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Revival House Trademark – NOA


A couple of days ago (10 April 2012) the trademark process for the name Revival House, Kathryn’s production company, reached another milestone.

As we detailed previously, the period of time for people to raise objections ended in mid-March.  No opposition was filed so now it passes to the next stage: Notice Of Allowance or NOA.

The NOA means use of the trademark must be supplied in a Statement Of Use (SOU) to the USPTO within the next 6 months.  If, for whatever reason, that is insufficient time an Extension Request must be filed.  Extensions will only be issued for three years.  If a deadline passes without an SOU or Extension Request then the mark will be abandoned, as happened with Kathryn’s earlier company Hotplate Productions.

At the time of going to press the Trademarkia website has not been updated with this most recent change.

Kathryn @ She Wants Me Première

she_wants_me_premiere_001Of course she does.  Who wouldn’t :-)

We like seeing the old old photos again.  We like seeing new old photos for the first time.  But sometimes we really want to see new new photos.  Luckily this is one of those times.

Last Thursday night (5th April 2012) saw the première of the movie She Wants Me.

Starring Josh Gad, Hilary Duff, Kristen Ruhlin, Charlie Sheen and Johnny Messner it’s a comedy about film maker Sam (Gad).  Sam has promised his aspiring actress girlfriend (Ruhlin) the lead role in his next film just before the hottest actress of the moment (Duff) says she wants the role.

And Kathryn’s involvement?  Well, SWM producer Danny Roth was also a producer on Cougars, Inc.  Can’t spot any other reason for her presence at the moment.  Answers on a postcard  😉

Stalker Sarah M (her own description) managed to get a snap with Kathryn at the event and has very kindly allowed KM UK to share the photo, as you can see on the left.  Many thanks to her.

You can find the very large sized image in the KM UK Gallery.

Sarah M’s Flickr page can be found HERE.

Sunday’s Mother To Première At Newport Beach Film Festival

002Aaron Jackson, writer/director of the short film Sunday’s Mother, has let us know that the film will receive its première at the Newport Beach Film Festival in May.  Newport Beach is in Orange County, California, about 30miles (50km) south of Los Angeles.

The film, starring Kathryn as the mother of a boy suffering at the hands of a bully, will be shown in a set of short films under the title Don’t Cut Your Family Short starting at 4pm (PST) on the 1st of May 2012.

You can see more details of the screening on the Festival Genius website.  The Festival’s own website is HERE.

We’ll bring you more news on this as we get it.

KM UK has been directly involved in backing and promoting Sunday’s Mother since we first heard about it last year.  The Kickstarter funded project was filmed last July and has been applying for festivals since post-production ended in September.  See all the Sunday’s Mother posts on KM UK for more details.

Good Friday Just Got Even Better – Minority Report On BBC2

still_001It’s been nearly three years since BBC last broadcast the Steven Spielberg directed, Tom Cruise starring, sci-fi action film Minority Report.  It formed the basis of this site’s first “Media Alert”, posts that notify UK readers of appearances of Kathryn work.

Normally the film appears on BBC 1, which would mean an HD broadcast for the first time, but this year it gets bumped over to BBC 2 and not simultaneously shown on BBC HD.  Hang your head in shame Auntie :-(

Oh well.  BBC 2 this coming Friday (aka Good Friday), 6th of April 2012 at 11:15pm (11:40pm in Scotland).  Full details can be found on the BBC website HERE.  I understand that some of our neighbours on the continent may be able to see this as well :-)

To mark the event I’ve added a large-sized still (show above) of Kathryn in the film to the Gallery.

Based on a Philip K Dick story and released in 2002, Minority Report is about John Anderson and his fight to prove his own innocence after being identified as a future killer by the Pre-Crimes Police squad he works for.  Kathryn plays John’s estranged wife who he turns to for help.  Kathryn’s role is relatively small, Samantha Morton takes the more prominent co-star role, but it is important, especially towards the end.

A countdown to the BBC 2 showing on Friday:


Spartacus Season 3 & Najara To Make A Comeback? – April Fool

Xena_S04E18_081*** SPOILER ALERT ***

This article and the linked interview contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Friday night (30th March 2012) saw the dramatic conclusion to season 2 (season 3 if you count the prequel mini-series) of the Starz TV hit show Spartacus.

The reluctance to shy away from killing off characters many would assume sacred was taken to shocking extreme as the finale drew to a close.  You’d think that being the star that brought in the crowds, had worked with many of the crew before, and is married to one of the show’s Executive Producers would give you some job security.  Apparently not, as the death of Lucy Lawless‘s character proves. This is not one of those “but they’ll bring them back somehow” deals either as Michael Ausiello’s interview with Spartacus Executive Producer Steven S. DeKnight makes clear.

So where does this leave Spartacus for season 3? A largely new cast including several new female characters. And what does this have to do with us here at KM UK?  A well informed someone who has chosen to go by the name of Maj-kat has let me know that they would really like Kathryn to take a significant role in season 3.  They know her well from her time on Xena, she is clear of her Cold Case commitments and has shown a willingness to take on more… errr… adventurous roles (*cough*Cougars, Inc.*cough*).  Call make-up, we may need a blonde merkin! 😉

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