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John Mazlish Photoshoot – Sundance 2007

john_mazlish_001I’m not sure it gets better than that.

Day 4 of Kathryn’s time at the Sundance Film Festival (22 April 2007, day 5 of the festival) was devoid of “lounges”, première or screenings.  She did, however, do an interview for the website at the ESPN Sports Zone bar on Main Street in Park City.  Kathryn spoke to Corey Boutilier about Resurrecting The Champ which premièred earlier in the week.  You can see a small video of the interview on the IndependentFilm website.

We don’t see Kathryn reach for the glass on the bar until the end of the video but you do get the impression that there was some imbibing before the cameras rolled.  She’s in a fun and rather flirty mood :-)

john_mazlish_002Watch the video and you’ll see a series of camera flashes as a photographer takes some still shots as the interview takes place.  The man wielding the camera is John Mazlish.

Not only has John kindly allow KM UK to post the photo seen with the video and on his own website, he has also very generously given us two additional photos from the set.  These are previously unseen so are something of an exclusive to KM UK.   I’m sure you’ll agree that John has done a wonderful job of capturing Kathryn’s natural beauty with the vivid colours and sharpness of the images.  I don’t think John can take credit for the smile though :-)

I struggled a bit with how to classify these photos.  It wasn’t really a public appearance, or an interview, despite an interview taking place, so I’ve gone with “photoshoot”.  John gets his own album in the Photoshoot section of the KM UK Gallery.  See all three fantastic photos in the Gallery.

Huge thanks to John to taking such great photos and allowing us to showcase them here.  You can see more of John Mazlish’s work on his website HERE.

Kathryn @ Sundance Film Festival Day 4 – Jan 2007

kari_feinstein_002Day 4 of the 2007 Sunda….



Sorry, I drifted off there 😉

Where was I?  Oh yes, Day 4 of the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, which fell on the 21st of January, saw Kathryn attending more those merchandise hawking “lounges”.  Let’s see, we’ve got her:

Plus, Kathryn did a group interview with her Resurrecting The Champ co-stars in the Hollywood Life House.  Just looks like Hollywood Life magazine has taken over, and renamed, a café to me. But I’m not a hip Hollywood media type so what do I know?

And to get from A to B sometimes you have to go via M, M for Main Street of Park City, Utah so we have a few shots of Kathryn “out and about”.

Giving us a total of 37 additional photos for the Gallery.

marquee_lounge_001 marquee_lounge_001 hollywood_life_house_002 sundance_day4_003

WB TV Exhibit At The Paley Center – Update

television_out_of_the_box_poster_137x189Warner Bros. Television, in association with the Paley Center For Media, has created an interactive multimedia exhibition called Television Out Of The Box.

Open for the next 3 years, the museum in Beverly Hills, California, covers some of the best known TV shows from the past 6 decades.  Sets, props, costumes and much more from shows like Friends, ER, Smallville, The Big Bang Theory and Fringe have been put on display to the public.

And the reason for mentioning it here on KM UK?  Cold Case is one of the many shows made by Warner Bros. Televsion.

Cold Case is briefly mentioned on the Paley Center website but no detail is given about what, if anything, from the show might there.  It is planned that the content of the exhibition will be changed regularly.

You can find more details, including opening times and ticket prices, on the WB Exhibit page of the Paley Center website.

If you get a chance to visit the museum please let us know what it was like.

What from Cold Case would you like to see at the exhibition?  Lilly’s hair extensions?  Nick’s cut necktie?  Scotty’s bruised knuckles?  Will’s record collection?  John’s age-jumping daughter?  :-)  Leave your suggestions in the comments below.

tv_out_of_the_box_001Update (15 Apr 2012):  I found an article on the website by Danielle Turchiano (LA TV Insider @ Examiner) about the exhibition.  You can read the article in full HERE.  The piece has a slideshow of photos taken by Danielle, which includes a shot of Lilly’s badge and ID card.

Very generously Danielle has allowed me to post a large copy of the photo (seen on the left) here on KM UK.  You can find it in the Gallery (in a new Miscellaneous – Exhibitions section).

Danielle also let me know that Lilly’s pistol in its holster is part of the display.  From the photo I think you can also see the edge of a bit of cold case paper work and the top of a mobilephone.  Lilly went through a variety of cellphones (to use the American vernacular) during Cold Case’s run but the blue one in the photo looks like an early season 7 model seen in episodes like Hoodrats.  Lilly was receiving worrying cryptic messages and photos which turned out to be from Eddie.

Revival House Trademark – NOA


A couple of days ago (10 April 2012) the trademark process for the name Revival House, Kathryn’s production company, reached another milestone.

As we detailed previously, the period of time for people to raise objections ended in mid-March.  No opposition was filed so now it passes to the next stage: Notice Of Allowance or NOA.

The NOA means use of the trademark must be supplied in a Statement Of Use (SOU) to the USPTO within the next 6 months.  If, for whatever reason, that is insufficient time an Extension Request must be filed.  Extensions will only be issued for three years.  If a deadline passes without an SOU or Extension Request then the mark will be abandoned, as happened with Kathryn’s earlier company Hotplate Productions.

At the time of going to press the Trademarkia website has not been updated with this most recent change.

Kathryn @ She Wants Me Première

she_wants_me_premiere_001Of course she does.  Who wouldn’t :-)

We like seeing the old old photos again.  We like seeing new old photos for the first time.  But sometimes we really want to see new new photos.  Luckily this is one of those times.

Last Thursday night (5th April 2012) saw the première of the movie She Wants Me.

Starring Josh Gad, Hilary Duff, Kristen Ruhlin, Charlie Sheen and Johnny Messner it’s a comedy about film maker Sam (Gad).  Sam has promised his aspiring actress girlfriend (Ruhlin) the lead role in his next film just before the hottest actress of the moment (Duff) says she wants the role.

And Kathryn’s involvement?  Well, SWM producer Danny Roth was also a producer on Cougars, Inc.  Can’t spot any other reason for her presence at the moment.  Answers on a postcard  😉

Stalker Sarah M (her own description) managed to get a snap with Kathryn at the event and has very kindly allowed KM UK to share the photo, as you can see on the left.  Many thanks to her.

You can find the very large sized image in the KM UK Gallery.

Sarah M’s Flickr page can be found HERE.

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