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Get Sweeter Side… Later And For More Money

dvd_cover_003But with another film.

There is less than a month to go until US DVD release of The Sweeter Side Of Life as we’ve covered previously.

If you are willing to wait another month or so and spend less than US$1 more you will be able to get The Sweeter Side Of Life in a “double feature” DVD set with another Hallmark movie called Meddling Mom.  It stars Sonia Braga (Alias) and was first broadcast back in February.  The basic plot should be obvious from the title and the picture.  All very heart warming no doubt.

In a situation that doesn’t quite make sense to me Meddling Mom is a Hallmark Movie Channel movie whereas The Sweeter Side Of Life is a Hallmark Channel movie, note the lack of “Movie”.  The Hallmark Channel shows movies, TV series and other programmes.  The Hallmark Movie Channel shows movies, TV series and other programmes.  Go figure.  Anyway, the two disparate parts of the organisation have managed to find some common ground and put their films together on one DVD.

The lack of data space available for films in the single disc format would suggest a the discarding of any extras and a likely drop in picture quality.  Released on August 27th you can pre-order your copy now from the American branch of the Amazon store.  Details HERE.

A hi-res version of the “3D” box art image has now been added to the Gallery.

Cold Case S02E07 – It’s Raining Men Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E07_lilly_253Although it does not receive the press coverage it did even just a few years ago, many people still have to live with the day-to-day issues of HIV and AIDS.  The greater openness of modern society to discuss those issues has helped reduce the stigma but back in 1983 keeping quiet was, for many, the safest option.

It’s Raining Men (Cold Case season 2, episode 7) tackles the murder of an activist trying to break that silence, believing that forcing “out” gay men was for the greater good.  Did some of his targets want him to stop?

James Morrison guest starred in It’s Raining Men, playing both the 1983 and 2004 versions of his character Carson Finch.  James is a very familiar face having appeared in many different TV shows since his career started in the early 1980s.  He is probably best known for his recurring roles in 24 and more recently Revenge.  The Utah resident is also, amongst many things, a singer/songwriter and yoga teacher.

KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013 continues with a new set of 256 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and a small promo still can now to be found in the Gallery.

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Name That Baby… And The Other One

plush_show_2013_007Normally I wouldn’t post something like this here on KM UK.  It’s basically site policy that I don’t.  But as Kathryn (sort of) asked I have to.  How could I not.

This site is about Kathryn’s career and public life, not her private life.  We stay clear of gossipy speculation about such things.  Posts about her pregnancy have been confined to the official announcement and the recent public appearance, which was very much a baby related event.

However, in the video interview from the Plush 2013 red carpet the subject of baby names was raised.  Kathryn’s response was, and I quote, “we’ve narrowed it down” and “we’re still open to a few more suggestions.

Never one to shirk from a challenge so far I’ve come up with:  Johnny Jr. and RichE Jr.  Not sure either of those is going to fly :-)  You can definitely do better.

Things to keep in mind are the fact that they are boys, twins and their last name will likely be Messner.  In England it is not a requirement that a child be given the last name of either parent.  A child can be registered with any name.  Despite that, it is tradition that a family name, normally from the father’s side, is used and I assume it is the same in America.

I’m sure that the parents-to-be have been through many options but maybe you can come up with a good one they haven’t thought of.  Who knows, perhaps we’ll be able to show them your ideas for inspiration.

Can you suggest a name or two?  Leave a comment.

Cold Case S02E06 – The Sleepover Full HD Screencaps – Update

Cold_Case_S02E06_lilly_241The second of two cases from the early 1990s (after Who’s Your Daddy? as covered last week) sees Rush & Co. re-investigate a cold case with similarities to a fresh one.

Any investigation involving a story of mistreated children is bound to touch a cord with Lilly and this one is no exception.  Throw in the cliques and cruelty of children to each other things could get ugly.

This week’s edition of KM UK’s Summer Of HD for 2013 is The Sleepover from season 2 of Cold Case.

We bring you another 244 high quality, watermark-lacking, set of full HD screencaps of Kathryn as Lilly Rush.  Find them all in the Gallery now.

Forget “how many likes?”  Let’s make it “how long until the picture above appears on Lisa’s KM Facebook page?”

Update (12 June 2013):  More of an Ooopsdate :-)  In the excitement of the past few days I forgot to add a small collection of stills and on set photos from this episode.  Thanks to Kathy for the reminder.  Included in the on set photos is one with flashback guest star Carly Schroeder.  Prior to this Cold Case gig Carly worked on several TV series, including Dawson’s Creek and 12 episodes of Lizzie McGuire, and she hadn’t even reached her teens at that stage.  Since CC Carly had a significant role in the 2006 Harrison Ford movie Firewall and a guest spot on a pre-Danny Pino L&O:SVU, as well as several other TV and film roles.  She is now only 22 and I suddenly feel very old.

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Kathryn @ Plush Show 2013 – Update x3

plush_show_2013_017Kathryn and her two little friends, or maybe that should be her two larger than normal friends 😮 , were at an event showcasing baby and toddler related products yesterday (9th June 2013).

The Plush Show 2013 ran over the weekend at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza with sellers showing pushchairs/strollers, cots and no doubt everything else you could possibly need for a baby or two.

For now we just have a number of preview images in the Gallery.  Larger and less preview-y images will be added when we get them.

Update (10 June 2013):  A whole raft of additional and replacement images have been added and… errr… replaced.  Number 17 (the one in the banner above) is a significant enlargement on the previous version, which seems appropriate :-)

Update (11 June 2013):  Maximo TV has posted a video of an interview with Kathryn at this event.  You can see it HERE on YouTube.  Kathryn talks about her pregnancy and, in amongst a few awkward pauses, mentions the not picked up Surgeon General pilot and having a several “irons in the fire” for future projects once things have settled down with the babies.  A small copy of the video and HD (720p) screencaps from it are now in

Update (13 June 2013):  To help some of non-English speakers a transcript of the interview in the video has been added to the description text that accompanies the video in the Gallery.

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