
September 2024
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The Coin Hits Portobello, London

poster_001This one’s for the Brits and apologies for the comparatively short notice.

Last week director/writer/producer Fabien Martorell let it be known that his short film The Coin had been added as an official selection in the Portobello Film Festival.  Not surprisingly the event is based around London’s famous Portobello Road, in the even more famous Notting Hill area of the UK capital.

portobello_free_film_festival_poster_511x485The Hugh Grant/Julia Roberts rom-com Notting Hill was partly filmed there and gave a taste of second-hand clothes, books and antiques market stalls and shops that Portobello Road is best known for.

Fabien was, not surprisingly, keen to tell the world but, for what ever reason, the official website for the festival was more reluctant.  It was only last night that The Coin was added to updated lists of the various film programmes that will be on offer when the event opens later today (7pm, 28th Aug).  Note that the official programme (a downloadable PDF on the site) does not include The Coin, probably due to its late inclusion.

The short film starring Kathryn and Christopher Lloyd (Taxi) gets a screening on the 6th September at the Westbourne Studios (242 Acklam Road, W10 5JJ) in an 11 hour film programme starting at 12 noon under the title “French Films”.  Obviously The Coin‘s connection to France is Fabien himself.  If, and it is a big if, the mixed bag of short and long films were to be played in the order shown and the timings are correct then The Coin would make an appearance at around 3pm.

The Portobello Film Festival runs until the 14th of September.  More details can be found on the website here.

Any of you Londoners, or those in London, in the area the weekend after next?  If so, we love to hear about your experience.

Summer Of HD 2014 – Week 19 Poll

Committed took all the votes in last week’s poll making it the clear winner and so it will be the feature episode next week.  Be sure to join us then for that.

This latest poll brings back Start Up and The Hen House for your consideration.  Please pick your favourite of the two.

Summer Of HD 2014 - Week 19

  • Ep 7 - Start Up (100%, 3 Votes)
  • Ep 21 - The Hen House (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 3

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Cold Case S03E10 – Frank’s Best HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E10_lilly_084On the surface Frank’s Best is about a man wrongly convicted of killing his boss, Frank, the owner of a small delicatessen during a robbery.  Of course we all know that in reality that’s just bit of padding to fill out the show around the real story.

It’s a bit of a cliché in TV show circles but in this episode, the 10th of season 3, Cold Case did the ol’ abandoned baby routine.  It’s always a way of creating comic moments as the main characters, who we just know are ill suited to the demands of child care despite being so good at dealing with the pressures of modern policing, are left quite literally (used correctly you’ll notice) holding the baby.  Of course it had to be Det. Nick Vera (Jeremy Ratchford) who gets to play mommy.  Hilarity ensues.

Oh yes, the guy didn’t do it.  The son did.  And Vera tries to adopt Scotty, or may it was the baby, it’s not clear  :-)

As part of the KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 there are 167 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps and 3 promo photos now newly available in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S03E10_lilly_087 Cold_Case_S03E10_lilly_104 still_002

The Perfect Guy Gets A Date?

The new thriller film The Perfect Guy which will see Kathryn returning to the big screen in a small role recently started filming around LA.  In our initial reporting of the news a release some time next year was expected.  Not really a surprise given the normal timing of these things..

Now we might be able to be a little more precise.  This is not confirmed and is far from official but a date of 19th June 2015 has been seen.  Even if that is the currently intended release date these things are always subject to change.

Another additional detail is the inclusion of child actor Duncan Joiner to the cast list on the film’s IMDb page.  As the character Kathryn is said to be playing, Karen, has been described as a mother of boys it is a reasonable assumption to make that Duncan, as “Zach”, could be one of her sons.

For more details on The Perfect Guy see the previous KM UK post here.

Happy 1st Birthday Boys


Happy Birthday to Jameson & Rocco

It’s been a year?

All parents will recognise the multiple, complex emotions in that question.  It means both:

  • “Blimey Charlie the past year has flown by!  They’ll be married and have kids of their own before we know it!”


  • “My god, it’s been the longest year of our lives!  Tell us it gets easier!”

at the same time.

Yes, today (21st August 2014) it has been one whole year since the birth of Kathryn and Johnny’s boys Jameson and Rocco.

No doubt they’ll be having a great day surrounded by loved ones and presents, and we send them our best wishes.

Update:  Johnny Messner sent a series of Tweets today which I have combined into the larger quote below.

A year ago today exactly 48 minutes ago I met my first son Jameson and 1 minute after came Rocco! Nothing in my life to date has come close to what they have brought into my life! Everyday I am blown away minute to minute on what those boys bring to my life! The overwhelming joy that they bring! For the first time in my life it’s not all about me ! What a relief that is! A great friend of mine told be before they were born that your children come with a loaf of bread! And truer words could not have been spoken@FrankGrillo I am truly blessed! #god#love

Last but certainly not least to Kathryn the mother of my sons , I couldn’t have picked a better mother from a pool of millions ! You have shown me what true love is all about! Your love for the boys is a love I didn’t know existed ! Thank you for being the rock, for always being you ! I love you

Sources: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7

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