse website.

Thank you to Brittany.

Celebrity Kart Racing Toy Drive – Dec 2007

toy_drive_001Celebrity Racing?  Sounds like a possible new reality TV format.  Get a bunch of Z-list celebs (bound to include one of the seemingly endless supply of Baldwins, Buseys and Kardashians), each desperate to revive a long-dead/start career, strap a saddle and reins to them and get members of the public to ride them around a course.  It’ll be on your screens before you know it.  That’s a very frightening thought.

But enough of that.  Instead, we return to our Gallery updates themed around things that dominated our A-List lady’s public appearances in 2007: the Monte Carlo TV Festival, motor racing and promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ.  This time we’re back to the motor racing.

In 2007 Kathryn became an investor in the Pole Position Raceway indoor kart track in Murrieta, California which opened in August of that year.  In December the company held charity events at each of their four sites to raise money for underprivileged children through the Marine Toys For Tots Foundation.  Kathryn attended the one at the Corona, California kart facility.

Just added to the Gallery are 16 photos (various sizes and qualities, several in larger sizes than seen before) of Kathryn taking part.

I must thank Debbie at Pole Position Raceway for her help and photos.

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Monte Carlo TV Festival Reception – June 2007

monte_carlo_reception_001Have you heard the one about the Prince and the showgirls?

After the recent success (multiple Oscar and BAFTA nominations and recipient of many awards already) of the movie My Week With Marilyn, which is based on the time Marilyn Monroe came to England to film The Prince And The Showgirl, they will be making a sequel.  That’s Hollywood for you.  It will be called The Prince And The Showgirls: I’m Back!  This time Elsie’s great-granddaughter (Kathryn) meets Prince Albert of Monaco at a TV festival and tries reconcile him with his estranged son.  So far, so predictable.  The twist is that helping Elsie in her endeavours is a beautiful blonde cyborg (Kristanna Loken).  These images were taken on the set.  It’s got hit (with a silent ‘S’) written all over it!  :-)

monte_carlo_reception_003OK, not really :-)  I said in a previous post that two things dominated Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances: promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ and motor sport. And the Monte Carlo Television Festival.  For this update we are opening door number three.

Kathryn attended a cocktail party reception at the Monaco Palace hosted by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco in June of 2007.  As you can see actress Kristanna Loken (Terminator 3) and American royalty/occasional president Dennis Haysbert (“24”) were also there.

monte_carlo_reception_002Kathryn, of course, looks fabulous in a dress that is dangerously close to some form of undergarment.  I wish she’d (un)dress like that more often 😉

Kristanna and Kathryn know each from working together on Pensacola: Wings Of Gold.  Their characters ended up sharing a house.  Oh, imagine the pillow fights 😉

As usual we don’t do things the easy way around here, and we try and bring you best that’s available, so the main image above is around 3 times (or is it 9?) larger in size than previously seen anywhere.  All 3 photos are now available in the Gallery.

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