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Cold Case S03E15 – Sanctuary HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E15_lilly_016How many people have started watching this episode and had to look at the calendar to see day it is and check the TV is on the right channel?

The subject of KM UK’s Summer Of HD for 2014 week 8 is episode 15 from Cold Case season 3: Sanctuary.  It’s the first posted in actual summer now we’ve past the summer solstice.  The show’s pre-title sequence starts with musical accompaniment of Teardrop by Massive Attack.  The song is best known to many as the theme from the TV show House (the 2nd mention of that in as many days).  Though for rights reasons in the UK it was replaced by something that sounded very similar.  I’ve been told that the UK-release DVDs of House can have either tune.

The episode is a Scotty (Danny Pino) focused one as the case relates to an undercover job he was doing 6 years early, way before he joined the Philly PD.  There’s still plenty of Lilly though.  Scotty got too personally involved with the victim than is good for a cop working like that.

Along with a couple of promo photos there are now 107 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S03E15_lilly_030 Cold_Case_S03E15_lilly_059 still_001

What We Angels Know

poster_001In Thursday’s piece about seeing The Coin at the Champs-Élysée Film Festival by reader Diane you will have noticed reference to a future project by director Fabien Martorell called What No Angels Know.

The news that Diane broke here on KM UK is that a feature length film based on the short is in the works.  One of the writers involved was present at the Paris-based event and confirmed the plan for a 2015 release.  Diane followed-up by questioning the gentleman as to the likely cast.  He said that cast would reprise their roles.  So, Kathryn could get to be shouty mother again.

What No Angels Know pinged on my radar just a few days earlier and investigations in to the question of whether Kathryn would be in this new film only drew a “maybe”.  I decided not to post about it as there was so little to say.  It was little more than a vague rumour.  I think that Diane’s information pushes it to a “definitely maybe” so it is worth noting.  Things can change so much in the process of making a film, just look at the news that Colin Firth will not be the voice of Paddington Bear in the upcoming movie just a few months before it is due for release, so for now we’ll keep this in “possible” pile.

KM UK will bring you further news as and when.

Sunday Schooling

Sigh.  Looks like I have to defend myself and this site against someone that doesn’t understand what they are complaining about again.

Last night I posted about an piece of crapp on the Google Play store.  I didn’t credit where I had found this information and this seems to have upset someone that posted about it before me on their Facebook page.  Apparently being second equates to plagiarism.  If so we need to have words about other things on that page, and meaning of plagiarism.

The person in question is called Lisa.  I’ve posted before about her and her Facebook page.  You may remember it as the one only for “good Kathryn fans”.  The rest of us (presumably bad fans) have to put up with sites like this one.  You know, ones with original content, facts, and opinions.  Lara (Lisa’s sister?) pointed out my timing via Twitter.  She/they completely missed the point.

So, did I find out about this app from Lisa’s FB page?  Yes.  Did I credit her in any way?  No.

Why?  Because, if I had explicitly named Lisa, and not used the more vague “it has come to my attention”, then I would have had to make it clear that I was actually posting about the very poor job I thought she did.  How was that going to go down with Lisa and her sister?  Linking to content like that and encouraging readers to “Download the app on your Android cellphone immediatelly!!” is very bad advice.  Where was the review?  Where was the warning of the possible dangers?  My post was about those dangers.  That’s why my Tweet about the post included the phrase “public information message”.  A point lost on some.  I even used teh “Editorial” category (look below, next to the date).  Another missed fact.  It wasn’t news.

I followed Lisa’s link to the app store page.  The first thing I did was look for details on the developer (AgungMedia) and what else they’ve done (more of the same).  I looked for evidence that it is an officially endorsed app (it’s not, as they make clear).  I read the description which states:

Cold Case Game, This game is a game that is in between the two images and words. guessing and analyzing images. Do not miss this game, just download this game and fun. It is an addictive game. games played this game for the fans Cold Case Game

Utter nonsense.  This is a puzzle game based around English words and that text is the written by the developers!  And don’t get me started about the promo video.  Too late.  It’s not even about Cold Case.  It’s a trailer for Cold Case Files on the A+E channel!  Does that give you cause to question the quality of the app?  Was it written with input from an actual fan?

Would you buy a house from an estate agent/realtor that described the property like the following?

A house that is a house you can live in.  Dont miss this house, just by it and live it. live fun. it is a grate hosue for people that like houses.

What if they then showed you a video that was a trailer for the TV show House?  What would you think of a person that sent a link to the seller’s website telling you to buy the house?

I’m certainly not letting that app near my phone.  As I said before, there is a reason it is not in the Apple App Store: it wouldn’t even pass their initial tests.  It took all of 10 seconds checking by me to come to those conclusions.

The least someone in a position like myself or Lisa can do is some basic research into what they are posting.  It’s journalism 1-0-1.  I’m not claiming to get it right all the time.  I’m sure I don’t.  But if I don’t know something then I either don’t post it or make it clear where I stand.

Lisa, if what you wanted was credit, there you go.  I’m always happy to give credit where credit is due.

Not ‘Appy

It has come to my attention that a Cold Case-related app has recently been added to the Google Play store for Android phones and tablets.

I won’t further the embarrassment by naming names.  And I’m certainly not going to post a link to the page in the app store.  That’ll just encourage them.

Suffice to say the app is a simple word puzzle game with some pictures of the cast, all of which you’ve seen on this site and dozens of others.  It’s an app with a silent “cr”.  The maker has churned out a load of them on different themes. It is NOT official in any way.

There’s a bunch of reasons that the app is not on Apple’s App Store, the main one being that the Fruity one curates the content on there to stop such dross.  Keep in mind that just because version 1 of an app has simple permissions (network access for instance) doesn’t mean that v1.1 won’t try and sneak far more dangerous ones past you such as sending text messages or accessing you contacts.  Let’s be careful out there.

The saving grace is that the app is free.  Charging for it would be a crime.  Much like the English in the accompanying description.

Champs-Élysées Film Festival By Diane

One week ago today there was a screening of the short film The Coin at the Champs-Élysées Film Festival in Paris, France.  It probably didn’t escape your notice as we mentioned it here on KM UK once, or twice, or three times as the date approached.

Fortunately for readers of KM UK we hit the perfect storm for site regular Diane.  She’s an acting student (as in a student of the craft of acting and not someone pretending to be a student :-) ), a Kathryn Morris fan, and a resident of the city of Paris.  Immediately Diane generously offered give us an insight into her experience in only the second of our new Fan Experience category of posts.  What could I do but gratefully accept.  A day later she sent me the text below.  Many thanks to Diane.

DianeBy Diane

Champs-Élysées Film Festival, Paris, France – June 2014

As you know, The Coin, Fabien Martorell’s short movie starring Kathryn, was shown at the Champs-Élysées Film Festival last night. And since I live in Paris, I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.  So I was there.  Let me tell you about it.  Oh and please, forgive my English.

The festival, as its name indicates, is set in the Champs-Élysées avenue.  Actually there are several movie theatres all along the avenue, and the movies of the festival are dispatched between them.  But the one that interested me yesterday is all the way down the avenue.  It’s called MK2 Grand Palais.  MK2 is a chain of movie theatres in Paris.  This on isn’t an ordinary one, though, because it’s actually one cinema room inside the Grand Palais, which is a monument that was built for the Universal Exhibition in 1900, and also a museum now.  And it’s right across the street from the famous Alexandre III bridge, which is often referred to as the most beautiful bridge in Paris.

The screening, which included 6 short movies, started at 8:45.  I arrived a bit earlier, and people gave us a little paper with the title of each movie and a tiny square in front of it so we could vote after the screening.  Do I even need to mention I already knew which one I would vote for?  I was surprised by the size of the room, it was very small for a movie theatre.  I couldn’t refrain myself from looking at every person that entered, the inner wish of a dreamy girl maybe. And a few people actually entered, too few.  Before the screening started, someone made a little introductory speech, and explain there would be no directors (contrary to what was clearly written on the papers) but a writer of one of the movies called…  The Coin.

Then the screening started.  First movie, second, third, fourth, then the fifth movie started.  As I was seing the first pictures, a big city at night, I remember thinking “I don’t know which one it is but I already Like it” after that I saw Christopher Lloyd’s name and figured out it was The Coin.  I was so Happy to see Kathryn on screen, it had been long since the last time – when I watched The Sweeter Side of Life via Skype actually, almost, oh wow, a year and a half ago – way too long, because sadly they don’t rerun Cold Case here (but they rererererun WAT…).  And as each time I see her on screen, I was smiling and not thinking about my troubles.

It was quite surprising to see her as this sad, exhausted, and quite mean mother, because even though I’ve never been lucky enough to meet her, I can tell she is a very nice person, not like that at all.  The movie went by too fast, it lasted 15 minutes but to me it seemed like 5 minutes!   I liked the movie. And not only because Kathryn is in it.  I found the story touching.  You know, it often happened to me to wonder, after having seen a short movie “ok…what was it supposed to mean?” and miss what it was about.  It wasn’t the case there.  After you’ve seen the movie, you want to know more about this mother, how and why she is where she is at now in her life, which she doesn’t seen happy about, since she unloads her anger, her sadness, her frustration, on the only thing that’s there, her child.  That’s a situation I’m quite familiar with.  You feel for that woman, in some way though you disaprove of her behaviour towards her son.  You feel for that adorable little boy too.  You wonder what’s gonna happen to her, to her relationship with her son if the situation between them doesn’t get better.  And this homeless man, played by Christopher Lloyd arrives there like an angel, giving the kid some hope with the coin.  All that in 15 minutes!!  So it was my favorite. It was also, to my surprise, the only one without french subtitles, which wasn’t problem for me but may have been one for some people.

Then the lights went on.  It seems that a movie called “Amma” went missing in action because there were only five movie out of six. But they didn’t say anything about it.   A Man stood up, and said that contrary to what had been said, he was a writer, not on The Coin but on the long movie that will be adapted from it.  Wait Wait Wait, what did you just say?!  “That’s cool” I thought.  Then he added it will be with the same team and actors.  “That’s awesome!”, I thought.   As I went out of the room, I saw him and a few people around asking questions, so I came and asked again about the long movie – yes I lack self-confidence, even on my own ears lol – and he confirmed: same actors, which means our dear Kathryn.  Also I wondered about when the movie will be in theatres, to which he answered they hope it will be for 2015, and they hope it will come to France.  Oh me too.  I’ll be the first one to get my ticket and go watch it.

Then I left, and actually I wondered why I didn’t stay talking. Shyness maybe.  I still haven’t met Kathryn, but I really hope I will because it’s my dream, and if there’s one thing I never give up on, it’s dreams.

Thank you to Diane for making the effort to do that for us.

If you want to contribute a piece about anything Kathryn-related for publishing on KM UK then please contact me.

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