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Kathryn @ Fred Claus Première – November 2007

fred_claus_78It’s early March 2012 so what could be more appropriate than photos of Kathryn attending the première of the movie Fred Claus in November 2007  :-)

We return to our look back of Kathryn’s public appearances in 2007.  It’s not a festival.  It’s not motor racing.  It’s not even related to Resurrecting The Champ.  It did involve promoting a movie though, just not one she actually starred in, so we’ve not strayed too far from our recurring themes :-)

Kathryn looks great in her simple jeans, t-shirt, jacket and back ensemble.  Throw in an equally understated makeup finish and you’ve got near perfection.  Such a natural beauty.

To add to the 63 photos we already had there are 14 more mixed-sized photos in the Gallery.

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Resurrecting Resurrecting The Champ

rtc_stills_04There’s been a theme to recent photo updates of Kathryn’s public appearances in 2007. One of those themes has been promotion for the film Resurrecting The Champ.  But what of the film itself?

Well, we have updates about that too :-)

rtc_stills_05Remember the really fantastic and really huuuuuge image of Kathryn in jeans, sitting on the steps looking at some bits paper with Josh Hartnet hovering  near by?  Aha!  Caught you out!  No, the image above is not the one you remember.  It’s a new, previously unseen variation on that image with Josh also sitting down.  Kathryn is in a near identical pose but the angle of the shot is further around to the front.  Unfortunately, the photo is not quite as huge as the previous one :-(

The photographer must have thought that the new angle was better and concluded that even more would be even better still.  He was right!  It’s the same pose again but we get to see a whole other side of the loveliness.  The only other ways to describe the image are… on the right and tragically small :-(

We’re not done yet.

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Cold Case Still Hot In France

CoverYet again the French nation is putting the rest of us (this site excepting of course) to shame in their visible love of Kathryn and Cold Case.

There have been many articles published in the past few weeks on French-based TV news websites that, I think, are declaring the current broadcasting of Cold Case season 7 on the France 2 channel a big hit.  If rough translations are accurate it looks like Cold Case is getting substantial audience figures, being amongst the highest rates shows in the country.

This article from early Feb puts it 2nd with over 5.5 million viewers.  By the end of the month it is in first place with over 6 million.  A third piece from last week says 7 million.  Each suggests an audience share of 20% or more.

CoverJanuary and February saw Kathryn starring on the covers of several French TV magazines.  Sadly they are not new photos and I don’t think their is much new content inside either.  Oh well, it is good to know that the publishers think Kathryn is a good bet for drawing the punters to their wares though.  Of course she is, she’s gorgeous.

CoverA February Télé Poche cover (above right) declares in its headline “The real reasons for the ending of Cold Case” (or words to that effect).  A Télé Z magazine from January (see left) goes without a statement and just sticks with a picture, the head and shoulders of the same picture in fact.

As well as those two recent magazine covers, we have one more from a year old Télé Z (see right) now added to the Gallery.

Au revoir.

Kathryn @ CC Promo Event In Tokyo – June 2007

cc_promo_tokyo_004“Wow” I hear you say.  And say it you should, though “WOWOW” would be more appropriate :-)

So far in our look back to Kathryn’s public appearances in 2007 we’ve covered a variety of recurring and often interlinking topics.  This time we introduce two more: Cold Case and Japan.

Although both of those themes are different from those we’ve discussed before (motorsport, Resurrecting The Champ and the Monte Carlo TV festival) it still sort of ties-in.  This is like a festival, it’s about TV and the car Kathryn drove in Long Beach (a Toyota) was Japanese.

In early summer of 2007, 29th of June to be precise, Kathryn was in Tokyo to promote Cold Case on the WOWOW TV network in Japan.  In case you are unable to I’ve read what it says on the end of those cardboard file boxes pictured behind Kathryn and deduced that they are talking about Cold Case season 3.  I know, I’m a fricking genius! :-)

cc_promo_tokyo_030What can I say about that outfit?  OK, let me re-phrase that.  What can I say about that outfit that won’t get me in trouble?  Kathryn, of course, looks stunning in her almost lighter-than-air pink dress, brown and green scarf(?), and strappy silver shoes, but it is those legs that really steal the show.  Wowowza!  I’m not sure that the very short dress was chosen with the knowledge that she’d sitting on a high stool on a stage though.  If any of our Japanese readers were sitting in the front row and had their cameraphone with them please contact me 😉  Seriously.  Call me!

Amazingly this event has evaded the KM UK Gallery since opening but we’ve put that right in style today with 48 medium-sized photos added to the Gallery.  We still have a huge amount of other updates planned.

If you’d like to see that outfit in action you can see brief clips of Kathryn entering the venue for this event at the beginning of several videos we have of promotional interviews she did for WOWOW TV.  They are in the Gallery here.  We have rabi to thank for them.

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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – Feb 2012

promo_002A quick round-up of what is going on in the careers of the non-Kathryn members of the Cold Case cast.

First up, Danny.  As we all know he’s on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.  It seems to be going well for him and fellow newcomer Kelli Giddish.  Joining a long established show, effectively replacing a much loved character and actor cannot have been easy.  I’m sure that some die-hard fans will not accept such a change but from what I’ve read the audience figures are strong and many do seem to like the contribution Danny and Kelli have made so far.  There is no news on other work by Danny to report on at this time.

Who’s next?

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