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Cold Case Season 2 Promo Photo Embiggening

promo_006I can’t carry off the black polo next and blue jeans with quite the confidence of Steve Jobs but can bring a surprise “one more thing” to the KM UK Summer Of HD 2013, which ended last week.

It took me a while to remember why a long-standing reminder to update the Cold Case season 2 promo photos even existed.  The images are already in the Gallery and at quite a high resolution too.  I had forgotten that KM UK’s old hosting limited the image size.  The images had been shrunk to fit.  Part of the reason for making the move back in May of 2010 was to accommodate images of any size to bring you the best available.

As we have just finished a retrospective of Cold Case season 2 it makes sense to finally bring you a super-sized upgrade to the promo photos from that year.  Number two is a massive 3750×5000 pixels.  Plus, we have a new small photo (see above).

5 enlarged promo stills and 1 new addition can now be found in the Gallery.

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Be Aware Of Greeks Following Protocol

on_set_012Not entirely sure what the protocol is here…  :-)

Actress Xen Sia (above right with Kathryn) is the October cover star of the monthly New York-based NEO Magazine, which focuses on American Greeks.  Xen appeared on KM UK’s  radar earlier this year when she starred in, what we believed at the time, was a short film called The Protocol by Johnny Messner’s “Johnny Be Goode” production company.

The exact nature of the film (plot etc.) is not known to us but we are aware that Kathryn had a role, along with Max Ryan (Death Race),  Joel Cavness, Will Crown and, of course, Xen Sia (Casino Jack).  Filming took place over a few days in the middle of July.  Since then we’ve not heard anything on the project.  Until now.

Xen Sia has been interviewed for NEO Magazine and it gives us a very different take on the production, and a nice comment about Kathryn:

Her savvy, go-getter attitude is what landed Sia a starring role as Agent Amanda Chase in “The Protocol”, a cutting edge television series/episodic produced by Brad Feinstein. Also featuring Kathryn Morris (“Cold Case” and “Minority Report”), Max Ryan (“Death Race”) and Johnny Messner (“Tears of the Sun”), the series is currently in the midst of a bidding war between several networks. One highlight from the production experience for Sia, was getting to know and learn from her colleague, Morris.

“She really took me under her wing, and was so nurturing and motherly,” Sia said of the well-respected actress.

So, The Protocol could become much more than we thought.  If it were to become a TV series it does not necessarily mean that Kathryn would be starring in it.

You can read the full article by Eleni Kostopoulos HERE on the NEO Magazine website.

We will update you with further news on The Protocol when we can.  Doing so before then would be difficult :-)

Cold Case S02E23 – The Woods Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E23_lilly_223Summer is not officially over in the UK and the English summer has rallied somewhat as we entered October.  Still, after five months we have finally come to the end of KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013.  We’re going out in style though.

Normally I’d give a short précis of the episode here but this is The Woods.  ‘Nuff said.

405 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and 3 promo stills from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

Join us in 2014 for the next instalment.

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The Coin Is Underexposed?


I thought our short film director (as in he directs short films, not the other thing) du jour had jumped the official gun again in announcing this today (or yesterday due to the time difference to LA).  Turns out he didn’t, I just expected this to be officially announced in a few days.

The powerful and award winning short film The Coin will be getting another outing.  This time it is at the Underexposed Film Festival in York County.  A quick check on Wikipedia reveals nine York Counties, six of them in the USA, so we’ll need to narrow it down further.  This is YC in SC, or the eastern state of South Carolina.

This is the second year of the film festival, organised by the Arts Council of York County, and runs from the 14-16th of November (Thursday-Saturday).  The venue is the Community Performance Center on East Main St. in the county’s captial of Rock Hill.

The Coin is part of the festival’s “Directors Choice” section.  The 8 minute long short being specifically one of 13 films in the set labelled “Narrative”.  No word yet on the exact screening schedule.  We’ll update you when we can.

More details about the Underexposed Film Festival can be found on their website HERE.

Kathryn @ Rape Treatment Center Benefit 2005

002I did consider coming up with an alternative title for this post to avoid the use of a potentially awkward word, but that would not be the right thing to do.  Such important issues should not be swept under the carpet to spare a few blushes.  Over the past year the issues around rape seems to have hit the headlines a lot because of certain strongly held views on women and women’s health issues.  Wrong views we should stress.

The latest edition of this event, an annual benefit and brunch for the Rape Treatment Center, Santa Monica, California, happened just last weekend (Sunday, 29 September) but we are heading back to 2005 when Kathryn attended.  As you can see above fellow CBS crime drama star Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows in CSI: Las Vegas) and were Kathryn’s two Cold Case co-stars Thom Barry and John Finn (see below right).

Unlike Kathryn, Marg will be back on CBS this season with a new action drama called Intelligence, co-starring Josh Holloway (Sawyer in Lost).  It is slated to start in February, once another new show Hostages completes it first season run.  Both shows have fewer episodes than many of the big networks high profile shows.

You can read more about the good works of the RTC at the the website.

34 photos have now been added to the Gallery.

005 015 The gang are back together... 8 years ago.

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