
March 2025
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Summer Of HD 2014 – Final Result

The winner of our final poll of the KM UK Summer Of HD, taking 100% of the votes, is The River.  Congratulations to it.  Come back next Monday for the episode’s HD screencap update.

That just leaves The Hen House as the last episode to be covered, that will come the following week.

Thank you to everyone that took part in the voting.

Cold Case S03E20 – Death Penalty: Final Appeal HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E20_lilly_001Lilly’s hot, and not just in the sense of the word we often use around here 😛  The a/c is broken in the squad room so, technically, every one is feeling the heat  :-)

This episode takes a slightly different approach to the normal unsolved case process.  This one’s already been solved.  A perp is doing time in the big house for this one.  But now the arresting officer has been found to be corrupt and cases he is involved in  are under question.  The jailed man is going to the even bigger house in the sky in three days unless someone takes his continuing claims of innocence seriously.  A call to Det Will Jeffries (Thom Barry) pricks his conscience.

Did the man currently on death-row, hired as an ex-con by a house moving company, kill the girl in her new home?  ‘Yes’, you say?  Do you not understand how these work by now?

As part of the KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 146 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps have been added to the Gallery.

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The Coin’s San Pedro Film Fest Details

poster_001The previous post made me check on the other upcoming festivals where The Coin will be screened.

san_pedro_international_film_festival_300x308The Sunday after the St. Cloud International Film Festival showing it is the turn of San Pedro International Film Festival‘s (SPIFF) turn.  We previously reported on it here.

1pm on the 12th of October at the Grand Annex, 434 West 6th Street, San Pedro, The Coin will be part of the “Short Takes 3” event along with 6 other films.

Renée O’Connor, best known as Gabrielle on Xena: Warrior Princess stars in one of those.  It is 9 minute long short, like The Coin, set in the 1930s ‘Great Depression’ called The Usual.  Kathryn, as you of course know, guest starred in a couple of episodes Xena as a religious crusader called Najara.  Despite not being as powerful as some of Xena’s foes, she came closest of all to stealing Gabrielle away from her.

Kathryn and Renée on one bill!  That has to be worth a look!  No matter how brief  😉

Tickets ($11 in total) for the screening are available, along with full details, on the SPIFF website here.

St Cloud’s Forecast For October

saint_cloud_film_fest_poster_621x960Clouds are ephemeral things but the St. Cloud Film Festival is firming up.

Just two weeks ago we brought you the news that the short film The Coin had been chosen to be part of the line up of the St. Cloud Film Festival.

At the time there was little detail available regarding actual screening events within the 6 day event.

In the past couple of days the organisers have released a preliminary schedule of happenings which means we can now say with some certainty where and when The Coin can be seen.

Sunday, the 5th of October at 3pm a collection of 11 short films of various types will be shown at the Pioneer Place Theatre in Saint Cloud, Minnesota.

The tickets are already on sale at the very reasonable price of $5 for a screening totalling nearly 2 hours of films.  A ticket covering the whole festival is only $20.  See the event’s website here for more details.

Any Minnesotans out there going along?

The Coin Turns To Gold (Coast)

gold_coast_international_film_festival_851x315I know what you’re thinking: “it’s been ages since we heard about The Coin appearing at a new film festival.”

Well, worry no more  :-)

screenshot_001When I first read Fabien Martorell’s message letting us know (thanks to him) about this my mind, not surprisingly, headed ‘down under’.  I was all ready to make references to the 2018 Commonwealth Games, sun, sea and sand.  The initial research into the Gold Coast International Film Festival didn’t immediately disabuse me of this idea.  Then I saw the address.

The Gold Coast in question is a nickname for the northerly coast of Long Island, USA, not the one Queensland, Australia.  With all due respect to the residents of New York state I’m guessing that they are not quite the same.

I am also going to go out on a limb and suggest that the weather in the north east of America in early November will not the same as the east coast of Australia at the same time.  Surfers Paradise vs snowman’s delight  :-)

The GCIFF will be taking place at the Great Neck Arts Center, Great Neck, New York over the course of the first full week in November.

As we’ve become used to at this stage the exact details of the film festival are not yet finalised so we’ll have to update you nearer the time.  Check out the official event website here.

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