
March 2025
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Yet Another Fake KM Twitter Account

avatar_003_512x512I thought/hoped we were past this.

In the last couple of weeks another Twitter account that is trying to pass itself off as Kathryn has appeared.  It goes by the Twitter handle of @IMorrisKathryn and uses the image on the right as the avatar.  (The image is taken from the deviantART website and is by ‘Enselis’ – see here)

KM UK has exposed fakes before (two examples: here and here), sometimes after a bit of investigative work that Lilly and the CC squad would be proud of :-)  In this case the combined brain power of the Philly PD was not required as it was immediately clear that it is not genuine.  The tone of the posts, the odd avatar image, etc. etc. all add up to fake.  I was going to just ignore this faker but recent Tweets caused me to change my mind.

Using a picture and even a name relating to Kathryn on Twitter is one thing, I do it myself of course.  Actually posting as though you are her is another.  But to respond to other people as though you are her seriously crosses the line.  When anyone contacts me via this site’s @KM_UK Twitter address in a manner that make me think they believe I could be Kathryn I make it clear that I am not.  I do this to avoid confusion and disappointment.  It is the right thing to do.  Sadly this @IMorrisKathryn is doing the wrong thing.  Some of the more recent responses clearly set out to deceive.

Hopefully this faker will soon see the error of their ways.

Minority Report – Sunday on BBC1

still_001I don’t need to be a future seeing ‘Pre-Cog’ named Agatha to see something lovely in the future for UK TV viewers this coming weekend.  Or do I….?  No, I just need to be a TV guide reading Pre-Bed person in England  :-)

This coming Sunday night (16th March) BBC One gives us it’s annual airing of the Tom Cruise-led sci-fi action movie Minority Report.  Last shown by ‘Auntie’ in May 2013, it starts a little late for those of us with jobs to go to in the morning and even later if you live north of the border in Scotland.  Is this why you want independence, so you can schedule Kathryn Morris movies when you want?  :-)

Statuesque (because he’s at least as big as some statues such as the Oscars) Tom is John Anderton, a cop in a future with a set of three people (the ‘Pre-Cogs’) blessed with an ability to see visions of crimes yet to happen.  It’s the job of John and co. to stop those crimes before they happen.  They obviously altered the laws in this crime-free utopia to make incarcerating innocent people (they’ve been stopped from committing the crime after all) OK with everyone.  They couldn’t possibly allow such things to happen in the present…

Kathryn stars as Lara, the estranged wife of John.  That’s her above with the short brown hair.  The reason for their separation, the loss of their young son to a child snatcher, is what drove John to take this job.  John needs help after being framed for murder by the very system he’s working for.  He turns to his ex.

First released in 2002, Minority Report pre-dates Kathryn’s work on Paycheck and Cold Case by a year.  Co-starring Max von Sydow (The Exorcist), Samantha Morton (In America) and Colin Farrell (In Bruges), it became a hugely successful film around the world with box-office takings of over $300m.  KM UK has a comprehensive set of HD screencaps and promo image above in the Gallery already.

Sunday, BBC One at 23:25 in England and Wales.  Delayed by local sports coverage the Scots will have to wait another 55 minutes.  Full details on the BBC website here.

Kathryn @ Alliance For Children’s Rights Awards – March 2008

childrens_rights_awards_46On this day in history in the year of [insert preferred deity reference or leave blank] 2008…

The date was the 10th of March.  It was a Monday that year as well.

The Alliance For Children’s Rights held their annual dinner and awards event.

Kathryn was there.

She over did the lipstick.  I’m aware that there is supposed to be some symbolism involved in the wearing of lipstick (which we won’t go into any further here) but if there is any truth to it in this case a doctor should be sought.  Apply some cream to the effected area or something.  They match the shoes though and otherwise Kathryn does look great in her black & white dress and Wonder Woman bracelet.  But, with only one of them she’ll only be stopping traffic, not bullets.

The Alliance For Children’s Rights is a charity that aims to help children in need, especially those in foster care.  You can find out more about the organisation on their website here.  This year’s event is due to happen in a month’s time on April 7th.

8 variously-sized new photos of Kathryn at the Awards are now in the KM UK Gallery.

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Sometime For The Centime, Franc-ly

poster_001Back in the latter part of January we brought you news of the short film The Coin‘s first foray abroad.

The petit movie had been chosen as an official selection at the “Fenêtre Sur Courts” Festival International du Film de Court Métrage d’Avignon.  That’s the Avignon International Short Film Festival.  Avignon in France.

fenetre_sur_courts_poster_001The festival organisers have recently released an initial (subject to change) schedule of proceedings so we can make an early attempt to narrow down which of the three days The Coin will be screened on.

The festival runs from April 4th to the 6th, with events running from 9am on the Friday to 7:30pm on the Sunday.  Our little-movie-that-could starring Christopher Lloyd (Piranha 3DD), Kathryn and young Jack Ryan Shepherd, gets it airing in the prime-time slot on the Saturday afternoon.

As part of ‘Competition 4’ starting at 2pm The Coin will be screened with six other short films.  They are mostly French films, with one Spanish entry.  Because our friend the writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell is French his film is listed as being ‘French/USA’  :-)

Fingers crossed for another award.

You can read more details on the festival at the Fenêtre Sur Courts website (it’s in French of course).

Apologies to all (especially the French amongst you) for any attempted puns  :-)

Kathryn @ Minority Report DVD Launch – Feb 2003

minority_report_dvd_012Oh, oh!  I think the KM UK time machine (the KARDIS? not be konfused with a kardashian!) must be broken. It’s started moved in space as well as time, and seems to have turned into a teleport device like The Fly!  Something has gone horribly, albeit beautifully, wrong! Abort! Abort!

We entered 27 Feb 2003 - Minority Report DVD Launch into the control panel and we’ve ended up in… Spain of all places.  And we don’t have a ‘Cruise’ in front of us.  We’ve got a ‘Cruz’.  That’s an even shorter ‘Cruise’ (there was no way we were getting through this without a height joke).  Joking aside, it’s Mónica Cruz, younger sister of Penélope who, I understand, was in a relationship with Tom at this time.  In keeping with the plot of Minority Report seeing the two ladies together like that I have a vision of a future crime or two being committed.  I can’t be in the minority with that (see what I did there?) 😮

Kathryn starred in Minority Report as Lara Clarke, the estranged wife of Tom’s John Anderton character.  The loss of their son is a key element of the story and Kathryn plays an important role in the later stages.  The very successful Steven Spielberg-directed sci-fi movie, based on a short story by Philip K Dick, also stars Max von Sydow, Samantha Morton and Colin Farrell.

One last thing: who is that dummy on the right? :-)

13 photos of Kathryn and Mónica in Madrid to promote the VHS and DVD launch of Minority Report in Spain are now the KM UK Gallery.

We will no doubt be returning to both 2003 and Minority Report in the future.

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