
September 2024
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Short Range Forecast: St Clouds

saint_cloud_film_fest_poster_621x960I’m not sure I can stretch the weather references in the subject lines much further, so it is for the best that this is likely to be the last post on the subject  :-)

A quick reminder:  This coming Sunday (5th of October) at 3pm the Pioneer Place Theatre in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, is the venue of a screening of The Coin as part of the St. Cloud Film Fest.

The festival starts tomorrow (2nd Oct) and runs until next Tuesday.  See the event’s website here for more details.

If you’re in the area on the day and get a chance to attend the showing of the short films collection then please come back and let us know.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – September 2014

Blimey!  September is one of those sneaky short months!  It nearly caught me out!

There’s just a few hours left to squeeze in the latest catch-up with the careers of the other Cold Case cast in the KM UK CCCC-up for September 2014.

Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) is a good place to start.  Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (aka SVU) started it’s latest season last week in America, it continues tomorrow (Wednesday).  I can’t comment with any authority (because I don’t watch the show) but I gather that Danny’s Detective Amaro is currently working in the traffic division as part of a punishment for infractions at the end of last season.  No doubt he’ll be back in a both the fold of the SVU squad and a suit before too long.

Whilst Danny only deals with one job, albeit one that takes the best part of 9 months of filming per year and many long hours, Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) is, as usual, seemingly dealing with multiple projects at once.  A couple of weeks ago Tracie announced she’d been filming a webseries called Sidetracked.  Details are sketchy but it appears to star Tracie, Adrienne Wilkinson (know to many for a recurring role in the TV series Xena: Warrior Princess), actress/model Kara Gibson, Wes Ramsey, and probably others.  Various combinations of those people have worked together before.  For example Tracie’s first TV role was with Adrienne in As If.  The comedy drama is about a group of friends that realise life has not ended up as they intended.  They’ve been… wait for it… Sidetracked.  Back in June’s CCCC-up I briefly mentioned that Tracie had been cast in a new play called Lost Lake.  The play is due to open at the Manhattan Theatre Club, New York, in early October and previews start a week or so later.  A video of interviews with Tracie, co-star John Hawkes (Deadwood), and the playwright David Auburn popped up on YouTube a few weeks ago.  They explain the play better than I could so I’ll leave that to them.  To bring us right up to date, last night (29 Sept) Tracie hosted the Second Annual Hero Awards Gala in New York for the National Law Enforcement and Firefighters Children’s Foundation.  The NLEAFCF is a charity that supports the families of police officers and firefighters killed or disabled in the line of duty.  You can read more about their work on their website here.

To end this CCCC-up edition we come to Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC).  Jeremy has made a short film called Keep It Together.  Main character Bobby is “recently sober and expecting his first child.”  Jeremy plays not-so sober Uncle Paul who Bobby tries to save from his self-destructive path.  Comedy?  Probably not.

Kathryn Joins Bone Tomahawk

It is being reported that Kathryn has been added to the cast of a film called Bone Tomahawk.

She joins Kurt Russell (Stargate), Matthew Fox (Lost), Patrick Wilson (A Gifted Man), Richard Jenkins (Six Feet Under), and the also just joined Lili Simmons (Banshee) and David Arquette (Scream).

Kathryn is to play the wife of Kurt Russell’s Sheriff Hunt.

The briefest of synopsis of this mid-1800s set Western is “Four men set out in the Wild West to rescue a group of captives from cannibalistic cave dwellers.”

Filming is believed to have started yesterday (29th Sept) and will continue into October, with southern California standing in for the area that is now the Texas/Mexico border.  The film has been written by and is to be directed by novelist S. Craig Zahler.

Read the story here at Variety.

We’ll bring you more when we can.

Cold Case S03E22 – The River HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S03E22_lilly_082If you open an episode with “Holding Out For A Hero” by Bonnie Tyler with the scene of an ER doctor operating on a young man, reviving another patient with a defibrillator, comforting the shocked-to-life man’s wife and turning down her offer of money, all under the awestruck watch of super-doc’s son, you just know that things won’t end well for him.  Sure enough, Dr Bowen is shot and killed in an alley a few months later in August of 1984.

Back in the present (2006) a new ADA, replacing the one that Jeffries punched at the end of last week’s starring episode Death Penalty: Final Appeal, brings in a witness to the killing of Dr Bowen.  She says it wasn’t the man originally arrested for the crime that she saw pull the trigger.

Those familiar with some of Kathryn’s previous work may recognise the actor playing Dr Bowen as one of her co-stars on Pensacola: Wings Of Gold.  You are so nearly right.  The doc is Emmanuel Xuereb, twin brother of P:WOG star Salvator Xuereb.

As part of KM UK Summer Of HD 2014 there are now 110 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S03E22_lilly_007 Cold_Case_S03E22_lilly_027 Cold_Case_S03E22_lilly_070

Cold Case Turns 11

CC_Titles_16Opening scene:  A new birth at the CBS TV network

Caption:  Sunday, 28th September 2003

It was Sunday then, it’s a Sunday now (unless you are looking at this at a time when it isn’t of course :-) ).  Yes, Cold Case first appeared on screens 11 years ago today.  Happy birthday.

If Cold Case had continued it would have started it’s 12th season last week.  Though I fear that if it’s trajectory of timeslots continued it would have been on at 4am, assuming the late weather forecast didn’t over run, and, with around 250 cases solved by now, there would have been very few boxes left in the file room.  I’m not sure we would have wanted to watch the squad solve the 1982 case of little Timmy’s hamster.  Did it die of natural causes as it ran in it’s wheel or did the cat scare it to death?  Does a just-surfaced mobilephone voice mail message which just happened to catch the family budgerigar squawking “naughty Tiddles” implicate the doer?  We will never know now  :-)

Actually, I really want to see that episode 😀  Just imagine the final scene as Lilly sees the ghostly figure of ‘Hammy’ giving a grateful wink and hopping back into his wheel for one last spin  :-(

Lilly and co. spearheaded the Sunday night female-led dramas, now exemplified by The Good Wife and CBS’s new 8pm starter Madam Secretary.  Téa Leoni (Bad Boys) is an academic thrust into the role of Secretary Of State, the position currently held in ‘real life’ by John Kerry.  It is a job that several women have had since the late 90s by Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice and, most recently, Hilary Clinton.

Happy 11th Cold Case.  We miss you.

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