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I’m Humbled – Update

I’m not really sure what I can add to this:


@KM_UK I visited your website and I’d like to say thank you for your support and your effort. I feel extremely honored! Kind regards.


 Update (6 June 2012):  Fake.

It’s London Baby! – Update

avatar_001_500x498We’re still reserving judgement on this latest Kathryn Twitter account @KathrynMorris_ but for now we’ll play along.

Early this morning (UK time) “Kathryn” sent a Tweet perfectly targeted at getting the interest of this site.  Apparently she will be in the UK sometime in mid-June of this year, just a couple of week away from now.

Why she will be here we don’t know.  Work?  Holiday?  Either way she’ll become “Kathryn Morris UK” for a while :-)

The Tweet went like this:


Glad to tell you that I will be spending some days in London in about two weeks! Exciting.


Of course we are very excited about prospect of Kathryn being in England again.  CBS Watch! magazine from June 2007 did an interview with Kathryn where she described being in London with her sister.  She was there to film promos for the Sky TV channel but was able to do some sightseeing and shopping.

“Kathryn”, if you are reading this (and why wouldn’t you be?), I humbly offer my services during your stay in London.  What do you need?  A personal assistant?  Chauffeur?  Tour guide?  Masseur?  Slave?  Call me:-)

Update (6 June 2012):  Fake.

Cold Case S01E02 – Gleen HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S01E02_lilly_144This website’s powers have reached new levels!  Starting of our KM UK Summer of HD 2012 last week clearly had a profound effect on the English weather with some of the warmest conditions in a long, long time hitting the country the past few days.  I fear that it is set to end very soon though.  The temperatures have already started dropping and with the double whammy of daring to talk about a mini-heatwave (for UK that is) and next week’s national holiday (marking the Queen of England’s accession to the throne) we will likely be knee deep in snow by the weekend 😕

Where were we?  Oh yes, episode two of Cold Case season one (the first one I saw due managing to forget to watch episode one all those years ago 😡 ) is Gleen.  Named after a made-up-for-the-show washing powder, Gleen involved the case of a woman killed by a bomb hidden inside a box of the titular cleaning product.

PPD weapons and fire-arms expert, and fan favourite Louie Amante makes his first appearance on Cold Case in this one.  Louie and Lilly have clearly known each other for a while and their banter was always an amusing highlight to any episode he starred in.  We saw Louie a further five times across Cold Case’s run, his last being Two Weddings in which the squad attended Louie’s own wedding.

370 HD (720p) new Lilly screencaps and 4 promo photos for the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S01E02_lilly_052 Cold_Case_S01E02_lilly_060 promo_003

Real Kathryn Twitter Account? – Update

avatar_001_500x498Another day another Kathryn Morris-related Twitter or Facebook account.  Do we need another Facebook account just posting images, many of which originated here, with no context or information?  Is that all that genuine fans want?

On a less ranty note, and the actual reason for this post, over night (UK time) a new Kathryn Morris Twitter account appeared and some messages were sent. The address is @KathrynMorris_ (note the underscore at the end).  The picture on the right is being used as the avatar.  There is now a link in the menu on the right.

So far it looks quite credible but we are reserving judgement for now.  In the meantime I hope you will politely welcome her and not deluge her too much.  We don’t want to scare her away.

Update (6 June 2012):  We were right to reserve judgement.  It is fake.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – May 2012

promo_002Another quick round-up of what is going on in the careers of the non-Kathryn members of the Cold Case cast.

Quite a lot has happened since our last update in February.

As covered previously Law & Order: SVU has been renewed for a 14th season so Danny Pino (Scotty Valens on Cold Case) will be returning as Detective Nick Amaro for his second season.  The final episode of Danny’s first season aired last night (23rd May 2012) in America.  I won’t be doing any further screencaps of Danny in L&O:SVU as our friends at Danny Pino Online are doing a great job of covering it.

In the last of these type of updates I mentioned that the multi-talented Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on Cold Case) was due to star in a big film due out in September.  A trailer has been released for that film, Looper, and it actually has Tracie in it.  It is a very brief of as she, a waitress in a diner, gives Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception) an “oh la la”.  Whether Tracie’s role extends much beyond that is not known at this stage.  She is reasonably high up the cast list on IMDb and her character has a name: Beatrix.  Both of which are a step up from Safe House for her.  You can see a copy of the trailer HERE on YouTube.  Tracie appears at the 36 second mark.

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