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Xmas Advent Calendar 2013

Recovered from Thanksgiving yet?  Had you got your blood-sugar levels down sufficiently from Halloween before hand? :-)

Well, get on that treadmill, start pounding the pavement, or look in the back of the wardrobe/up in the loft for the Wii Fit Balance Board.  We’re only few weeks from Xmas 😯

To aid your countdown to the big day KM UK has dusted off the Advent Calendar and filled it with pictures.  Each day (assuming I remember) a new picture will be revealed.  But what, I (didn’t) hear you ask, will be the theme for 2013?

With the events of the past year and the real meaning of Xmas… no, not chocolate! (and you can put thoughts of Xbox One/PS 4 out of your mind too)… there can only be one theme:  Family.

Yes, for 2013 we’ve gathered together 25 pictures of Kathryn in the family way, so to speak.  There will be images from Kathryn’s work on TV and film, as well as more recent photos.  You can probably already guess what the headlining image will be but just play along for now please :-)

The advent calendar is now available in the Gallery. A direct link has been added to the main menu on the right and will remain there for the duration.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013


Happy Thanksgiving from KM UK to Kathryn, her family, and all of our American friends

As much as I wish we could contain Xmas to within December at least, I fear that that horse has already bolted.  It’s running wild.

We can lay blame for much of this on our cousins on the other side of the pond: the Americans.  Their month-early celebrations for Thanksgiving must be at least partly responsible.

And on that note:  Happy Thanksgiving  :-)

Credit to Icywinter for the banner image above.  It is part of KM UK’s extensive Fan Art Gallery. If you wish to add your own work to the Gallery then please contact me.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – November 2013

john_finn_001_430x180A CCCC-up is where I try and bring an update about the on-going careers of the stars of Cold Case that aren’t Kathryn.  You may have noticed that I cover Kathryn’s work in greater detail in other posts on the site :-)

Let’s start with the big man.  The boss.  Back in May John Finn (John Stillman in CC) filmed an Irish drama called An Bronntanas (previously mentioned here).  The title translates as ‘the present’, as in gift.  It was shot in Ireland and in Gaelic (the Irish language).  The story revolves around the crew of a lifeboat working off the dangerous west coast of Ireland who find a dead woman and a huge stash of drugs on a boat.  The show, if IMDb is to be believed, starts to air on the 28th of January next year.  A date that means a lot to everyone on this site of course.  Speaking of ‘believe’ John will be guest starring in at least one episode of an new upcoming drama series on the NBC network called Believe.  The show is about a young girl with supernatural powers and an unlikely protector in the form of a death-row inmate broken out of prison especially for the job.  The girl has supernatural powers which are growing stronger as she gets older.  Her carers up till now have been a group known as the True Believers.  The show’s creator, Alfonso Cuarón, has been in the media a lot recently because he produced/director/wrote a little movie starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney called Gravity.  Despite that pedigree the programme was not picked up for the main fall/autumn season, but will air at some point in the new year.  It has been a bit of rocky road to get here too, with original cast member Sienna Guillory (Luther) and showrunner/co-creator Mark Friedman leaving the production over the summer.

Continue reading »

Le Coin Un, Deux, Trois

poster_001The praise for the short film The Coin continues to roll in from all corners of the world.

This time it is from director Fabien Martorell’s home country of France.  “Journaliste cinéma” Catherine Habib posted a note on her Facebook page on Friday (22nd Nov) with some brief thoughts on the short film starring Christopher Lloyd (Stacked), Kathryn and Jack Ryan Shepherd.

In the film Kathryn is the stressed and angry mother of a young boy.  Lloyd plays a vagrant sitting on the pavement (sidewalk to our American cousins) outside a shop the mother drags her son into.

Titled “3 good reasons to see THE COIN by Fabien MARTORELL” it is… well, you get the gist.  Short and sweet.  Kathryn is not named but she is almost certainly included in the reference to “two legends of Hollywood”.

You can read the item in it’s original form on Facebook HERE.  Below is a copy alongside an basic English translation done using Google Translate.  Any corrections by Français speakers are welcome.

Thank you to Fabien for bringing another item to our attention.

Catherine Habib

3 bonnes raisons de voir THE COIN de Fabien MARTORELL

1) Pour son casting hors du commun, on a pas tous les jours l’occasion de voir réunis dans un seul court métrage 2 légendes du monde hollywoodien!

2) Pour l’humanité du personnage interprété par Christopher Lloyd, on en redemande!

3) Parce qu’en seulement quelques plans et mouvements de caméra – soit à peine 8 minutes 13-,  le réalisateur plonge le spectateur dans un univers dramatique qui n’appartient qu’à lui! bravo!

Catherine Habib

3 good reasons to see THE COIN by Fabien MARTORELL

1) For his unusual casting, it is not every day you get the opportunity to see two legends of Hollywood in one short!

2) For the humanity of the character played by Christopher Lloyd, we want more!

3) Because in just a few shots and camera movements – a mere 8 minutes 13 – the director plunges the viewer into a dramatic world that belongs to him!  Bravo!

Kathryn @ The Contender Première – October 2000

contender_premiere_005How time flies.  It only seems like yesterday we brought you the news that Kathryn had joined the pilot of a potential new TV series Surgeon General.  The US is starting its Thanksgiving holidays and for many of the rest us the slow, yet all too fast, countdown to Xmas begins (we’ll return to that idea next week).  Yikes!

Why did I bring Surgeon General up for this return to nostalgia corner?  Well, it is because of the woman on the right in the photo above (I had to crop it like that our you might not be looking at the face 😮 ).  That lady is Kristen Shaw and she has worked on more of director Rod Lurie’s projects that Kathryn has.  Rod directed the Surgeon General pilot and drafted in some of his old friends to work on the project.  Kristen featured in a couple of behinds the scenes photos from the filming of Surgeon General, as brought to you by KM UK here and here.

But we’re going back a little further than April for this post.  No, it’s October we’re heading for.  October’s before April right?  It is when the October in question was in 2000!  It’s as far back as our little way back machine goes at the moment.  I’m not Dr Who after all, despite what you might think  :-)

October 5th, 2000, saw the premiere of the film The Contender starring Joan Allen (The Bourne Legacy), Gary Oldman (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) and Jeff Bridges (Iron Man), along with many others.  Kathryn attended with uncharacteristically brown hair.  Kristen had small role in The Contender, most notably in a scene with Kathryn that is one of the deleted scenes on the DVD release.  You can read KM UK’s review of The Contender and the deleted scene in a post here on KM UK from almost exactly 3 years ago.

The Gallery has gained a new album containing 5 varied sized photos of Kathryn at the première of The Contender.

Many thanks to Alexia of Emilia Fox Online for her help on this one.

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