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EMAs 2010 Update 2

arrivals_085I could have sworn I’d posted an update on this event relatively recently.  Turns out it was back in October 2011.

Looking back at that post I was tempted just to copy it in its entirety, tweak the dates a little, and pass it off as new.  The content is still applicable today: we still miss Kathryn, the Environment Media Association Awards happened again in mid-October, and Kathryn did not attend to our knowledge.

As the weather continues its plunge towards winter I thought it was a good time to bring a little heat to KM UK.  Few things embody heat that Kathryn at the EMAs in 2010.  Phew! Wot a scorcher!

KM UK’s Gallery already has very comprehensive coverage of Kathryn’s arrival, on stage presenting, and backstage posing at the event.  Videos included.  Today we make it even more comprehensive-er by adding 15 more arrival photos and two more videos!

The first video is another red carpet interview (our 4th) in which Kathryn espouses the virtues of more efficient home appliances and using solar power generators at work.  Of course in the winter she could just raise the temperature of a room by walking in to it 😛  If it is too hot for you, crank up the AC or open a window.

A more general series of shots presented by Toyota (you can just about make out their sponsorship logos in the photos if you can see past the beauty) of the event make up the second video.  Kathryn appears briefly.

So, that’s 15 more photos, 2 videos and HD (720p) screencaps from the first first now in the Gallery.  Enjoy.

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The Coin @ Enfoque On Friday

gold_coast_international_film_festival_851x315Having decrypted the cunning Only Connect picture round-style puzzle (hi Vicky!) I determined when The Coin will be shown at the Enfoque International Film Festival for a previous post.

screenshot_001The answer was that the short film by Fabien Martorell would be shown at the Puerto Rico celebration of films from around the world on Friday the 14th.

That would be this coming Friday, making this a reminder with just a few days to go for any of you that might be in a position to… err… go.

Those wishing to see Christopher Lloyd (Roger Rabbit) and Kathryn in the 9 minute long drama need to go to the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico in… err… Puerto Rico at 7:30pm.

More details can be found at the festival’s website here.

Bone Tomahawk Update

misc_001It has been a few weeks since the news first broke on Kathryn starring in the horror western Bone Tomahawk so I thought I’d post a an update on where things stand now.

We know from the news items that Kathryn will play the wife of Sheriff Franklin Hunt, the lead role taken by Kurt Russell (Stargate).  A few days later it became apparent that Mrs Hunt actually has a first name and it is Lorna.  Kathryn joined a significant cast including the likes of Patrick Wilson (Stretch), Matthew Fox (Party Of Five), Lili Simmons (Banshee), Sean Young (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective), David Arquette (Eight Legged Freaks), Richard Jenkins (Say It Isn’t So), Sid Haig (Jackie Brown), Michael Paré (The Lincoln Lawyer), and Fred Malamed (you may not have seen him but you’ve definitely heard him).

The plot of the S. Craig Zahler written and directed film revolves around the Sheriff and a small band of others taking on a dangerous rescue mission in 1800s America.  A group of townsfolk are being held captive by cannibalistic troglodytes.  A local rancher’s wife is amongst them.

A draft script of the film I’ve seen suggests that Kathryn’s role is relatively small (not a big surprise) and is principally made up of two scenes.  Of course things can change.  This film had a lengthy and complicated life before filming got under way in late September of this year.  Back in September 2012 significant steps were taken towards getting the project in to production, including casting lead roles.

In the first of the two scripted scenes Lorna welcomes her husband home, she appears to have been ill.  Later, at home again, she is concerned about Franklin leaving on the adventure core to the plot.

Principal photography ended just over a week ago now so Kathryn has filmed her scenes already.  Most likely this happened at the end of September/beginning of October, not long after her casting became known about.

Just this last Monday (3rd Nov 2014) Entertainment Weekly unveiled a photo of Kurt Russell on horseback in full western regalia, full beard and all.

And to bring us completely up to date: Bone Tomahawk will be making an appearance of sorts at the the American Film Market which opens today (5th Nov 2014) and runs for eight days.  We covered the AFM two years ago when Kathryn’s Hallmark TV movie The Sweeter Side Of Life was screened for the first time at the business-only event.  Buyers representing film distributors and TV networks from around the world congregate in Santa Monica, California, to watch movies and decide what they will purchase for their home territories.  Still in the early stages of post-production Bone Tomahawk will not be screened at the AFM but will be showcased in some form.

The current thinking is Bone Tomahawk is being targeted for an autumn 2015 release.

KM UK will continue to monitor Bone Tomahawk‘s progress and will bring you any updates.

The Coin @ GCIFF On Wednesday

gold_coast_international_film_festival_851x315The previous update on The Coin‘s appearance at the Gold Coast International Film Festival was a little vague on details.  But only because the GCIFF was.

screenshot_001In the past week the organisers have made more information available about the individual screenings.  I’d like to think it was due to KM UK’s prompting.  It probably wasn’t, but I’ll be taking credit any way :-)

So, as the headline above says The Coin will be shown on Wednesday (5th Nov) as part of the ‘Great Shorts 1’ programme at the Port Washington Public Library.

‘Great Shorts 1’ was our favoured choice because it is free (though tickets need to be reserved to guarantee a seat) and includes refreshments.  Tea and biscuits all round then.  Kathryn and biscuits?  Does it get any better than that?

The show starts at 12 noon and the 10 film presentation lasts approximately 90 minutes.

See the GCIFF website here for full details of this and other events.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – October 2014

john_finn_001_430x180Is it really a month since the previous CCCC-up?  Well, yes and no.  A quick extra update in early October means it is only 3 weeks.  This, however, is the real deal.  Welcome to the proper October 2014 round-up of news about the cast members of Cold Case that aren’t Kathryn.

We’ll start off with the basis for that special additional entry: John Finn (Lt. Stillman in CC).  The Irish drama An Bronntanas (aka The Gift) débuted on the TG4 network last week.  Hopefully those of you that wanted to see it got to do so.  It was a good week for John fans as he made a surprise guest appearance on the hit new US drama series Madam Secretary the previous Sunday.  The show stars Teà Leoni (Bad Boys) as Elizabeth McCord, the US Secretary of State of the USA.  Hilary Clinton held the position a few years ago.  It is in many ways the second most powerful job after President.  We’re used to seeing John as the strong silent type that you know will ultimately do the right thing, even if it means taking one for team.  He is often cast in a roles that involve wearing the uniform of a senior member of the armed forces such as a General on shows like NCIS.  For Madam Secretary though, he was different.  As US peace envoy Allen Bollings, John got to play a more ambiguous character.  He still had that air of a military man and you would think as a negotiator of peace deals there would be little scope for a bad side to emerge.  But it did.  Allen did not do as instructed by Secretary McCord and was not exactly brokering peace.  Allen had is own agenda.  John does quietly angry very well.  Hostilities nearly broke out with the middle east as a result.

I don’t watch Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (aka SVU), the long running drama series that Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) joined after Cold Case ended, so I can only go by what I’ve read.  It seems that in the early stages of the current 16th season Danny’s Det. Nick Amaro has been getting amorous with Det. Amanda Rollins (Kelli Giddish).  Scotty finally bagged the blonde cop that many thought he should have done many years ago 😉  Speaking of Amaro, he’s going to be branching out from New York-set SVU with a guest appearance in the new-ish show by SVU creator Dick Wolf.  The title Chicago P.D. probably tells you most of what you need to know about the programme that recently started its second season in the US.  Danny/Nick is down for episode 7 which is due to air on November 12th.  Scotty was the only CC character to cross-over into another show with a less than satisfying guest role in CSI: New York.

As usual we could write a book, or at least a lengthy post, just about Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) and her work since our last CCCC-up.  The play Lost Lake, which is due to première on the 11th of November at the Manhattan Theatre Club, New York, has been in previews for the past few days.  Lost Lake stars John Hawkes (The Sessions) and Tracie.  She’s a mother who has taken her children away on a much needed holiday.  He’s the owner of the the cabin by the lake they stay in.  In addition to all that Tracie is due to star, as the lead no less, in a new web series currently under development called Send Me.  It’s a drama about a university lecturer (Tracie) that has the power to send people back in time to see the slave trade in action.  As is often the case these days funding is being sort for the project from the general public.  You can find more details and a link to their Indiegogo page on the website.  Coming up in December (January in the UK) is the release of a new movie adaptation of the musical Annie.  In the past few days details of the soundtrack have been revealed.  Tracie is not specifically listed as a singer but there’s little doubt she’ll be making her presence felt aurally in the larger ensemble pieces.  Whilst most of the songs are sung by cast members Quvenzhané Wallis, Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, Bobby Cannavale, and Rose Byrne; Australian pop/jazz singer Sia and Beck also feature.  The  soundtrack is due to be available a couple of weeks before the film.

More next month.

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