
September 2024
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More Euro Dates For The Perfect Guy

A quick further update on the release dates for The Perfect Guy across Europe.

Two weeks ago, as reported here, the list expanded to include the likes of France and Germany.  Over the following days extras were added.  In the last couple of days additional entries have been appended.

Portugal gets in first with date in late October.  It is followed a week later by Norway, Poland and Romania which have joined Sweden in early November.

The list as it stands now is as follows:

  • Portugal – 29 October 2015
  • Norway – 6 November 2015
  • Poland – 6 November 2015
  • Romania – 6 November 2015
  • Sweden – 6 November 2015
  • Belgium – 18 November 2015
  • France – 18 November 2015
  • Germany – 26 November 2015
  • UK – 27 November 2015

The new items are in bold.

For more details about The Perfect Guy see the initial post here on KM UK about Kathryn being cast in the film.

Monte Mentions Mentoring Morris More

epiphone_001February seems like a long time ago now.  It was a long time ago.

Ten months ago I posted an item about an interview done with legendary guitarist Monte Pittman for the Echoes And Dust website.  In answer to a follow-up question about his famous students Monte said that he had taught Kathryn to play the guitar.  You can read that article, with a link through to the interview, here.

Yesterday (9th December) the France-based Radio Metal website published an interview conducted by ‘Spaceman’ with Monte.  It covers a lot of the same ground as the E&D piece, which is not entirely surprising as it was done around the same time.  Quite why Radio Metal has waited so long to run it is not clear.  It is only at the end of the article that the delay is mentioned, though references to Monte’s new album, The Power Of Three, which came out in January 2014 do give it away a bit.

The reason for posting here on KM UK is, of course, another mention of Kathryn.

Are you giving guitar lessons to other pop stars?

It comes and it goes.  I’ve been living and teaching in L.A. for fourteen years now, so there’s been a lot of people.  I can’t think of anything that just comes to mind.  I’ve seen so many people I’ve forgotten more than I can remember.  Some of them became famous after I taught them.  There’s one girl, Kathryn Morris, that used to take some guitar lessons from me, and then years later, she was on the TV show Cold Case.  Some people just wanna learn to play guitar for fun, or just to have another skill.  It’s not that they want to be the best guitar player in the world, for a lot of people I’ve met and a lot of my students, they just wanna be able to play a couple of chords, “Wish You Were Here” or something like that.

Kathryn must have stood out in Monte’s mind for him to mention her in two interviews like this.  I’d say it’s meaningful as in the E&D interview he name dropped the likes of Brad Pitt of all people!  The less discreet amongst you might point out that in neither answer does Monte comment on Kathryn’s ability 😛

You can read the interview on the Radio Metal website here.  Being a French site there is a version in the native language.

Anyone Present To Present A Present?

Present_128x128You’ve got to love the English language sometimes.

The same word three times in a subject, each one means something different (adjective, verb, noun), and it makes sense… ish.

As we head far too quickly to the festive period I thought, just for a bit of fun, I would ask our dear readers (that’s you) a question.

If you were able to give Kathryn any Xmas present, what would it be?

It can be large or small, cheap or expensive, practical or fun (Xmas presents should really be fun gifts though), personal to you or widely available.

I’d write down my idea but I think you’d immediately see through it as more of a present (every Xmas and birthday ever combined) for me 😉

Cold Case DVD boxset is not allowed either because that would be for you too :-)  ‘RichE’ is an acceptable response :-)

You can include Johnny and the twins in this of course if you wish.

The Perfect Guy Euro Release Dates – Update x2

One date is never enough is it?  How about three?

Back in late October I reported that the thriller The Perfect Guy could be seeing the light on day here in England in a year’s time.  Of course at the end of November in England there’s not a lot of daylight to be seeing.

That 27th November 2015 release date for The Perfect Guy in the UK has now been more officially confirmed by its appearance on the film’s IMDb page.  Score one for KM UK!

It has been joined by dates for Germany and Sweden.  The Swedes are always ahead of the game so a 6th November release should come as no surprise.  The Germans, however, only get a single day’s advantage over the UK.  There is more to Europe than the United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden of course.  For a start if certain people have their way the UK won’t be part of it any more.  No news on France, Spain, etc. etc.

Still no sign of a home country appearance.  The 19th June 2015 made a brief appearance, as reported here in August, for a US showing but has yet to be seen again.  It’s a little odd.  You’d expect it to be the other way around with America info known first.

The Perfect Guy stars Sanaa Lathan (Boss), Michael Ealy (Almost Human), and Morris Chestnut (Legends).  After leaving her longterm boyfriend (Morris), Leah (Sanaa) meets the titular perfect guy (Michael).  Unfortunately in this case “perfect” is spelt “psycho” and “guy” is spelt “stalker”.  Kathryn’s role is as a close friend of Leah.

More as and when we get it.

Update (6 Dec):  Belgium has been added to the list with an 18th November 2015 release date.

Update (7 Dec):  A now France has been included, sharing the 18th November with Belgium.

Xmas Advent Calendar 2014

Blimey Charlie!  It’s December already!

What happened to the other 11/12ths of 2014?  It’s gone so quickly.

The KM UK Advent Calendar has been resurrected for another year but what is the theme for 2014?

After doing this for a few years coming up with a new idea for a set a pictures was proving quite difficult.  Then I thought of the popular phrase “Keep it simple, stupid”, aka KISS.  And then it hit me!  Right in the kisser.  BOOM!  It was staring me in the face.

Yes, for 2014 we’re putting the X into Xmas with the theme of kissing.

What could be a better message for a season all about bring joy to others than such a wonderful show of affection for our fellow man and woman?

As is the tradition, each day a new image will be revealed in the Advent Calendar album in the KM UK Gallery.  Each picture is taken from Kathryn’s film and TV work and will involve her in some lip-action.  Not entirely comfortable viewing for some of us of course :-(

The Advent Calendar is now available in the Gallery.  A direct link has been added to the main menu on the right and it will remain there for the duration.

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