
It’s a big weekend for a short film.
A quick reminder for those in the Los Angeles area in the coming days. The 9 minute epic The Coin will be screened at two different film festivals less than 12 miles and 25 hours of each other.
On Saturday (11th Oct) the Sunscreen Film Festival (West) takes place in South Bay, California. The Coin and 8 other short films will be shown at the Hermosa Beach Community Theater, 710 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, from 12:15pm in a group interestingly labelled: ‘Families These Days’. Full details on the SFF website here.
The very next day the more confidently named San Pedro International Film Festival will be screening The Coin in the less imaginatively titled ‘Short Takes 3’, which is made up of 7 films. The event is taking place at the Grand Annex, 434 West 6th Street, San Pedro, from 1 o’clock. See the SPIFF website here.
As you all know The Coin stars Kathryn as a stressed mother to a young son. Christopher Lloyd of Back To The Future fame plays a homeless man who talks to the boy when he needs a friend. French-born, LA-domiciled Fabien Martorell directed, co-wrote and co-produced the short.
We reach the final edition of KM UK’s Summer Of HD for 2014.
Over the past few months I’ve been posting new HD (720p or 1080p) screencaps from season 3 of Cold Case. Rather than the usual numerical order, this year episodes were grouped into threes randomly for voting on by you dear reader. The winner of each poll was then the next chosen. Once the full set had been gone through the losing episodes were again put to the polls. This was repeated until all were exhausted.
The upshot of the voting process is that this final posting could be seen as being about the least popular episode of the season. I’m sure that’s not true really.
The Hen House is about the murder of a journalist in 1945, days after the end of World War II. Lorena “Lo” Kinney was keen to succeed in the very male-dominated world of the press. No parallels with Lilly then? A current day journalist finds files which include a threatening note written to Miss Kinney on the day she was died, hit by a train as it went through a station.
The late Peter Graves (Airplane and Mission Impossible) in one of his final roles guest starred as modern day Noah, a man Lo falls for. But is Noah all he seems? Playing the “I recognise the big guest star from other shows” game we quickly surmise that Peter is more than just a bit part player in this one.
118 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from The Hen House are now the Gallery.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this run of postings. If you make use of any of KM UK’s screencaps in fan art then please let me know, perhaps we can include them in our Gallery at a future date.

It looks like the two film festivals happening in neighbouring areas of Los Angeles on the same long weekend have had a quick chat and arranged not to wear the same outfits. Awkwardness avoided! 
The Sunday before last we were able to note the screening time of the short film The Coin at the San Pedro International Film Festival (SPIFF), in Los Angeles. That happens on Sunday the 12th.
The Sunscreen Film Festival (SFF), which takes place over the same three days in South Bay, just a few miles to the north-west of San Pedro, announced its schedule last week.
Either by luck or judgement the SFF will be screening The Coin on Saturday the 11th, in a narrative shorts block of 9 films under the collective banner ‘Families These Days’. The event starts at 12:15pm at the Hermosa Beach Community Theater, 710 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, California. Tickets are around $9 each. They, and more details, can be found (eventually) on the official website here.
One of the other films on the bill with The Coin is called The Story Of Milo & Annie. Among the cast is Cathy Moriarty, probably best known for her role as the Cruella De Vil-style character in Casper.
I’m not sure I can stretch the weather references in the subject lines much further, so it is for the best that this is likely to be the last post on the subject 
A quick reminder: This coming Sunday (5th of October) at 3pm the Pioneer Place Theatre in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, is the venue of a screening of The Coin as part of the St. Cloud Film Fest.
The festival starts tomorrow (2nd Oct) and runs until next Tuesday. See the event’s website here for more details.
If you’re in the area on the day and get a chance to attend the showing of the short films collection then please come back and let us know.
Blimey! September is one of those sneaky short months! It nearly caught me out!
There’s just a few hours left to squeeze in the latest catch-up with the careers of the other Cold Case cast in the KM UK CCCC-up for September 2014.
Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) is a good place to start. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (aka SVU) started it’s latest season last week in America, it continues tomorrow (Wednesday). I can’t comment with any authority (because I don’t watch the show) but I gather that Danny’s Detective Amaro is currently working in the traffic division as part of a punishment for infractions at the end of last season. No doubt he’ll be back in a both the fold of the SVU squad and a suit before too long.
Whilst Danny only deals with one job, albeit one that takes the best part of 9 months of filming per year and many long hours, Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) is, as usual, seemingly dealing with multiple projects at once. A couple of weeks ago Tracie announced she’d been filming a webseries called Sidetracked. Details are sketchy but it appears to star Tracie, Adrienne Wilkinson (know to many for a recurring role in the TV series Xena: Warrior Princess), actress/model Kara Gibson, Wes Ramsey, and probably others. Various combinations of those people have worked together before. For example Tracie’s first TV role was with Adrienne in As If. The comedy drama is about a group of friends that realise life has not ended up as they intended. They’ve been… wait for it… Sidetracked. Back in June’s CCCC-up I briefly mentioned that Tracie had been cast in a new play called Lost Lake. The play is due to open at the Manhattan Theatre Club, New York, in early October and previews start a week or so later. A video of interviews with Tracie, co-star John Hawkes (Deadwood), and the playwright David Auburn popped up on YouTube a few weeks ago. They explain the play better than I could so I’ll leave that to them. To bring us right up to date, last night (29 Sept) Tracie hosted the Second Annual Hero Awards Gala in New York for the National Law Enforcement and Firefighters Children’s Foundation. The NLEAFCF is a charity that supports the families of police officers and firefighters killed or disabled in the line of duty. You can read more about their work on their website here.
To end this CCCC-up edition we come to Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC). Jeremy has made a short film called Keep It Together. Main character Bobby is “recently sober and expecting his first child.” Jeremy plays not-so sober Uncle Paul who Bobby tries to save from his self-destructive path. Comedy? Probably not.
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Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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