
September 2024
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The Coin Heads North Of The Border

scarborough_film_festival_935x362Another day, another film festival for The Coin.

poster_002The banner above may give you a false impression of where this one happens.  It ain’t in the ‘God’s own country’ North Yorkshire sea side town.  More’s the pity.

No, this time those in the other half of North America get a look in.  On the shore of Lake Ontario, Canada, this Scarborough is the one that’s a district of Toronto.

In early June the Scarborough Film Festival happens for only the 2nd time in its history.  At some point in the 6 day event the short film The Coin is due to receive a screening.  We’ll find out more details next week when schedules are released.

For more details on the film festival check out the official website HERE.

Thanks to writer/producer/director Fabien Martorell for letting us know The Coin was one of the officially selected films.  Let’s hope some of the cast and/or crew take the opportunity to attend.

Insert normal ‘if you go, let us know’ final paragraph here.

The Coin @ Champs-Élysées Film Festival – But When?

poster_001The organisers of the Champs-Élysées Film Festival in Paris have released the schedule for the upcoming 2014 event.

champs_elysees_film_festival_1447x2048Starting on the 11th June 2014 (a Wednesday) it runs for 7 days across 7 venues along, not surprisingly, the Avenue des Champs-Elysees between the world famous Arc de Triomphe and Place de la Concorde square which contains the Luxor Obelisk.

The short film The Coin will be shown at the festival as part of a collection under the banner Courts Métrages Américains (Hors écoles), which translates as ‘American Short Films (excluding schools)’.  I presume that submissions by students are dealt with separately.

Lucky for some the screening takes place on Friday the 13th of June at the MK2 Grand Palais, which is near the Place de la Concorde end of the avenue.

The Coin, co-starring Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) and by writer/director/produer Fabien Martorell, shares the bill with 5 other short films in a screening starting 8:45pm.

It appears that the screening is a one off, with no repeat viewings on the schedule.

You can find all the details on the festival website HERE (so far it is only in French, an English version is promised in a couple of weeks).

Summer Of HD 2014 – Week 4 Poll

This is really flying by.  It’s the week 4 poll already!

Saving Patrick Bubley took week 3 by storm, winning by a huge margin.  The screencaps from that episode that will be posted next week.

With the choice of Cold Case episodes HonorSuperstar and The River voting for the week 4 poll is now open.

Summer Of HD 2014 - Week 4

  • Ep 8 - Honor (67%, 2 Votes)
  • Ep 22 - The River (33%, 1 Votes)
  • Ep 17 - Superstar (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Cold Case S03E12 – Detention HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E12_lilly_181Somebody’s been naughty!  (please let it be Lilly, please let it be Lilly 😉 )

I definitely can’t picture Lilly as a bad girl.  No sir-eee Bob.  Not me.  Never.  OK, maybe once… or twice 😮

In this, the second entry in the 2014 edition of KM UK’s Summer Of HD as voted for by you, we find ourselves in Detention.

The year was 1994 and a teenage boy killed himself by jumping off the school roof whilst he was supposed to be in detention with several other students.  The discovery of an additional part of his suicide note casts doubt on his reasons.  When the CC squad find the naughty four used the old ‘sit still while being recorded and loop the tape’ trick as almost pulled off by Keanu in Speed (and if he can do it, it can’t be that hard) it brings raises even more questions.

Any similarities to the Breakfast Club are purely deliberate.

184 HD (720p) new Lilly screencaps and 5 stills and promo photos are now in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S03E12_lilly_046 Cold_Case_S03E12_lilly_049 still_002

Happy Mother’s Day Kathryn – Update

banner_171_467x153_ginaFrom everyone here at KM UK

It is not often we get the chance to inaugurate a new annual event on this site.  Today we do.

Following what we’ll call “the incident” Kathryn became a mother to twin boys last year, making this her first Mother’s Day as a mother.  In America, and many other parts of the world, today (11th May 2014) is Mother’s Day.

KM UK stalwart Gina (aka Lolly) has very kindly put together some lovely graphical and musical accompaniments to help us mark the occasion.

On the visual front you can see a banner, avatar and wallpaper Gina has made around this post.  All three have joined the multitude of Fan Art in the Gallery.  As a treat for the ears she has also compiled a playlist of songs inspired by Kathryn’s new found parental status.  You can listen to the chosen songs HERE on the 8track website.  Thank you for doing this Gina.

avatar_266_100x100_gina wallpaper_258_1024x768_gina

Update (12 May): Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner and father of her twin boys) sent the following Tweet to his followers yesterday:

Happy Mother’s Day everyone ! I watch Kathryn with our sons and I am in awe of what a amazing mother she is! Today is a beautiful day #love – Link

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