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Cold Case S03E04 – Colors HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E04_lilly_008Ooops.  I made a mistake last week in posting the winner from a poll that hadn’t actually closed at the time.  I meant to post this one last week.  The end result wasn’t effected, just the order of posting.  Sorry.

So, where was I?  Or, where should I have been?  Ah yes, Colors.

American dramas such as Cold Case really like their baseball themed episodes don’t they?  I can see they are a rich vein for stories as it is an American national sport and is played by everyone from young children to highly paid professional athletes.  There is lots of scope for tales of improving ones circumstances (aka ‘The American Dream’™) and over-coming adversity.  They also allow for exploring the darker elements of jealous, hate and greed as well.

Colors presents the case of a murdered young black baseball player from 1945.  Clyde Taylor had been very successful in the segregated Negro leagues and was on the verge of moving to the majors, a big issue in those days.  60 years on can the squad track down his killer?

If only they’d ended the episode (number of four of Cold Case season three) with a montage of the police team playing baseball… Oh well, maybe later :-)

We didn’t quite crack the century with this set of 99 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps for the KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 now in the Gallery.

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Morris-oboshi Master

drawing_023_2550x3300_dan_moroboshiTo quote Monty Python: And now for something completely different.

Well, slightly different… ish.

I thought that today, what with it being a Friday, was a good day to post something a little more unusual.

What you see on the right is a sketch of Kathryn done in pastels by artist Dan Moroboshi.  I found it on the Flickr photo-sharing website and asked Dan if would allow me to share it with you all here on KM UK.  He generously agreed.  Thank you Dan.

You can find more of Dan’s work on his Flickr page here.

And you can find a large-sized copy of the sketch in the Drawings section of KM UK’s Fan Art in our Gallery here.

If you would like to see your own Kathryn-themed work posted on this site then please contact me, we’d love to see what you can do.

In case you didn’t get it the subject is supposed to be a play on the name of the (currently) popular kids toy Moshi Monsters.  Kids today don’t know how lucky they are…  In my day I had to work 25 hours a day and eat gravel… Gravel?  You were lucky.  We had to eat poison…  What?  You try coming up with witty and relevant subject lines!

The Coin In Hollywood Tomorrow


Just a quick reminder that The Coin will be screened as part of the ‘Local Shorts’ programme at the Egyptian Theatre, Hollywood, tomorrow night (17th July).

screenshot_001Local’ because the film makers are all based locally, though, like The Coin‘s writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell they may not all be born/bred in the region.

‘Shorts’ because none of the films are particularly long, but then you knew that.  The longest two on the bill of eight are listed as 20 minutes in duration.  The total running time looks to be around 90 minutes, give or take.

As mentioned previously the event starts at 7:30pm at the Hollywood Boulevard-located theatre.

More details and ticket booking facilities can be found on the American Cinematheque website.

Summer Of HD 2014 – Week 13 Poll

Each of this week’s entrants has been up for the vote before.  The Promise showed some promise last time out but was pipped by Beautiful FoolStart Up… errr… didn’t, up against the powerhouse that is Joseph.  And Frank’s Best came second best to Sanctuary.

Which will triumph this time?  There’s only one way to find out… VOTE!

Summer Of HD 2014 - Week 13

  • Ep 2 - The Promise (50%, 1 Votes)
  • Ep 7 - Start Up (50%, 1 Votes)
  • Ep 10 - Frank's Best (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 2

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Cold Case S03E11 – 8 Years HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E11_lilly_109Early in 8 Years, episode 11 of Cold Case‘s third season, Lt. John Stillman makes a bit of a joke about Olivia, Lilly’s one eyed cat (see above).  Karmic retribution comes swiftly as John’s ex-wife Rita makes a surprise visit to the station.  Did anyone notice a certain similarity?

Speaking of the boss, 8 Years was one of the handful of CC episodes to contain music by a single artist.  In this instance the plot was worked around the songs by Bruce “The Boss” Springsteen.  I’m not au fait with this young person music but I gather it is popular.  Quite how it fits in with a crime that occurred way back in 1988 I can’t imagine :-)

This must also be one of the few episodes of CC to include the title in the opening sequence when it shows time has passed with the caption “8 Years Later”.  The gap shows how the lives of four close friends have changed and culminated in the death of one of them.

After revisting the past to solve the case the show ends with various squad members revisiting the past in the own lives.  John meet his ex, Nick (Jeremy Ratchford) succumbs to temptation, and as for Lilly…  Her reminiscing with a witness about a wild/romantic interlude in her past gets her thumbing through the photo album.  Who could the shy be-helmeted gentleman be?

This latest post as part of the KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 brings us 127 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps in the Gallery.

Update:  Ooops.  I jumped the gun.  I was supposed to post the most recent poll winner, which was Colors, here.  That will be posted next week now.

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