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Alice Sweet Alice Remake On IMDb

concept_art_001Unbelievably it has been almost exactly 10 months since news first broke that Kathryn was lined up to star in a remake of classic horror movie Alice Sweet Alice (aka Communion and Holy Terror).

These things take time.  Until relatively recently most people outside the industry would not know what was going on until everything was finalised.  Nowadays we find out so much more information, so much more quickly.  Finally we are beginning to see some signs of progress.  Mere hints they may be, but they are not insignificant.

In the past few days IMDb, the great (flawed) oracle of all things film and television, has gained a page devoted to the remake.  Anyone can submit changes to pages, which need to go through an approval process, but I believe it takes more than that to create a new page like this.

Writer/director Dante Tomaselli is listed in both those roles, though he will actual share the writing credit with Michael Gingold, and as being responsible for the music.  Dante has created music for all his films and recently released a CD of horror film-like music called Scream In The Dark.  Prior to the release of another future frightening feature film called The Doll he plans to make a concept album of music for it.  Dante’s most recent project, Torture Chamber, was recently launched on DVD.

No cast or other crew members are listed on the IMDb page as of yet.  One other key piece of information that is there is Kathryn’s Revival House is attached as the production company.  Well, sort of.  It says “Revival House Productions” and links it to two other projects, neither of which had anything to do with Kathryn and pre-date the setting up of the company by some years.  Just another IMDb glitch which will no doubt be fixed at some point.

IMDb’s page for the Alice Sweet Alice remake is HERE.

KM UK will be keeping a close watch for developments.

Coincidently this past week saw the original 1976 Alice Sweet Alice re-released on DVD in the UK.  Alfred Sole (Dante’s cousin) directed and co-wrote the film.  Linda Miller was the mother, the role Kathryn is tipped to take in the remake, Paula Sheppard is Alice, and Brooke Shields (in her first role) is the victim.  Alfred is now the production designer on the TV show Castle.

Kathryn @ CDG Awards – Feb 2005

cdga_03From the slightly ridiculous to the sublime.

The KM UK time machine has got stuck in 2005.  The TARDIS was always rather temperamental so why should our KMARDIS (no?) be any different.  It must be too much water in the works, or something.

For this latest hit of nostalgia we move on the 7th annual Costume Designers Guild Awards held on February 19th, 2005.

Now, I can’t claim to know about these things but I get the impression that Kathryn’s outfit (as so wonderfully modelled by her on the left) is the sort of dress that little girls dream of.  A real fairy princess look.

I do feel that I can, however, speak for slightly older boys and say “we likey!” 😛

As much as I hate being a pedant (OK, I love it) but aren’t the costume designers nominated for their work on TV and in films?  In that case doesn’t it seem odd that all actresses turn up to the event in designer outfits and not the costumes being honoured?  It would make for a very different red carpet if they did.  Kathryn certainly never wore that outfit on Cold Case.  I’d definitely remember that!  Best.  Episode.  Ever!

The next CDG Awards is due to take place this coming Saturday (22nd Feb).

2 large and one small photo, and 3 videos, of Kathryn attending the CDGAs in 2005 are now in KM UK the Gallery.

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Be My Valentine – Update


To a very special lady

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It Was 10 Of Our British Years Ago Today

CC_Titles_16Today (12 Feb 2014) marks the 10th anniversary of Cold Case‘s first broadcast in the UK.

According to my calendar that date was a Thursday, which surprises me because I have it in mind the show went out on a Monday or Tuesday.  That probably explains why I missed the first episode despite knowing it was on and having planned to watch it.  I even managed to miss the first half of the second episode, Gleen, too.  I was better organised from then on but it was quite a long time before I finally got to see Look Again.

Back then (2004) starting the broadcast of new US TV shows in January or February was common.  It was bad from the point of view of having to wait months from the US première of a new season, but it did mean that we had a continuous run through with none of the breaks you get in America.  No gaps for Thanksgiving (we don’t do that), Xmas, New Year, and whatever random reason the networks have for taking a show off-air for weeks at a time in the early months of the year.

Since then the gap has reduced between the US and UK showings, in some cases to as little as a day.  The rise of the Internet and the free flow of information (and more) about the latest episodes has forced the UK channels to follow the US timing more closely.   The finale of Lost was actually simultaneously shown in the UK at some unholy hour during the night, and repeated for normal people at the normal time later that day.  Now we get the gaps.

The UK satellite channel Sky One, part of Rupert Murdoch’s empire (think Fox), broadcast all but the last of Cold Case‘s 7 seasons.  The Universal Channel took it over and premièred the final season, and has been showing multiple repeat episodes from across all 156 episodes almost daily ever since.

KM UK Awards 2014

RichE MedalLast year’s KM UK Awards saw the introduction of the “I ♡ KM UK” teddy bear, aka the ‘RichE’, as a replacement for our traditional statue. The recession made the gold figurines too expensive and we’d run out of the substitute silver medals we used for the 2012 awards because of the wholly unexpected success of Team GB at that year’s summer Olympics. We’ll be dinning out on that one for decades!  Team GB has done OK at the Winter Olympics so far but I doubt it will be quite the success we had in the summer of 2012.  As a nation we tend to just stop when it snows :-)

Due to popular demand (and the recession is not over yet, they’re still a lot cheaper, and we have soooo many still left over) the bear is back for 2014! Yay!

Yet again we’ve beaten the BAFTAs (Feb 16th) and the Oscars (Mar 2nd) to the punch.  Losers! :-)

Unbelievably this is the fifth time we’re running this event.

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