
March 2025
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The Coin & Unbelief Double Date In Philly

speechless_film_festival_logo_180x180The Philadelphia Independent Film Festival has published its schedule of screenings for the 5 day event.

“What do you mean ‘5 day event’?”  I here you say.  “The 17th to the 25th (inclusive) is 9 days.”  And you sir would be correct.  The schedule, however, says otherwise.

The PIFF calendar of screenings starts on the Friday (17th) with a series of opening night screenings.  Included is a world première of Moon Hoax Now, which seeks to debunk all those ridiculous conspiracy theories that the conspiracy theories the moon landings were faked.  Director Jet Wintzer will be there.  Sounds like a hoot.

After that the event takes the weekend off and returns on Monday (20th) with another set of screenings and another world premiere.  This time it is Sean Roberts’ drama Traffickers about a family of Philly drug dealers and their battle against a rival.  Short film The Grey by Anthony Berenator Jr. also gets a first outing.

Among Tuesday’s varied collection films are two shorts receiving world premières: dramas Nesting Grounds (dir Ian Scott McCullough) and local boy Christian Filippone’s first project Stray.

Then we get to Wednesday and this is where our interest lies.

The Levitt Theater at the University of the Arts on South Broad Street in Philadelphia, is hosting the four screening events on the 22nd.  The first kicks off at 5:20pm and contains 3 short films, two dramas and a documentary.  Screening two is a go at 6:20pm and opens with Fabien Martorell’s The Coin.  Watch three more shorts after that and 40 minutes later you could be watching Fabien’s new film Unbelief.  6 short drama films in 70 minutes.

There are more films listed as screening on the Thursday.  There is nothing for Friday or Saturday (25th) which means, at the time of writing, it’s a 5 day event.  Perhaps that will change prior to the first day.  We’ve got what we came for though.

So that’s the Wednesday after next (the 22nd of April) at 6:20pm at the Levitt Theater in Philly.  Got it?

More info is on the official website HERE.

The Coin @ Short. Sweet. Film Fest On Saturday

short_sweet_film_fest_cleveland_poster_1634x2048A short and sweet reminder that short and sweetish short film The Coin will be making its scheduled short appearance at the ‘Short. Sweet. Film Fest‘ in Cleveland, Ohio, this Saturday.

The event takes place at the Alex Theater, part of The Metropolitan At The 9 complex starting on Friday evening with a film and running through to the Sunday evening awards ceremony closer.

The Coin is down for 4:40pm on the Saturday.

When I posted previously about the SSFF schedule I had it listed as being at 4:30pm.  Not sure if I made a mistake or the times have shifted.  Oh, well.  Better you be there 10 minutes early.  Ten minutes late and you’ve missed it.

Tickets and more details are available via the official website HERE.

Murder She Wrote – Easter Monday

msw_s12e22_035It has taken a while but UK TV network ITV have finally got almost to the end of the Murder, She Wrote series.  The sister channel ITV got here last year but now the parent (I know, I’ve made this a complicated family :-) ) ITV1 has caught up.  This means HD is possible.

On Monday, that’s the 6th of April aka Easter Monday, ITV1/1HD will be showing episode 22 of the 12 season of Murder, She Wrote.  It’s titled What You Don’t Know Can Kill You and saw Kathryn in one of her earliest roles as Doreen the waitress.  There were only two more episodes of the show ever made, prior to the four TV movie specials.  Kathryn must have left an impression as four years later she had a lead role in one of them.  You can see more details on that here.  I expect it to come around again quite soon, look out for another classic KM UK Media Alert!

Those still recovering from Sunday’s chocolate induced coma will need to set their alarms for 9:25 on Monday morning.  Sorry.

If you can’t wait until then my 2009 spoiler laden review of this MSM episode can be seen here and there is plenty of coverage in the KM UK Gallery too.

Kathryn’s Crowning Glory In Retirement – April Fool

kathryn_dentist_430x180As I am sure you are all too aware Kathryn’s been a bit quiet on the acting front since Cold Case ended.

Yes, there have been a few movie roles (Cougars Inc., The Coin, Roommate Wanted, Bone Tomahawk) and more possibly on the horizon (Alice Sweet Alice remake) but that surely can’t be enough for one as talented as Kathryn?

008KM UK has discovered that Kathryn plans to permanently retire from acting in the next 12 months and take up a whole new profession, albeit one tangentially connected to show business.

I’m sure we’ve all fallen in love with Kathryn’s dazzling, room-lighting up, heart-melting smile.  See right for a fantastic example.  It seems to come so naturally to her.  However, it is not as natural as it might appear.  Being so common it should come as no surprise to anyone that Kathryn benefited from the work of dental surgeons to help improve the quality of that beaming grin.  Fillings, crowns and whitening have all been employed.

Recently leaked documents acquired by KM UK revealed that over the past couple of years Kathryn has been learning the secrets of dentistry so she can give back to Hollywood.  This way she can help rising new talents as well as established stars achieve their best look.

In January of 2013 Kathryn enrolled in the Association For Orthodontistry, Ophthalmology & Lips which, as the name suggests, covers many aspects related to the face.  It is like being an ear, nose and throat doctor but much more upfront and external.  Under the tutelage of Professor Dr. Phil McAvity DDS Kathryn has specialised in dental surgery.  After initially having to learn the basics of medicine, having never studied it before, she has spent much of the past 6 months learning the finer points of the craft.

KM UK contacted the association to see if they could shed any further light on this.  Their spokesperson Will E. Spielman gave us the following statement:

We can confirm that Kathryn Morris is a member of the Association For Orthodontistry, Ophthalmology & Lips.  She has been an exemplary student taking on-board an amalgam of work.  The impression she left on all who worked with her was that she will extract the best from herself in the pursuit of her goal.  In few months she will complete the course, capping it all with the crown that is her degree.  We expect Kathryn to bridge the gap to her new career as we say tartar to her.  Acting’s floss is dentistry’s gain.

Everyone here at KM UK wishes Kathryn all the best on her new direction in life.

I for one will be booking my first appointment with Dr Morris as soon as I can.  Any time after 2:30 is good for me 😀

Update:  As many of you will have guessed this was the usual annual attempt at an April Fool’s Day joke.  A.F.O.O.L., spokesperson Will E. Spielman, Phil McAvity, 2:30, all the puns in the statement?  It may not have fooled you but hopefully it was a little entertaining.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – March 2015

It is very nearly a new month so it can only mean one thing here on KM UK: another edition of our monthly looks at the on-going careers of the non-Kathryn members of the Cold Case cast.  Your CCCC-up for March 2015 is served.

After a few months of mentioning it and what felt like longer waiting for it Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC) finally made his appearance in the now cancelled TNT drama series Perception.  When the news first broke on Thom’s role as an FBI field officer it looked like it would be recurring across a few episodes in the short closing run.  Sadly, Thom did not appear until the very last episode, regardless of what IMDb is saying at the moment.  Worst still it was all too brief.  I can only assume the intention was for it to be greater but it was, for some reason, cut.  How long will it be until we next get to talk about the big man?

Another of our less regular regulars is John Finn (John Stillman in CC).  We have another chance to talk about him today.  John has been cast in a pilot for possible new CBS drama series called Doubt.  No… doubt (see what I did there?) it will be in the running for a slot in the upcoming autumn/fall schedules.  IMDb has it listed a TV movie, which they often do for 1 hour pilot episodes like this.  You’ll remember The Surgeon General which Kathryn had a role in and never made it to series.  It is still characterised as a TV movie despite never airing.  Anyway, Doubt stars KaDee Strickland (Private Practice) as a defence lawyer.  In the pilot she gets ‘romantically involved’ (code for ‘doing it’, which itself is code for…) with her client, a man charged with the murder of a girl some years before.  I can’t imagine that will be happening every week though.  They are throwing the proverbial book at this show with Laverne Cox (Orange Is The New Black), Dreama Walker (Don’t Trust The B—- In Appartment 23), Dulé Hill (Psych), and Teddy Sears (Masters Of Sex) amongst those cast.  All we know about John’s role is it is a character called Don.  It could be a regular character or unique to the pilot.  We don’t know yet.  Since the last CCCC-up John apparently had a two-episode role in the TV series The Blacklist, which stars James Spader (Boston Legal) as a master criminal who, after years of evading the authorities, suddenly turns himself over the FBI and offers to help catch others like him.  ‘Judge Richard Renner’ (John) made his appearances in episodes earlier this month.

We can usually rely on Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on CC) to help fill up a CCCC-up, often all on her own, but this time it was only a late entry that gets her mentioned.  Unbeknownst to me Tracie starred in a horror short last year that received a brief online-only release during Halloween.  It was one of a set of 31 films for the DreadCentral, Collider and BloodyDisgusting websites under the title Fun Size Horror.  Remember kids: fun is not a size.  Tracie played ‘Karen’ in a segment called The Collection.  May will see 21 of the films released via VOD services in what should probably be called an anthology titled Fun Size Horror: Volume One.  Plans are already under way for a new set of short films for Halloween 2015.  Be afraid, very afraid.

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