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Trailer For The Coin – Update


A trailer for the short film The Coin has been released.

It’s 90 seconds long.  Seeing as the short film is apparently only 9 minutes long having a trailer of that length is like seeing 15 minutes of a normal 90 minute film :-)

Kathryn features heavily from the start.  She’s not happy! :-(

A copy of the video (and some HD screencaps) has been added to the Gallery.

Update (23 December 2012): Full HD (1080p) screencaps added.

Update (24 December 2012):  The trailer is available on Vimeo, the video sharing website, HERE.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – December 2012

danny_pino_002_430x180Everyone loves a bit more Pino.

Our final round-up of news about Cold Case cast members that aren’t Kathryn for 2012.

The long-running TV show Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has had its current season extended by 2 episodes, bringing it to a total of 24.  That’s either a good show of support or a chance for the writers to give it a proper ending.  Which theory you subscribe to depends on your point of view.  Our understanding is that despite weak “lead ins” (i.e. the show on before SVU has a low audience count to carry over into SVU) the cop drama continues to do OK.  It is gradually fading but it is hardly surprising as the show is currently in its 14th year.  Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in Cold Case) continues as Detective Amero in SVU.  There are no signs of Danny taking on other film or television roles at the moment.

Last month’s CCCC-up included a reference to John Finn‘s guest-starring role in the hit drama series Homeland.  At the time the episode was just a few days away from broadcast in the UK, having been shown in the US just a few days before that report.  The part was not particularly large and the character of Rex Henning has not re-appeared in the episodes since.  John’s next feature film The Lifeguard by Cold Case writer/producer Liz Garcia is due to début at Sundance 2013.  The film festival runs from January 17th to the 27th.

We seem to have been talking about Thom Barry‘s role in the new Texas Chainsaw 3D movie for a very long time.  It was first reported here back in July 2011.  Back then the planned release date was October.  In early summer it was pushed back to January 2013, probably to avoid clashing with the many big releases in the autumn.  Now we are in the home straight, with just a few weeks to go for much of the world.

A couple of Thom’s co-stars in Texas Chainsaw 3D have caught our eye:  Tania Raymonde (Lost) and Richard Riehle (Office Space).  Tania guest starred on Cold Case for eight episodes in the latter half of season 6 as a PPD lab tech that Scotty became involved with.  Richard (the hardest working man in Hollywood) will be seen very soon in the film 2 Br/1 Ba, in which Kathryn has a small but pivotal role.

If you have any news about any of the Cold Case main cast then please let us know.

Even More Promo Photos From The Sweeter Side…

promo_010It’s turned into quite a week, with more posts than normal, and we haven’t finished yet.

Is this the cataclysmic event some have been predicting?  Can the sheer number of new images we’ve been able bring you this week be the cause of the end of the world?

This could be dangerous but we’re willing to take the risk  😉

Twelve more more promotional photos from the The Sweeter Side Of Life have found their way into the possession of KM UK, and we are delighted to be able to share them with you.  They are a mix of production stills and studio portraits.

Kathryn’s co-star, British actor Alistair Mackenzie, features in most of the new photos.  He plays Benny Christophe, and it is safe assume that he is Desiree’s new “love interest” in the TV movie due to première in the US on the 19th of January 2013.

Find ’em all in the the Gallery.  Hurry, before the world ends.

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One More 2 Br/1 Ba On Set Photo

on_set_20120927_011As some of you have already spotted, yesterday (or was it the day before? damn timezones) the official Facebook page of the upcoming feature film 2 Br/1 Ba got a few extra tenants.  Tenants in the form of hundreds of on set/behind the scenes photos that is.

In amongst the multitude are a few photos of Kathryn on the set during her day’s filming back in September.  Regulars to KM UK will recognise them all.  Except one.  The one you see above.

Eight of the nine photos on Facebook formed the basis of a wonderful set of exclusives we ran in late October (here and here).  Despite KM UK having that 9th image at the time, it was not posted.  We’ve been waiting for an appropriate time to correct that ever since.

Now the cat’s out of the bag it seems right to add the remaining (not so exclusive, but a lot bigger) image to the Gallery.

2 Br/1 Ba, starring Alexa Vega (Spy Kids) and Spencer Grammer (Greek), is currently scheduled for a January 2013 release.  Alexa and Spencer play Janie and Dee, roommates in the titular 2 Br/1 Ba apartment.  What happens between them is not entirely clear at this time but the photos on Facebook give some intriguing clues.  Kathryn is Olivia and appears in only a few scenes but they are said to be significant.

More The Sweeter Side Of Life Promo Photos

promo_005Four more promotional photos from the forthcoming Hallmark TV movie The Sweeter Side Of Life have been released.

Here we see stills of Desiree Harper (Kathryn) in various stages of the journey she goes through in the film, including working in the bakery with her father (James Best, Roscoe P Coltrane in The Dukes Of Hazzard).

The Sweeter Side Of Life will première on the Hallmark Channel in the United States on Saturday the 19th of January 2013.

These new images have now been added to the Gallery.

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