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Exclusively Soon

Coming Soon: A KM UK Exclusive!


In the very near future we will be bringing a special exclusive to you.  It will be a real treat for Kathryn’s fans everywhere.

No clues, but feel free to try bribery :-)

Join us next week to find out what it is.

Let the speculation begin.

Look for the new post when the countdown expires.

Update:  The post is HERE.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – June 2013

tracie_thoms_001_430x180As tempting as it is to let this drift into next month I think we’ll squeeze in a quick one before June ends.

Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in Cold Case) has been nominated for a 2013 Imagen Award it was announced last week.  The Imagens honour Latino actors and the portrayal of Latinos and their culture in film and television.  Danny is nominated in the Best Television Actor category for his role in Law & Order: SVU.  He is up against Benjamin Bratt (Private Practice), Guillermo Diaz (Scandal) and Jon Huertas (Castle).  Danny has been nominated 3 times previously for an Imagen, each time for his work on Cold Case, and in 2010 he won.  Fingers crossed for Danny.  L&O:SVU will be returning to American TV screens on the 25th of September 2013 for the début episode of the 15th season.

Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on Cold Case) on the other hand has been treading the boards and winning an award, and that was just one weekend in her ever busy life.  I don’t know how she does it.  I’m tired just typing this!  Tracie took part in another 24 hour play event starting the creative process on Friday and performing the resulting 6 short plays on Saturday, all in aid of the Urban Arts Partnership.  The cast of 24 actors including Sasha Alexander (Rizzoli & Isles), Melanie Griffith (Working Girl), Gillian Jacobs (Community), and John Cho (Star Trek) worked with 6 writers, 6 directors and production crews to create the half dozen 10 minutes plays from scratch in just 24 hours.  Well done everyone.  That’s the boards, what about the award?  A short film called A Different Tree, starring Tracie won an American Black Film Festival Award.  The short was in a line up of 5 films in a category sponsored by TV network HBO.  Congratulations to all involved.  As mentioned in the last CCCC-up Tracie will be performing her “Seasons” show on the 28th and 29th of July (a Sunday and Monday) at the Rockwell in LA.  Yesterday she announced she will have Wayne Brady as her special guest.  Wayne will be best known to us on this side of “the pond” as a regular in the British original version of the comedy improvising TV show Whose Line Is It Anyway? back in the the late 1990s.

Kathryn Can Say She Was There, Can You? – Update

bruckheimer_walk_of_fame_001Now, now ladies please stop starring at Johnny Depp like that.  It’s very unladylike and is frankly demeaning.  He’s not a piece of meat you know!  :-)

On Monday (24 June 2013), TV and film producer extraordinaire Jerry Bruckheimer (American Gigolo, Flashdance, Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, Bad Boys, Gone In Sixty Seconds, Pearl Harbor, all the CSIs, Without A Trace, The Amazing Race, National Treasure, all 6 (made and unmade, yet) Pirates Of The Caribbean films, The Lone Ranger… I’m sure there is another important one I’m forgetting… It’ll come to me eventually) was the recipient of a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

With a CV like that Jerry has a huge number of film and TV star friends to call upon to help celebrate.  He has made a lot of people rich and famous.  And let’s face it he must have dirt on a few of them if they in any way reluctant :-O

Cold Case (Finally!  That was the one I was trying to think of before :-) ) is, of course, amongst Jerry’s production credits and there was always a chance that Kathryn made the journey to Hollywood to join in.  There was little sign of this in the hours following the event though.  You would think that a 7 months pregnant, blonde TV star with a smile that can kill at 20 paces would stand out just a little?

Thankfully, the always on the ball Kareen_T has helped prove that Kathryn was there thanks to a video on YouTube by Kat Tales TV.  Kat pounced on Kat(hryn) heading to her car after the event.  You can see the video on YouTube HERE.

Knowing that Kathryn was there gave us something to work with.  Sure enough I’ve been able to find a few photos and videos of Kathryn at the event.  Sadly nothing else that puts her front and centre.  She is always in the background.  If you can drag your eyes away Johnny Depp for a second you can just make out Kathryn to the right of the big pink star in the photo above.  Off to the right is the place to look in most cases.

You can now play a Kathryn-themed “Where’s Waldo?” with a small collection of photos and videos in the Gallery.

Update (26 June 2013):  It can be denied no longer.  She was there :-)  I found a couple more photos.

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Cold Case S02E08 – Red Glare Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E08_lilly_073KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013 travels back 60 years to 1953 for Red Glare (Cold Case season 2, episode 8).

It’s back to the time of “reds under the bed” for the murder of a school teacher involved in the civil rights movement.  Invoking memories of the Salem witch trials it was an era when throwing the word “Communist” could have serious implications.

Closer to home (I know, what a cliché!) Lilly has her own troublemaker to deal with as her sister, Christina, turns up.  In one of the few on-going story arcs Cold Case ever did we will get to see the results of the damage she causes over coming episodes, and even seasons.

280 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and an on set still (below right) of Kathryn with Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC) and John Finn (John Stillman in CC) from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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The Coin Premières At ShortFest Tomorrow


Yes, tomorrow (Saturday, 22nd June 2013) sees the world première of Fabien Martorell’s short film The Coin, starring Kathryn, Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future), and Jack Ryan Shepherd.

The 9 minute long work will be débuting at the Palm Springs International ShortFest, a sister event to the International Film Festival held in January each year, in a 1:30pm screening at the Camelot Theatres, Palm Springs.  The Coin will be screened as one of a group a shorts under the banner “FantasyLand”.  The festival started on Tuesday (18th June 2013) with an opening night of 9 short comedy films from around the world.

Writer/director Fabien and producer/co-star Will Kemp (Mindhunters) are known to be attending the ShortFest.  We’ll bring you more news on that if we can later.

We hope it goes well for everyone involved in the project in front of and behind the cameras.

If you are able to attend the event to support Kathryn’s work then please let us know how it went and what you thought of The Coin.

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