Kathryn made a surprise guest appearance on the Brett Gursky “On The List” podcast on the HAHAJK website.
The interview is primarily Johnny Messner talking about his recent role in the play “A Family Thing” and his career to date. Kathryn is in the studio and joins in occasionally, either in the background or more ‘on mic’. In a odd quirk of fate Kathryn was key in Johnny getting the part in the play.
The text on the website that describes the podcast includes the following sentence:
Johnny’s girlfriend Kathryn Morris (Cold Case) is a surprise special guest and joins them in the discussion as well.
You can hear the whole two and half hour long podcast on the HAHAJK website HERE. A small copy has been added to the Gallery.
We’ll post an update if there is anything significant regarding Kathryn in it.
Update: At around the 1:20 mark the conversation turns to Cold Case so Kathryn gets more involved.
We were all young once. Some of us have never really grown up either 
Thanks to the always generous and ever vigilant Kareen_T for passing along the photo above sent to her by the merelala Tumblr site with the message:
Hello! My parents showed me this picture, and I thought it was pretty cool. Kathryn Morris used to go to their church when they lived in Connecticut, and when they were newly married, they babysat her a couple times. This is a picture of her (on the left) at church sometime in the early 80s. Thought you guys would like it!
We do and thank you.
We’ve added it to our Gallery, where you will find the full version. Staying on the young theme we’ve included a photo (below left) many of you will be familiar with, though we are unsure of the origin. Any thoughts? Plus, we’ve thrown in a screenshot from The Sweeter Side Of Life of a young Desiree, which is actually photo of the young Kathryn, as confirmed to KM UK by the director Michael Damian.

What you see above could very well be the cover art for the UK DVD release of the movie Cougars, Inc.
Someone has obviously gone to some effort to do this rather than just take the version used in other parts of the world, such as the US. You do have to wonder why though.
The white background is the biggest change but there are others, both subtle and otherwise. Catalina Rodriguez (right) has undergone a body transplant with a severe neck twist. Can anyone name that body? Kathryn has been cut out of a darker part of the background, which complicates it, and the surgeon has perhaps been a bit over zealous with the scalpel. All three ladies have had changes made to their hair, mostly due to issues with cropping them from the original background. Kathryn in particular has gained some extra flowing locks. Headliner Denise Richards comes away from the experience almost unscathed.
A larger version in now in the Gallery.
Just last week we brought you the news that Cougars, Inc. had not only been rated for a theatrical release in the UK but it had also, very briefly, had one. Over a whole four (yes, 4) days the film was shown in a small selection of cinemas across the UK, mostly in an early afternoon slot.
This led KM UK to find that the film was given its official age rating for cinema and video release back in January. All of which hinted at a possible DVD release in this country quite soon.
Now, Amazon’s UK website and the online presence of the Sainsbury’s supermarket chain are both offering the disc for pre-order prior to an April 15th launch. No sign of a Blu-ray version.
For those that haven’t gone for the German DVD or Blu-ray version, sold under the name Loverboys and includes an English audio track, since it was released way back in April 2011 your chance to pick up a Region 2 copy could be here in just 6 weeks.
We’ll post again on this as the time approaches.
We combined the last fan art update with Kathryn’s birthday celebrations, pushing it late in the month of January. February is a short month but we will just squeeze in some more of your art works before its end.
As we held these over from January because they were not birthday-themed the creators should be happy to see them finally getting posted. Not surprisingly given the release of The Sweeter Side Of Life last month, and the better than-anywhere-else screencaps from it posted here on KM UK, all the new images are themed around the film.
Dianekmfan leads the way with 14 new Banners with Kathy joining in with 2 new collage Wallpapers. Thank you to them both. This latest 16 images brings KM UK’s Fan Art Gallery collection to over 700 items (including avatars, banners, buttons, drawings, videos and wallpapers) and that is all thanks to our dedicated and talented visitors. Check out the Gallery to see them.
If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and want to share it with other fans here on KM UK please contact us.

Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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