The previously posted petite promo photo
phrom from The Sweeter Side Of Life has now been updated in the Gallery with a much larger version. That is all.
Last week it was the first look at a promotional photo from The Sweeter Side Of Life along with the announcement of the première date. This week it’s the first trailer. Spoiler Alert. It’s a given that a trailer for a film will divulge certain details, but in this case a warning is definitely warranted. If you wish to keep a little mystery in your relationship with this movie you should probably not watch the video. It is, metaphorically at least, putting-out on the first date. Until the full film is released we won’t know for sure but the whole plot appears to have been encapsulated in just under 3 minutes of footage. Don’t come crying to us if you regret watching it. We’d expect the trailer that appears on TV prior to the broadcast to be less… comprehensive.
Roll on January 19th. The video is now available in the Gallery along with some screencaps from it. Enjoy. Let us know what you think. Does it make you want to see the film or not?
Today (Saturday, 15th December 2012) Kathryn attended a Fashion Girls For Humanity (FGFH) event in aid of the victims of hurricane Sandy, which hit the Eastern Seaboard of the US of A last month. FGFH, originally founded in the wake of the Japanese Tsunami of 2011, continues to raise money for good causes by organising sales of clothing donated by top fashion labels. You can read more about the FGFH on their website. Looks like Kathryn bought a few bags-worth. Hopefully we’ll get to see the results of the shopping sometime soon.
Thanks to HATCh, Inc. for the heads-up and first photo (left), and to FGFH for the second one (above). And thanks to those KM fans that also contacted KM UK so we could share this with you. Update (4 January 2013): The photo on the left has been upgraded to a much larger version.
For four days, starting at 10:35am from Monday (17th December 2012), ITV3 are showing all four of the Murder, She Wrote TV movies that were made after the TV series ended. A Story To Die For was the second of the four films but for some reason it is being shown last on the Thursday (20th December 2012). They’ve muddled up the order completely! How difficult would it have been to play them chronologically? A Story To Die For sees Kathryn playing Patricia Williams, the assistant to an old writing friend of Jessica Fletcher and an aspiring writer herself. Patricia gets embroiled in the case of the murder of an ex-KGB author at a speakers conference. The promo photo shown above is now in the Gallery. Thanks to Kathy for passing it along.
Director/co-writer/co-producer on The Sweeter Side Of Life, Michael Damian, sent a Tweet this morning (UK time, 12 December 2012) with the above photo. He was mixing the audio for the film in LA. As you can see, the screen behind Michael is playing the movie and we can Kathryn in a scene in the bakery. The t-shirt she is wearing is the one we saw in a previous on set photo. The photo is now in the Gallery. Many thanks to Michael for sharing this with everyone. |
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