And so it continues…
Overnight (UK time) the first poster for the film Bone Tomahawk was released by the production company Caliber Media. You may have noticed it already. I slipped in a small copy above (full size in the Gallery). Try squinting 
We know that Kathryn’s role in Bone Tomahawk as the wife of the Sheriff played by Kurt Russell will be quite small. So it is not a big surprise that Kathryn does not feature in the stars pictured or named in large letters in the poster. However, you never know how things can change once a film goes into post-production. Kathryn’s filmed scenes could easily have been lost in the editing process.
The very good news is that if you look closely at the lower section of the poster you can see this:
There she is, second to be listed after the actors highlighted in the main image.
As mentioned previous Bone Tomahawk is due to be showcased in some form, probably only to those in the trade, at the Cannes Film Festival starting next week. Hopefully they’ll be more news then.
An actual release date has not been announced yet and I understand that the film is in the final stages of audio post-production.
Just when you thought it was all over…
Yesterday Fabien Martorell (thank you again), writer/director/producter of the short film The Coin, let it be known that the film is due to be screened at the deadCENTER film festival (don’t blame me that’s the way they write it).
deadCENTER takes place in mid-June in Oklahoma City, Ohio, and will be in its 15th year in 2015.
Normally, next I’d be typing how I’ll have to follow-up at a later date with details on exactly when the screening is due to take place. Not this time! The schedule was published late last week so we already know.
Grouped with 7 other short films in a 2 hour event with the title ‘The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Somewhere Inbetween Shorts’, The Coin will be screened twice during the festival. The first is on Saturday the 13th, starting at 2:30pm. This is then repeated at 11:30am the next day. Both take place at the FerrellOil Theater at Harkins, home to all the short film events at the dCFF this year.
If you’re down Ohio way in June, why not check it out.
There is of course an official website with more detail and you can find it HERE.
It’s May already!?!
Seriously? Wasn’t it Xmas just last month? Where does the time go?
One thing that is beginning to feel like it was quite a long time ago, and yet at the same time just yesterday, is the end of Cold Case.
On this day five years ago (2nd May 2010) the long running CBS network crime drama series came to an end. On that Sunday night in the US of A two episodes were broadcast back-to-back, bring to a close the seven season-long run.
Since then we’ve seen all of Kathryn’s main co-stars return to the small screen in various roles. Danny Pino (Scotty Valens on CC) didn’t stray far from the genre with a leading role in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit being the most obvious one. All the rest have made guest appearances galore. Just last week Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera) was in Bones. Thom Barry (Will Jeffries) was a prison doctor on House. Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller) met the Veep. And, John Finn (John Stillman) showed up in a couple of episodes of NCIS. Those were just one example for each. Tracie, as usual, ups the average by being on multiple shows, some pilots for new shows, and movies. Check out KM UK’s monthly Cold Case Cast Catch-up posts for the latest news on them and others.
Normally the monthly CCCC-up is purely about the other main actors from Cold Case that aren’t Kathryn. This time I’m making an exception.
Earlier this month saw the passing of the actor James Best (picture above), most famous for playing Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane in the long-running TV series The Dukes Of Hazzard. The show ran for 7 seasons and over 140 episodes, not far of Cold Case‘s figures. James’ last film work was in The Sweeter Side Of Life starring as the father of Kathryn’s leading role of Desiree Harper.
James will forever be seen as Rosco but take even a brief look at his filmography and you’ll see he started working at the age of 24 in 1950. He is credited in more than 180 projects in a career that spanned 64 years. I’m far from knowledgeable about American TV from that era but even I know that shows like The Lone Ranger, Wagon Train, The Andy Griffith Show, The Twilight Zone, The Fugitive, Rawhide, Perry Mason, Bonanza, and Gun Smoke were some of the biggest. James appeared in all of those, many more and a lot of films too.
1979 and onwards James’ work was dominated by the creation he made his own: Rosco P Coltrane. The original Dukes TV series saw a cartoon version, a spin-off about Sheriff Coltrane’s deputy Enos, and several TV movies staring James and many of the original cast made. The family connection of the writing/directing/producing pairing of his daughter Janeen and her husband Michael Damien kept James on the small screen as he starred in several of their TV movie projects. The Sweeter Side Of Life was one of those.
James Best 1926-2015.
Heading back towards Cold Case we take a brief pitstop to mention the actor who played Lilly Rush’s half-brother Finn, Brett Davern. Several times over the life of this site I’ve posted (most notably here) about Kathryn’s foray in to motorsport when she took part in the Toyota Pro/Celebrity charity race (which is one of the support categories to the Longbeach GP IndyCar race) back in 2007. Brett recently competed for the third time at the event. After winning overall last year he was upgraded to Pro status for 2015, meaning that he no longer benefited from the 30-second head-start the celebs get. He finished 6th, some way behind Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton on The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air), who is already is a two-time winner, and therefore also a celeb classed as a pro.
Getting back on track (see what I did there?) I get the pleasure of mentioning one of our less regular regulars Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera on CC). Just last week Jeremy made a guest-starring appearance in the latest episode of the still-going TV series Bones. Jeremy played a high-stakes poker player, one of several suspected of killing a fellow gambler to steal his winnings. ‘ATM’, nicknamed because he’s always paying out money, has a few arguments with Special Agent Seeley ‘Booth’ Booth (David Boreanaz, of Buffy and Angel fame). Did he do it?
Well… it actually began quite a few years ago now, as covered previously in far too much detail here. Things are, however, progressing with the pre-release process starting very soon.
Once past all the ups-and-downs of pre-production the movie Bone Tomahawk was filmed in September and October last year. Since then it has been in post-production: the process of editing, re-recording audio, adding special effects etc.
We’re interested in all this on KM UK because Kathryn has a small role in the horror western film as the wife of the main character Sheriff Franklin Hunt, as played by Kurt Russell (Fast & Furious 7).
In a couple of weeks (13th-24th May) the famous ‘Cannes Film Festival’ starts in the southern France. The glitzy star-studded premières and the critics’ reactions to the latest releases get all the headlines but a big part of the 10-day long event is the business deals done. Films are sold on the international markets by distributors in ‘Le Marché du Film’.
One of the distributors of Bone Tomahawk is French company ‘Celluloid Dreams’. They will be attending Cannes and will be promoting 9 projects, some ready to go like local fare Dheepan and others still in early development such as The Swallows of Kabul. Bone Tomahawk is in between those states as it is still in post-production but it is set to be showcased in some form or other.
It is unlikely that much will be made public about Bone Tomahawk‘s appearance at Cannes but more details, such as possible release dates, and who knows, maybe even a trailer could make a showing.
Either way it is a sign that the process is moving along.
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Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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