Consider the following:
- It’s nearly November.
- The evenings suddenly got darker due to the clocks going back an hour (the switch from British Summer Time to GMT).
- Mince pies are being sold in the supermarkets.
- Tree lights have started appearing in the front gardens of home across the UK.
All this can mean only one thing: Xmas is frighteningly close.
Personally I think there should be a ban on such things until December the 1st, but it keeps happening earlier and earlier as the years go by. Give it a couple more decades and we’ll seeing TV adverts with added sleigh bell sound effects in July. Bah Humbug! 
However, needs must. In the few short years KM UK has existed we’ve managed to introduce several traditions. One those much anticipated annual events is the KM UK advent calendar. Each December a set of themed Kathryn-related images are unveiled, one per day, from behind the ‘doors’. Our inaugural 2009 calendar was based around our favourite lady’s smiles. In 2010 in was ‘The Many Faces Of… Lilly Rush’. Next up was different hair styles we’ve seen Kathryn sport. For 2012 we focused on photos of Kathryn taken on the set of films or TV shows. And last year, after the birth of her twin boys, the theme was motherhood, in real-life or her on-screen work.
This year I’d like to ask you if you can suggest a theme for KM UK’s Advent Calendar for 2014?
The idea needs to one that can be illustrated with 25 images of Kathryn that can be found in the KM UK Gallery. Leave your thoughts in the comments below or contact me using the Contact Form.
The actress and acting coach Xen Sia attended the recent New York Comic Con event to promote a new comic book called Treadwater, aka TRDWTR.
Although Treadwater exists as a traditional comic book, and there is an animated series and much cross-media material (videos, websites etc.), they are using real-life actors to portray the characters in promotional material. Xen is one of them. There is also talk of Treadwater becoming a live action TV series.
As part of her endorsement work at the NY Comic Con Xen was interviewed by Michael Artsis for the BeTerrific!! (their exclamation marks) website. During the chat she also talked about another new project: The Protocol. Regular readers will know a pilot for this possible TV series was filmed in the summer of 2013, with Kathryn making an appearance whilst she was heavily pregnant with her twin boys. The photo above was taken on the set during filming. Xen makes reference to Kathryn’s character, who we know to be called Grace, also being pregnant. I’m not sure that was quite the coincidence that Xen implies.
Just a few weeks ago I reported on The Protocol‘s increasing presence on IMDb, suggesting there is a move to make the show happen. Whether it will or not is another matter.
The Protocol is set in a not too distant future when the government mandates that all citizens take drugs, the titular ‘Protocol’, to control behaviour. None compliance sees you banished to a dystopian realm.
During her discussion Xen makes much of praising Kathryn for her work so far in the likes of Cold Case as well as her nurturing attitude towards an upcoming actress. Xen says the sort of things that we, as fans and followers of Kathryn, would completely expect her to say about Kathryn. It’s all good.
A video of the interview can be seen on YouTube here. A small copy has been added to the KM UK the Gallery. Talk about The Protocol starts at around the 4 minute mark for those wishing to skip ahead.
As has become the way with these things we now have more specific information on the timing of the short film The Coin‘s appearance at a film festival.
The upcoming Enfoque International Film Festival in Puerto Rico happens over three days in mid-November, the 13-15th (Thur-Sat) in fact, as reported a couple of weeks ago.
But which day will The Coin feature on?
No written list of the schedule has been published by the organisers so instead it was a case of having to interpret a set of images detailing each day’s events. A nice and clever way of doing it, removing some language issues for the international audience.
The five short film screenings have been illustrated using small images taken from each movie. A shot of Christopher Lloyd from Fabien Martorell’s short film indicates that The Coin will be in the ‘3rd Section Of Short Films’ which happens on the middle day of the festival, Friday the 14th, at 7:30pm. There being 6 images shows that there will be five other films at the same screening.
More details can be found at the festival’s website here.
We don’t have guys in England. Gentlemen, certainly. Chaps, definitely. Guys, not so much 
The last news we had on the thriller The Perfect Guy was back in August with a possible release date in the US of June 19th, 2015. That date has not been widely reported and remains in the ‘we’ll see’ category for now, looking to be upgraded later to ‘told you so’.
Those here in the UK hoping to see Sanaa Lathan (Boss), Michael Ealy (Almost Human), and Morris Chestnut (Legends), and Kathryn, in the drama about a woman who starts a relationship with a too-good-to-be-true man, could have to wait until November next year.
Several places have reported the UK cinema release date of 27th November 2015 for The Perfect Guy, with a home version (DVD/Blu-ray) at sometime in March to May of 2016.
Pinch of salt to be taken with both of those for now. If it turns out to be true: you heard it here first. If not: you ain’t seen me, right? 
A month ago I reported that The Coin had been selected to be shown at the Gold Coast International Film Festival in November. This Gold Coast is the northern coast of Long Island in the US of A.
At the time of that post the schedule of screenings had not been published so we didn’t know exactly when the short film starring Kathryn, Christopher Lloyd (Stacked) and young Jack Ryan Shepherd could be seen by the attendees.
The timetable has now been published so we can now say… that we are still not able to be very specific on the where and when.
Two events known as ‘Great Shorts 1’ and ‘Great Shorts 2’ are happening on Wednesday, 5th Nov and on Saturday, 8th Nov respectively. The list of which films are at each screening has not been released so far. It is possible that the two events have exactly the same line-up, the second being a repeat of the first. KM UK is investigating and will endeavour to report at a later date.
If you’re attending theh GCIFF and want to see The Coin you’ll need to be at either the Port Washington Public Library at noon on the Wednesday or at the Bow Tie Manhaset Cinemas at 1:30pm on the Saturday. Your call, heads or tails? Fingers crossed for The Coin being at the Library because the tickets are free and they’ll be refreshments provided afterwards. Not surprisingly, however, the cinema tickets are not free ($14 for adults).
In the meantime see the lack of detail on GCIFF website here.
Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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