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Be My Valentine – Update


To a very special lady

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It Was 10 Of Our British Years Ago Today

CC_Titles_16Today (12 Feb 2014) marks the 10th anniversary of Cold Case‘s first broadcast in the UK.

According to my calendar that date was a Thursday, which surprises me because I have it in mind the show went out on a Monday or Tuesday.  That probably explains why I missed the first episode despite knowing it was on and having planned to watch it.  I even managed to miss the first half of the second episode, Gleen, too.  I was better organised from then on but it was quite a long time before I finally got to see Look Again.

Back then (2004) starting the broadcast of new US TV shows in January or February was common.  It was bad from the point of view of having to wait months from the US première of a new season, but it did mean that we had a continuous run through with none of the breaks you get in America.  No gaps for Thanksgiving (we don’t do that), Xmas, New Year, and whatever random reason the networks have for taking a show off-air for weeks at a time in the early months of the year.

Since then the gap has reduced between the US and UK showings, in some cases to as little as a day.  The rise of the Internet and the free flow of information (and more) about the latest episodes has forced the UK channels to follow the US timing more closely.   The finale of Lost was actually simultaneously shown in the UK at some unholy hour during the night, and repeated for normal people at the normal time later that day.  Now we get the gaps.

The UK satellite channel Sky One, part of Rupert Murdoch’s empire (think Fox), broadcast all but the last of Cold Case‘s 7 seasons.  The Universal Channel took it over and premièred the final season, and has been showing multiple repeat episodes from across all 156 episodes almost daily ever since.

KM UK Awards 2014

RichE MedalLast year’s KM UK Awards saw the introduction of the “I ♡ KM UK” teddy bear, aka the ‘RichE’, as a replacement for our traditional statue. The recession made the gold figurines too expensive and we’d run out of the substitute silver medals we used for the 2012 awards because of the wholly unexpected success of Team GB at that year’s summer Olympics. We’ll be dinning out on that one for decades!  Team GB has done OK at the Winter Olympics so far but I doubt it will be quite the success we had in the summer of 2012.  As a nation we tend to just stop when it snows :-)

Due to popular demand (and the recession is not over yet, they’re still a lot cheaper, and we have soooo many still left over) the bear is back for 2014! Yay!

Yet again we’ve beaten the BAFTAs (Feb 16th) and the Oscars (Mar 2nd) to the punch.  Losers! :-)

Unbelievably this is the fifth time we’re running this event.

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Monte Mentioned Mentoring Morris

epiphone_001The photo on the right was taken on the set of Cold Case at some point during the production of the show’s 4th season.  To celebrate reaching the milestone the cast apparently gave 200 custom-made Epiphone guitars to the crew.  Exactly when this happened is not clear but it was published on the Epiphone website in February of 2007.  That photo and a close-up of the guitar are in the Gallery.  The image popped up in a search for references to Kathryn and guitars, based on a vague memory of Kathryn being pictured with one.

This was a nice chance to look back at an event not previously dealt with on KM UK, and post the photo, but it is actually a digression from the real point of this post.  I get distracted by the pretty pictures :-)

Echoes And Dust, a London-based music news and review site which specialises in a “particular dark corner of Indiedom”, has today (7th Feb 2014) published an interview by Andrew Rawlinson with guitarist Monte Pittman.  I have to plead ignorance of such things but in the guitar world Monte is a bit of big deal.  He’s probably best known for writing, performing and touring with Madonna after meeting her through her (then) husband Guy Ritchie (not to be confused with yours truly :-) ).  They met when Monte taught Guy to play guitar.

In the interview Andrew asks Monte about his famous third student and if he’s ever taught anyone else famous:

Monte Pittman: His assistant, Nathan, got my number and let up lessons for “his boss”. When I left for the first Madonna tour I did, I had 55 students in circulation. I taught Kathryn Morris who later went on to star in the show “Cold Case”. I taught Catherine Keener and Dermot Mulroney. I taught Brad Pitt. Those are a few that immediately come to mind because they were so cool to me. I gave Dido a guitar lesson once.

Insert your own joke about a second one being key :-)

The phrase “later went on to star in… CC” tells us something about the timing but not much.  Could it have been for her short (and cut shorter) role in the Spielberg movie AI?

Monte recently released a new solo album called The Power Of Three.

You can read the whole article on the Echoes And Dust website here.

Kathryn @ ‘Intent To Live’ Book Party – Feb 2005

intent_to_live_003Kathryn looked dressed for winter back in February of 2005. Appropriately enough because it was winter!

intent_to_live_001I know I could do with a bit of warming up myself, it’s been pretty cold here in England the past few weeks.  And who better than Kathryn as she looks pretty hot here.  Or just pretty.  And hot  😉

In the previous post we saw that Kathryn had escaped Los Angeles and headed to the southern hemisphere at this time of year in 2008.  Our way-back machine has to work even harder this time to reach 2005 for this one.  Feb 10th, 2005, to be precise.

intent_to_live_003A party was held to celebrate the launch of a book called Intent To Live by the renowned acting coach Larry Moss.  Apparently, everybody who is anybody in Hollywood has been taught or helped by Mr Moss at some stage in their career.  We don’t know actually know if Kathryn is amongst them but her presence at this event quite early in her career would suggest she is.  Oops, I’d forgotten this:  the official KM website does actually that Kathryn trained with Larry for 8 years.  Of course, the same “About” text contains numerous errors…

You can see more about Larry Moss and his work on his own website here.

3 small photos of Kathryn attending the Intent To Live book party are now available in the KM UK the Gallery.

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