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The Coin Officially @ LA Shortsfest 2013


Following on from last week’s announcement that the short film The Coin has been selected for the LA Shorts Fest film festival today it has been announced that the short film The Coin has been selected for the LA Shorts Fest film festival.

Wednesday’s post was based on the film’s writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell letting it been known that the short, starring Kathryn and Christopher “Doc Brown” Lloyd, had been chosen.

Today (19 Aug 2013), the organisers of the LA Shortfest have released the official programme for the event.  The Coin will be part of ‘Program 16’ starting at 3:15pm on Sunday, September 8th.  Six other short films will shown in the same bill.

Read all about the LA Shorts Fest on the official website.

Cold Case S02E16 – Revenge HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E16_lilly_003Lt. Stillman gets a confession out of someone right at the start of “Revenge”, the latest in the 2013 edition of KM UK’s Summer Of HD.  It could a very short episode :-)

John’s priest (and possible brother based on the character name), who is due to officiate at the baptism of the boss cop’s grandson, is able to tell him about a 1998 confession by one of his flock.  The divulging of such information would normally break the sanctity of confession but the seeker of absolution had recently died.  Deceased small-time criminal Bernie Ganz was involved in the kidnap of a young boy, Kyle Bream, who was subsequently found dead in the harbour.

Stillman and the squad re-open the case.  Anything involving children always pushes Lil’s buttons, and Scotty has a few issues in that direction too as we find out in later seasons.  John also deals with an old family issue regarding his daughter.

150 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Kathryn’s First Tweets

Looks like we finally get to welcome Kathryn to Twitter.

A short time again the Official Kathryn Morris Twitter feed posted two messages.  For the first time it appears that Kathryn herself is posting.  The two messages were:

This is my first official tweet…. most people that know me, know I’m not a big fan social media… – Link


..About ready to have our twin boys!!  Thank you for all the love that has come our way!!! xox – Link

avatar_002_360x458We certainly won’t be commenting on every Tweet Kathryn posts, assuming it continues, but we thought it was worth noting this sudden change.

I’ve already welcomed her and passed on best wishes for the impending birth of her twin boys.

You can follow Kathryn’s official feed here.

Kathryn @ MPTF Events 2012-13

evening_before_emmys_001night_before_oscars_001The recent update of the Official KM website brought to light a couple of public appearances by Kathryn that had got by us all.  The occasions themselves passed with little note by the wider press too, perhaps overshadowed by the main events they are linked to.  No information, such as basic when and where, was given about the two photos.  KM UK can fill in the blanks for you all.

The website captioned the photo you can see on the left “Babies’ First Premiere!”  It is amazing how many errors you can make in just three words.  The apostrophe was right though, so score one for punctuation.  Kathryn in her golden dress was at the annual MPTF “Evening Before The Primetime Emmy Awards” event.  In 2012 it was held on 21st of September.  So… not a première, and as it was 11 months ago the “babies” part is a bit of a stretch too.

Moving on to number two, eyes right.  This is from another MPTF event, this one is called “Night Before the Oscars”.  It is also an annual event held before a big awards ceremony.  This year the Oscars were on Sunday the 24th February so this appearance was on the 23rd.

The MPTF, or Motion Picture & Television Fund is a charity aimed primarily at helping members of the entertainment industry who fall on hard times.  Unlike many professions TV and movie jobs, both in front of an behind the camera, 005are short term and lacking access to health care schemes available through employers.  You can read more about the work of the MPTF on their website here.

The pre-Emmy and pre-Oscar event photos are now in their respective albums in the Gallery.

I’ll sneak in one other quick update, which would have been more appropriately posted in yesterday’s photoshoot addition.  It’s one more photo from what we call the “Official website photoshoot”.  A larger version of the image you see on the right has now joined its own kind in the Gallery.

Kari Orvik Photoshoot

kari_orvik_tintype_001kari_orvik_tintype_002It’s the mid-19th century and you’ve just developed a new, faster and cheaper method of taking photographs.  What else are you going to do but take photos of beautiful and talented ladies? :-)

Tintype changed photography by making the whole process from preparing the plate through to the producing the final photograph for a customer much quicker and more cheaply than previous techniques.  It brought portraiture to the masses.  You can read all about the Tintype over at Wikipedia here.

So what we have here must be images of a woman from the latter half of the 1800s that looks spookily like Kathryn Morris.

Or, they are new images created using exactly the same methods used back then, and the results photographed using modern top end, high resolution digital cameras.  More November 2012 than 1912.  It’s probably that last one :-)  The photos certain create a very different and interesting look compared to most modern digital, and even pre-digital film cameras.  A fascinating view of Kathryn I’m sure you’ll agree.

kari_orvik_tintype_003kari_orvik_tintype_004Clearly they are 4 more in the set that included the image used by the Silver Lake Juice bar to illustrate the testimonial given by Kathryn, as I reported on back in February.  Hasn’t the year gone by quickly?

The photographer is Kari Orvik, a Canadian living and working in San Francisco, who specialises in Tintypes.  She works with the the Photobooth SF company supplying Tintype photos for events.  You can see more of Kari’s work on her website.

You probably saw versions of these photos on the newly populated Official KM website, after I posted about it yesterday.  Today we have added 4 large images to the KM UK Gallery.

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