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Cold Case S01E21 – Maternal Instincts HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S01E21_lilly_049We know that we’re really stretching the whole “Summer” thing now but we’ve only got a few more posts to go in the set so please bear with us.

Bit of a complicated episode this one.

A social worker friend of Lilly’s (who returns in season 3 for a couple more episodes) presents her with a situation that is perhaps a little too close to home.  An adopted teenage boy who has had more than his fair share of run-ins with the authorities already is looking at possible jail time.  Lilly knows about troubled kids with difficult home lives.  Can her intervention convince the lad to straighten himself out?  Will solving the murder he witnessed as a 3 year-old help banish his demons?

Maternal Instincts, another multi-meaning title, is this week’s KM UK Summer of HD 2012 episode from Cold Case season 1.

429 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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The Sweeter Side Takes The (Cup)cake – Update

confections_of_a_discarded_womanRecently it became clear that the film we’d got used to calling Confections Of A Discarded Woman had been renamed to The Sweeter Side Of Life.

Kathryn stars in the Hallmark Channel movie, due to be released next year, as a newly divorced trophy wife who finds herself working in the family home-town bakery to make ends meet.

Alongside reporting the news of the name change we ran a poll to canvas the opinion of you, our readers.  Two weeks later and poll has now closed and the results are in.

Over 70% of those that took part agree with the new choice of name, preferring it over the original working title.  Those that want to stick with Confections came to 21%.  A pretty major landslide for the change then.

Thank you to all that took part.

Update:  After posting this article I sent a Tweet to the film’s co-writer/directer Michael Damian to let him know that KM UK’s readership approve of the name change.  His, possibly slightly tongue-in-cheek, response was:


That is great news! So happy to hear that :-) So “The Sweeter Side of Life” it is) – Link

Thanks to Michael for taking the time to reply.

Which title do you prefer?

  • The Sweeter Side Of Life (71%, 10 Votes)
  • Confections Of A Discarded Woman (21%, 3 Votes)
  • I have a better one, see the comments (7%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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Cold Case S01E20 – Greed HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S01E20_lilly_267With the big mess the world economy is in at the moment you probably wanted to see horrible things done to bankers.  We’ll then, this is a Cold Case episode for you!

Greed is the latest post in the KM UK Summer of HD 2012 series.

Solving this one should be easier than most, though it will likely involve some bugs and slime, and blowing up half a laboratory.  Yes, TJ Thyne (Dr Jack Hodgins in Bones) guest stars in the flashbacks to the 1985 murder of a stock broker Charles Danville.  You can tell it is the mid-Eighties because no one has a mobile phone and there’s a DeLorean car being treat as though it is some new and fancy supercar (neither of which it ever was).

An old friend of Kite’s, himself slimy piece of work involved in a bit of dodgy financial dealing, is trying to “cut a deal” by offering up some information on the murder.  Whodunnit?  Was it one of Danville’s acolytes?

On the Rush/Kite relationship front Jason got to “see the girls”.  We can only guess at what Lilly meant by that 😮  But we do get to see the two them together at the end with Lilly waving a singular jug around in front of him and a bar full of others 😉

287 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps and from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Kathryn On Set Of 2 Br/1 Ba – Update x2

on_set_20120927_001The clothing company Linea Pelle has published via Twitter the picture you see on the right of Kathryn on the set of the new movie 2 Br/1 Ba.

This is the first peek we’ve had of Kathryn’s look in this film, despite other cast and crew posting several photos from behind the scenes.  It’s certainly an interesting dress.

Kathryn plays Olivia, the assistant to a wealth couple, who has to talk to the two lead female characters that share an apartment.

The accompanying Tweet said:

@lineapelle: Kathryn Morris look great on the set of her new movie with her Dylan Medium Tote. #lineapelle #dmt – Link

Plus there was a link to Instagram with the photo.  It has now been added to the KM UK Gallery.

We expect to have more very soon.

Thank you to Linea Pelle for posting the photo.

Update: Costumer Christina Matthews has been kind enough to pass along to KM UK a slightly larger version of same the photo which has been added to the Gallery.  Thank you to her.  It is a bit darker but gives a full head-to-toe shot.

Update 2: Christina Matthews has told me the following: “shes wearing a Ted Baker dress, Donna Karan vintage belt & a Linea Pelle bag :) and her glasses are her own!”  Thanks to her for that.  I think it might be the “BARDOE – Feather print dress”.

When Heather Met KM UK

on_set_001If you haven’t done so yet please go and read the earlier post about “Heather Coxx” and the time she met Kathryn.  It’s an entertaining, if slightly hard going, read.

Once you have read it you’ll no doubt quickly work out that it is in fact Grade-D b******t.  It is certainly not worthy of an ‘A’.

In the tradition of exams I will show my working out:

  • When I first added the photo you see on the right to the Gallery it was done so attached to an article about the Cold Case season 4 episode 22: Cargo. It was part of the KM UK Summer Of HD 2011.
  • Heather’s Twitter account bio reads:

    I’m Heather from Cincinnati, 16 years old and proud ginger (even dyed my hair more red). Model. Kathryn Morris is my idol, met her 23-07-’07♥ (see [the image above])

Do you see it?

  • The date “23-07-’07” in the bio is not in the American Month-Day-Year format yet Heather claims to be from Cincinnati (a word she often misspells).
  • Cargo was broadcast for the first time on the 15th April 2007, three months before “Heather” claims the photo was taken.  Any filming in late July would more likely be for the first episodes of the next season, and is probably a little too early for that anyway.  Cargo was most likely filmed in March or April.

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