Inspired somewhat by the wishes of a regular visitor to this site, yes you Kathy, we have added a simple chat page to KM UK.
The system is for general discussion that falls outside the scope of the regular posts like this one. The normal site rules on etiquette and privacy apply of course. Abuse will not be tolerated.
It is very much in beta at the moment, with aspects of it still unknown. Its long term status is up for review at any time. There may be issues with the way people use it or a better solution might be found. Only time will tell.
You can find the page HERE, and there is a link to it in the menu on the right.
Update (5pm): After much work a 2nd chat system has been added to evaluate it. In many ways the new one is the preferred option. Please post some test messages to it so we can how it works. There is a “Chat 2” option in the menu on the right.
Update 2 (8:30pm): Changes to the layout of “Chat 2” and various technical aspects has convinced me that it is the way to go. So, “Chat 1” has been removed and replaced with “Chat 2”. The link on the right has been updated accordingly. The trial period is still in progress.
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