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A Time For Heroes Celeb Carnival 2005

elizabeth_glaser_002The title of this occasion (or at least part of if) seemed a fitting follow-on from the anniversary marked yesterday of the 9/11 tragedies.  We should not forget that events like those are not just about those lost, but those that acted heroically in putting others first.

Of course, this particular charitable event we are looking at today was not about that day in September 2001.

‘Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation A Time For Heroes Celebrity Carnival’ is an annual event to raise funding and awareness for the cause of HIV and AIDS in children, focusing mainly on Africa and India.  Founder Elizabeth Glaser herself contracted HIV during a blood transfusion and unknowingly passed it on to her children.  Discovering that the then current treatments were solely aimed at adults drove her to set up the Pediatric AIDS Foundation.  Elizabeth spent the rest of her life advocating for the issue.

You can read more about the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation on their website HERE.

Back in June of 2005 Kathryn attended the Time For Heroes event.  Formal attire was clearly not required :-)  Not that Kathryn looked anything other than gorgeous in her more casual jeans, t-shirt, cardy and sneakers 😉

This is one that has been missing from the KM Gallery since its inception.  We’ll put that right today in some style with a small collection of photos and a couple of videos now in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E19 – Strange Fruit HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E19_lilly_11518 down and only 5 to go in the KM UK Summer Of HD 2013.

Will’s first cold case, and he wasn’t even a copper at the time.  Strange Fruit tells the story of a black teenager killed in 1963, around the time that Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream” speech.  The 50th anniversary of that event was marked just a few weeks ago.

Jefferies (Thom Barry) was 12 when he found the body of Zeke Williams in an alleyway playground.  Zeke and his parents had recently moved to Philly for his father’s work as an aerospace engineer.  His senior position put him at odds with his white co-workers.  Zeke is growing up in a world where people like King are speaking out.  Things are changing.  Too quickly for some.  Too slowly for others.

152 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.  The image above will, of course, be seen on a Facebook page near you soon :-)

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Facebook Fabrication – Update x3

This was not a subject I wanted to post about.  I do my best to be as generous and tolerant towards others as I can.  But there are limits to even my patience.

A person who some of you may know, who claims to be a fan of Kathryn (and can’t seem to write the word “fan” without putting the word “fierce” in front of it) runs a Facebook Page dedicated to her.  You may have seen it, ‘Liked’ it, or even left a comment.  She’s called Lisa.  I’m not going to give a link to the page, frankly she doesn’t deserve it.

It has been obvious to me for a while that Lisa has been posting pictures taken from this site on her Facebook page.  The images are often the ones I use as banners for the individual posts.  The size, shape and cropping which makes them unique to this site gives the game away completely.

Back in June I challenged Lisa over this via Twitter.  She did not respond to me directly but left the following message on Facebook a short while later:

To all of you, good Kathryn’s fans!!! I want to be clear: this fb fan page don’t steal info, photos, pictures, links, sites from other fan pages; this fb fan page don’t plagiarize from others; its directors are honest and sincere doing their great job in a really right way to update this fb fan page as the best they can every day always searching, finding and being informed; this fb fan page and its directors will never plagiarize!!! By The Directors

It’s a lie.

Let me make it clear that I am not claiming ownership of the images.  What I am stating is that it is the policy of this site to not take images from other fan sites and post them here.  If all the fan sites just copied images from each other then they’d all be the same.  According to Lisa’s comment she feels the same way.  The evidence shows otherwise.

Lisa can’t make those bold claims stand-up when you see this image, which I created especially for this post, included on her Facebook page.

Lisa you are the weakest link.  Goodbye.That is just one of a great many examples.  Lisa has also posted fan art created by some you just for this site, without giving you any credit.

In the past week I have tried contacting Lisa again via Twitter.  She’s ignored me.  Yesterday I left comments on a lot of the images she has taken from this site saying where they came from.  Those comments have been removed and I am unable to leave further comments.  Make of that what you will.

Lisa might be “fierce”, but “honest” she is not.



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Sunday’s Coming Up Short(s)


Or should that be “upcoming shorts”?

This Sunday (8th September 2013) sees the short film The Coin screened at Los Angeles International Short Film Festival (aka the LA Shorts Fest for… short).

Fabien Martorell’s film is one of seven films in the enigmatically/practically named ‘Program 16’ screening starting on Sunday afternoon at 3:15.  It shares that bill with three dramas and a comedy from the USA, and a comedy and a drama from Germany.  Some of the many other films to be shown at the festival are grouped under titles such as “Horror Program” and “Song & Dance Program”.  Clearly the septet that includes The Coin defy such easy labelling :-)

on_set_20120703_008The Coin; starring Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future), Kathryn, Will Kemp (Mindhunters) and Jack Ryan Shepherd; premièred at the Palm Springs International ShortFest back in June.  Towards the end of this month it will appearing in the line-up of the Big Bear Lake International Film Festival.

The 9 minute long film revolves around the young son (Shepherd) of a stressed mother (Morris) and his encounter with a homeless man (Lloyd) outside a small convenience store.  It was shot over a 4 day period in July of 2012.

Check out the film’s trailer and a collection of on set photos (such as the one on the right) in the Gallery.

More details about LA Shorts Fest and all the films being shown are available at the official website.

Naming Names – Update

Update:  After a Tweet with the single word “Ed” and a photo of a baby was apparently posted by Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner), Johnny posted a follow-up Tweet stating the picture was not posted by him and was the result of a hack of his Twitter account.  This post has been edited to remove the content and the photo has been deleted from the Gallery.  Apologies for any confusion.

We have no idea what happened but, as per the post title, names need naming!

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