
September 2024
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The Sweeter Side Of Life Returns To UK TV

tssol_515The Sweeter Side Of Life returns to British television screens today and another fours times later in the coming week.

Movies/24 is showing TSSOL today (25 Aug 2013) at 5pm on it’s main channel and at 6 o’clock on its +1 channel.

Next Thursday (29 Aug 2013) sees a 9pm screening.  This time Movies/24 does not seem to fully understand the idea behind a +1 channel because it does not follow suit with a 10pm repeat.

3am on Friday morning is another scheduled showing, this time with a 4am +1 repeat.  Later on Friday Movies/24 changes the meaning of +1 to be plus 1 day and 1 hour with a 10pm screening of the film on their twin channel.

Movies/24 is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers.

You can find more detail on The Sweeter Side Of Life in previous posts here on KM UK and comprehensive coverage in our Gallery.

Hello Boys

Johnny Messner, Kathryn’s partner of over 3 years, has announced that their twins sons have been born.  That makes their date of birth 21st August 2013.

Born at 7:57am local time (3pm GMT) Johnny sent the following Tweet 30 minutes later:

Kathryn and I had 2 beautiful baby boys at 7:57 today Baby A was 6 pounds 9 ounces and baby B was 6 pounds 13 ounces ! We are so blessed – Link

Congratulations to them both.

Update (25 Aug):  For reasons unknown the official line on the time of the births and weight of the babies differs from Johnny’s account.  As seen on the Official KM website and the report on Us Magazine (which appears to be the favoured press outlet of Kathryn and Johnny) both have the births at 8:12am and weights as 1 ounce more for both babies.  There is no clear reason for the discrepancy.  Personally I’d favour the accuracy of Johnny’s report.

The Coin Officially @ LA Shortsfest 2013


Following on from last week’s announcement that the short film The Coin has been selected for the LA Shorts Fest film festival today it has been announced that the short film The Coin has been selected for the LA Shorts Fest film festival.

Wednesday’s post was based on the film’s writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell letting it been known that the short, starring Kathryn and Christopher “Doc Brown” Lloyd, had been chosen.

Today (19 Aug 2013), the organisers of the LA Shortfest have released the official programme for the event.  The Coin will be part of ‘Program 16’ starting at 3:15pm on Sunday, September 8th.  Six other short films will shown in the same bill.

Read all about the LA Shorts Fest on the official website.

Cold Case S02E16 – Revenge HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E16_lilly_003Lt. Stillman gets a confession out of someone right at the start of “Revenge”, the latest in the 2013 edition of KM UK’s Summer Of HD.  It could a very short episode :-)

John’s priest (and possible brother based on the character name), who is due to officiate at the baptism of the boss cop’s grandson, is able to tell him about a 1998 confession by one of his flock.  The divulging of such information would normally break the sanctity of confession but the seeker of absolution had recently died.  Deceased small-time criminal Bernie Ganz was involved in the kidnap of a young boy, Kyle Bream, who was subsequently found dead in the harbour.

Stillman and the squad re-open the case.  Anything involving children always pushes Lil’s buttons, and Scotty has a few issues in that direction too as we find out in later seasons.  John also deals with an old family issue regarding his daughter.

150 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Kathryn’s First Tweets

Looks like we finally get to welcome Kathryn to Twitter.

A short time again the Official Kathryn Morris Twitter feed posted two messages.  For the first time it appears that Kathryn herself is posting.  The two messages were:

This is my first official tweet…. most people that know me, know I’m not a big fan social media… – Link


..About ready to have our twin boys!!  Thank you for all the love that has come our way!!! xox – Link

avatar_002_360x458We certainly won’t be commenting on every Tweet Kathryn posts, assuming it continues, but we thought it was worth noting this sudden change.

I’ve already welcomed her and passed on best wishes for the impending birth of her twin boys.

You can follow Kathryn’s official feed here.

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