
September 2024
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Credit Where Credit’s Due

Roommate Wanted KM UK credit 430x150(Screenshot from the closing credits of Roommate Wanted)

Just sayin’  😉

Thank you to director Rob Margolies and all the cast and crew of Roommate Wanted for allowing KM UK to be involved.

KM UK Exclusive – Kathryn ‘Roommate Wanted’ On Set Video

kathryn_on_set_018It is time for something a little bit special on KM UK.  We’re starting our 7th year in existence with a great birthday present to ourselves and our fellow fans (that’s you!).

kathryn_on_setTo mark the release of the movie Roommate Wanted on DVD and VOD platforms today (19th May), KM UK is giving you an EXCLUSIVE video of Kathryn on the film set.

As you will see the video is made up of Kathryn preparing for scenes, rehearsing and giving her fans here on KM UK a special message.

The video has now been added to the KM UK Gallery HERE (there’s screencaps from it too). Enjoy.

Many thanks to Kathryn, director Rob Margolies and the other cast and crew for doing this for us.

It’s Our Birthday And We’ll Post If We Want To

CC_100th_430x200Happy Birthday to KM UK!

You would post to if it happened tooooo you.

We really need to buy a new cake for the next celebration.  That one must be getting a little dry now.

Today (18th May 2015) KM UK reaches its 6th birthday.  I first posted a Hello World on this day in 2009.

We like a good stat so I’ll do what I normally do and post a few updated info about this site.

  • This is the 1067th post, maintaining our nearly one every 2 days average
  • Nearly 4600 comments posted
  • Over 6.5 million hits
  • No spam comments made public, despite well over 200,000 attempts!
  • In excess of 560 Twitter followers

The KM UK Gallery:

  • 66,500 images, up more than 4000 in the past year
  • Over 550,000 image hits
  • 1125 albums
  • 655 registered users

Thank you to everyone of you that visits and contributes.

Make sure you come back tomorrow when we start our 7th year with a fantastic EXCLUSIVE.

I’d Buy That Coin For A Canadian Dollar

poster_001Northern North Americans now have the chance to watch the short film The Coin for the princely sum of 99 cents Canadian.  That’s a mere 11 cents per minute.  Sounds like good value to me.

The film is available on the Illico website to stream as a 24 hour rental until the end of January next year.  You definitely need an account with them, and presumably there is some geo-locking or a requirement for proof of residence such as a registered credit card.

You can see The Coin’s page on the site HERE.

As usual thanks to writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell for letting us know.

Revival House… Not… Err… Revived?

revival_house_430x38It is just over 6 months since our last update on the trademark status of Kathryn’s production company Revival House.

In that half-year the United States Patent And Trademark Office (USPTO) required documentation proving the active use of the name Revival House in a commercial setting.  As of May 11th, that information was not forthcoming so the applied for trademark Revival House is now officially ‘Abandoned’.

This change of status does not necessarily mean that the production company itself is dead, just that the protections afforded to the use of the name are lost.  It is not a completely beyond saving, there is the option of a petition being submitted.  There are only two weeks to do so though.

First filed in 2011, just a few months after Kathryn’s previous production company Hotplate Productions went through the same abandonment process, Revival House was accepted in April 2012.  Proof of usage or a 6-month extension request needs to be submitted within 6 months.  A maximum of 5 extensions can be approved, giving a total of 3 years to ‘use it or lose it’.

Since that time has all now passed with no signs of Revival House being used commercially, the trademark application on the name has been closed.

The Trademarkia website has all the details.

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