
March 2025
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Kathryn @ SAG Awards – Backstage Creations – Feb 2004

sag_backstage_creations_01sag_backstage_creations_002Those of you paying attention will have noticed a running theme recently: new photos from old awards events posted around the same date of the original.

We went back to the 2004 People’s Choice Awards and then jumped forward to an event connected to the Golden Globe Awards in 2010.

But hang on, you must be thinking, that heading says “Feb” and it’s still January.  What kind of witchcraft is this?

Apparently the organisers of the SAG awards have come over all Doctor Who in recent years and shifted time.  It must be some weird Hollywood anti-ageing thing.  Or, to be more accurate they’ve moved the awards ceremony to earlier in the year.  In 2004, the 10th such show, was the last to be held in late February.  After this is shifted a week or so each year before settling on its new late-January slot.  This year it jumped earlier again, happening on Saturday the 18th.

sag_backstage_creations_010sag_backstage_creations_016Those really paying attention will realise that this post is not actually about the awards ceremony at all (I’ll come to that later in the week).  Yes, this is one of those ‘get the celebs photographed next to our expensive stuff’ events.  Note that Kathryn has started off at the stand that has very big bags before perusing the others.  Clever girl.  And is that a BBQ she’s signing?!

20 ‘new’ small photos of Kathryn at the Backstage Creations event, which happened the day before the SAG Awards 2004, have been added to the KM UK Gallery.

Kathryn @ Golden Globe Awards Lounges – Jan 2010

golden_globe_awards_lounges_023We continue our look at events from this time in different years.

Welcome back to Nostalgia Corner 2014 style.

Hold The Front Page!  There’s scandal in the air!

I think Kathryn, along with her Cold Case co-star Thom Barry, must have gatecrashed the Golden Globe Awards Lounges on the 16th of January 2010 (4 years ago yesterday).  The event is described as being for “Nominees and Presenters”.  Please do correct me if I’m wrong but Kathryn was neither of those in 2010.  There is a tiny bit of evidence that she actually attended the ceremony itself the following day (4 years ago today of course).  Hopefully one day I’ll be able to bring you the proof.

Cold Case won several awards over its life time, mostly based around it’s treatment and depiction of minorities.  For one so talented it is unbelievable that Kathryn herself has never even been nominated, let alone won, any of the major awards.  Let’s get the old squad back together to investigate that huge travesty of justice!

To mark the occasion 3 more photos (2 small, 1 large) have been added to KM UK’s already extensive Gallery of photos of Kathryn at the year’s lounges.

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Kathryn @ People’s Choice Awards – Jan 2004

peoples_choice_28Less than two weeks into the new year and ‘awards season’ is already in full swing.

Last week it was the People’s Choice Awards.  Any idea who casts the votes in that one?

And just yesterday it was the Golden Globe Awards.  That really is an odd name for an award.  The golden statue idea was taken and the best they could come up with in a brain-storming session was ‘balls’?  I guess the genre needed some became Oscar is a more “Action Man” than action man if you know what I mean.

Congratulations to all the winners so far.  Looks like Sandra Bullock is going to need a bigger mantlepiece by the end of March.

Still not even a nomination for KM UK in either event.  Never mind, we’re holding out for the big one anyway:  [insert name of obscure award here]

Rather than look back at Kathryn’s attendance of the 2014 People’s Choice Awards (because she didn’t as far we know) we’re going to get in our ‘take a ride down invoked street’ machine (which may or may not look like a piece of street furniture) and travel back 10 years to… hang on, I’ll need to take my shoes and socks off for this one…

Yes, of all the PCAs that Kathryn has attended the 2004 was… probably the first of them.

To add to existing collection the 2004 PCA album in the Gallery has been updated with 16 more photos (inc. 2 v.large), a red carpet video and 2 awards presentation videos.

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Cold Case – Book Him… Danno?

bruckheimer_page_00_coverSpeaking of Hawaii Five-O…  No, actually that (including in its 2010 revived form) is one of the few recent cop-shows that Jerry Bruckheimer has not had anything to do with.

In late October of last year we saw one of the few public appearances in 2013 by Kathryn.  The event was the launch of Jerry Bruckheimer: When Lightning Strikes – Four Decades Of Filmmaking, a book chronicling the life of film and TV producer extraordinaire Jerry Bruckheimer.  Jerry and his company JBTV are behind such TV shows as the CSI triumvirate and, of course, Cold Case.  The book was on sale from mid-December.

In that previous post I used the word ‘tome’ just as another word for book.  However, the more correct usage in referring to large, heavy books was more accurate than I could have thought.  The phrase ‘weighty tome’ would be more appropriate.  It’s not so much a coffee table book, more of a coffee table.  Stick four legs on it and you’ve got a significant piece of furniture.  At 41.5 x 28.2 x 3cm (16.3 x 11.1 x 1.2″) it’s a whole lot of book.  Roughly A3-sized for those outside the US.  And it weighs a fair bit too so you get a lot of book for your money.

I won’t bore you with too much detail but When Lightning Strikes covers Jerry’s whole life as well as his career in film and TV through words as well as hundreds of photos from behind the scenes as well as stills from dozens of projects.  Fans of the Pirates Of The Caribbean films (how many of been released?  four? with at least two more on the way! that’s films not fans 😉 ) will be particularly interested in a foreword by Johnny Depp and whole section dedicated to the monster franchise.

So what about Cold Case and our Kathryn?

Continue reading »

KM Birthday Fan Art?

wallpaper_234_1626x703_dianekmfanIn just over 3 weeks from today it will be a certain special someone’s birthday.  I think you know who I am talking about :-)

We haven’t had a fan art update in nearly a year now so how about we revive it for the special occasion?  We’ll call it the “Let’s Do Some Fan Art For Kathryn’s Birthday” thing.  Hopefully after such a long time you have lots of pent-up KM fan art ideas.

The first rule of the LDSFAFKB thing is you must talk about LDSFAFKB.

The second rule of the LDSFAFKB thing is you must talk about LDSFAFKB.  Spread the word to all your artistic friends.

On the special day (28th Jan) all the items will be added to the KM UK Gallery.  Some examples will be used in the birthday post, with one lucky person getting their image used as the banner image for the item.  Think of that as the prize, because that’s all you’re getting :-)  Above you can see the chosen item from last year by Dianekmfan.

Other than that the normal fan art ideas apply.  It can be anything you want to make.  It could be a banner, desktop wallpaper, avatar, a general picture, or a even a video.  To get your works to me either email them directly, use the Contact form to let me know and I’ll get back to you ASAP, or use the upload form below.  Any time between now and then will be fine.  Other than the obvious there is no real deadline on this.

The Fan Art section of the KM UK Gallery is chocked full of previous fan art created specially for and donated to this site by visitors.  There are over 700 items in there already.  The Gallery is also crammed to the rafters with images (over 60,000 at last count!) you can use as the basis for your masterpieces.

Thank you in advance for your contributions.

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