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The Coin To Be Re-viewed In London

portobello_free_film_festival_poster_511x485Is there a word for repetitive déjà vu?  The French are clearly linguistically inventive, they created déjà vu after all, so perhaps there is something applicable.

Apparently, according to our usual source for these things director/writer/producer Fabien Martorell, the short film The Coin will be getting a repeat showing at the London-based Portobello FIlm Festival on Saturday (13th Sept).

So far there is limited detail on the timing but the venue will be, just like last time, the Westbourne Studios on Acklam Road, not far from Portobello Road.  That means the film must be part of the “USA2: American Eyes” event which starts at noon and runs until 11pm.

See my previous post (substitute the date with the 13th) and the festival’s website for details.

Who to thank this time?  Fabien?  Who else? :-)

Cold Case S03E07 – Start Up HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E07_lilly_084Ah, the good old days.  When completely misplaced belief in Internet-based companies fuelled valuations far in excess of any common sense…  How much was Instagram?  And what’s up with the price of WhatsApp?

With a name like Start Up, the 7th episode of the third season of Cold Case, could be about little else but the death of someone connected with a new company.  Jealousies and the potential to make a lot of money quickly can only lead to bad things.

Amy Lind was found slumped at the wheel, well, oars, of a rowing boat on the river in 1999.  It was ascribed to heart failure at the time.  In the present (or what was the present in 2005) something much like a diary suggesting poison was involved is found on the hard drive of a laptop donated to a school.  Then it’s all hands on deck (see what I did there with the boating analogy? clever stuff).

Robin Weigert (Deadwood) makes a final guest appearance (her first of four was in Lover’s Lane, at the end of season one) as Det Anna Mayes.  Anna is investigating the death of Scotty’s girlfriend Elisa and brings him some news on a possible lead.

Start Up is the latest entry in the KM UK Summer Of HD for 2014 and there are now 153 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps newly added to the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S03E07_lilly_031 Cold_Case_S03E07_lilly_044 Cold_Case_S03E07_lilly_094

Sunscreen Film Festival Takes The Coin

poster_001Ever get the feeling of déjà-vu?  Is it supposed to happen after just a few hours?

sunscreen_film_festival_731x934The Sunscreen Film Festival takes place in South Bay, Los Angeles.  This is just to the north-west of the San Pedro area of Los Angeles mentioned last night.  The SFF is taking place over three days in mid-October.  The same three days as the San Pedro Film Festival.  Do these festivals never talk to each other?  :-)

The Coin; which as you know stars Kathryn and Christopher Lloyd and was written, directed and produced by Fabien Martorell; has been selected to be screened at the SFF.

At time of going to press (or should that be ‘pressing Go’?) no schedule of events or list of films to be screened has been published by the SFF so we will have to wait.  I’ll update you all at a later date as the info becomes available.

In the mean time you can peruse the event’s official website here.

Thank you, yet again, to Fabien for telling us about this.

The Coin To Be At San Pedro Film Fest

poster_001I think you probably know how this goes by now.

san_pedro_international_film_festival_300x308A short while ago this evening director/writer/producer Fabien Martorell told us that his short film The Coin has been selected for inclusion in the San Pedro International Film Festival (SPIFF).  That’s it’s logo (or one it has used) on the right.

Before half the world gets excited I should clarify which San Pedro we are talking about.  A five second check on Wikipedia suggests there are dozens of places across the world called San Pedro, not surprisingly most of them are South America.  The San Pedro in question here is the one in the south of Los Angeles and incorporates the massive Port Of Los Angeles.

The third running of the SPIFF (which sounds spiffing when written like that!) is due to take place over three days in mid-October this year.  No more details on the screening(s) are available at the moment.  I will, of course, update you all when such information becomes available.

For your delectation the event’s official website is here.

Thanks again to Fabien for letting us know.

The Coin Breaks Free In The Big Smoke

portobello_free_film_festival_poster_511x485It has only been a week since I first posted about this event but it is worth a classic KM UK ‘quick reminder’, where ‘quick’ means the usual long ramble.

The short film The Coin starring Kathryn and Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) will be making a screening appearance at the Portobello Film Festival in London on Saturday (6th Sept).  It will be one of nearly 30 films shown under the banner ‘French Films’.  The collection is an eclectic mix ranging from 5 minutes to nearly 1.5 hours, and from the U (universal, i.e. suitable for all ages) to 18 certificates.

Based on my own guestimate and a Tweet by director/writer/producer Fabien Martorell’s the other day, The Coin could be shown at around 3pm.  I’m not sure if Fabien is basing his figure on something he’s been told, worked it out like me, or read it here.

A key element of the Portobello Film Festival that I managed to not really mention previously was the fact that it is free.  Free as in no charge, no tickets.  Age restrictions do apply of course, and no doubt all venues have capacity limits as well.

poster_001The 2014 Portobello Film Festival started last week and continues on until Sunday the 14th of September.  Events are held in venues around Portobello Road in the W11 area of west London.  Check the official website for more details.

If you will be attending The Coin screening please come back and let us know what you thought.  Friends of the site Tianna and Diane both wrote reports for KM UK of their experiences at local film festivals.  See them here and here respectively.

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