Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us!
It only feels like 365 days since we last posted the above photo 
Yes, we’ve reached the 4 year milestone and it only took… errr… about 4 years 
A big thank you to everyone that has looked in on us during our time so far. There is still plenty to come here on KM UK and we hope that you will join us on the journey.
A quick update on some of the site stats because who doesn’t love a few stats? 
- 742 articles posted, maintaining our average of one of every 2 days
- More then 4000 comments posted, nearly 6 per post
And for the Gallery:
- 55,500 images and it is growing all the time
- With over 455,000 image hits
- Almost 1000 albums
- We’ve just crossed the 600 registered users mark
We continue to fight the good fight against comment spam. The site has deflected over 110,000 such comments. The rate has reduced a little in the past few months but it is a long way from eradicated. Not that you, dear reader, will have seen any of them.
I’m still waiting for that cake by the way! 
Somewhat ahead of the July release of the DVD (as first noted here on KM UK back in April) of The Sweeter Side Of Life a video some very DVD extra-like special features has been posted on YouTube. The video uploader is a member of the production crew responsible for the DVD extras.
The 8 minute long video contains brief interviews with co-writer/director/producer Michael Damian and his wife co-writer/producer Janeen Damian; and actors James Best, Jane March, Steve Varnom, Catherine Hammond and, of course, a certain Kathryn Morris. It’s mainly the usual summation of the plot and how wonderful everyone involved is. Interspersed with the interviews are clips from the film and behind the scenes footage from filming in New York and Bucharest.
Whether this is the DVD extras in their entirety or not we will just have to wait and see.
You can cannot watch the video on YouTube HERE.
A small set of Full HD (1080p) screencaps and a small copy of the video are now available in the Gallery.
Update: For reasons unknown the YouTube video has been made private.

The American TV network CBS has today (15th May 2013) released their broadcast schedules for the upcoming 2013-2014 season. New TV show Surgeon General starring Jason Issacs and Kathryn is not on it.
Sad as it may be for all of us hoping to see Kathryn return to the small screen on a regular basis this is not entirely surprising. During the announcements and speculation of the past week Surgeon General was hardly ever mentioned. This is despite Jason being a much sort after star for the latest round of pilots. He is understood to have fielded several offers.
Putting the final nail in the coffin of our hopes Rod Lurie, director of the Surgeon General pilot, has Tweeted:
Ah, SURGEONGENERAL, which I directed for CBS, didn’t get picked up. But network and studio were super supportive and cool. Stuff happens. – LINK
We just wish we could see the pilot. Sadly it is unlikely to ever be broadcast.
We are very sorry to hear this news, even if it was becoming increasingly inevitable, and wish all those that took part and helped make the show all the best.
Update (prior to the Upfront event): Earlier today Nina Tassler, CBS Entertainment President, was quoted as saying “When we get back to LA we’ll probably have other conversations” when asked about additional show pick-ups. So, shows that have so far not had good news could get a reprieve.
Back before the days of equal rights for women in the workplace many women took on very important jobs on farms and in factories. It was part of the war effort in the 1940s. Men of working age were sent off to fight, leaving the women to fill in. Quite why things had to return to ‘normal’ afterwards is a mystery.
Factory Girls, episode two of Cold Case‘s second season, is about the death of one such lady in at munitions manufacturer in 1943. Was the guilty party one of the other ladies in a jealous rage, an embittered man not fit to fight for his country, a rival arms maker trying to close the factory, or does Lilly uncover a massive “BigArmour”conspiracy aimed at harming America’s war effort? It’s safe to say it is probably not the last one.
One of the guest stars in this episode is Jenna Fischer who went on to star in the US version of Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s TV series The Office. Coincidently the show reaches the very end of a 9 series long run later this week.
249 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

For some of the world today (12th May 2013) is Mother’s Day. Many places have taken the American ‘Hallmark holiday’ and applied it to existing celebrations of mothers and motherhood at other times of the year. In the UK for example we have Mothering Sunday (usually called Mother’s Day) back in March. Why do you make your mothers wait an extra two months? Meanies 
In a great bit of timing production company Titan Pictures Media (TPM) has given us the perfect excuse to mention for the first time in a while the short film Kathryn made in 2011: Sunday’s Mother. TPM produced the short about a boy (Chase Ellison as Sunday) and his mother (Kathryn as Gillian) moving to a new area. Sunday is bullied by someone claiming to have a secret about his mother.
The company has relaunched their website, which now prominently includes the show reel for the film’s director Aaron Jackson. In the 5 minute long collection of clips there are some bits from Sunday’s Mother not previously seen in the trailer or the short excerpt that KM UK exclusively brought to you last year. The new site also includes said trailer and promo photos we’ve seen previously (here, here, here and here).
We hope to bring you more news on Sunday’s Mother in the not too distant future.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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