
March 2025
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The Coin’s Hyart Film Fest Timing

hyart_film_festival_logo_2048x2011Since my post on Monday information on the schedule of screenings at the the Hyart Film Festival have been released.

There isn’t a great deal of detail but there is probably everything you need to know at such an event.

The opening night is next Thursday (18th May) and it looks like it is ‘sci-fi night’, possibly ‘spoof sci-fi night’.  RZ-9 might be a serious feature length movie.  Israeli short film Schnitzel, tagline ‘A boy, a girl, a space-alien and fried chicken’, definitely isn’t.  Phoenix could go either way.  Doors open at 7pm.

Friday night is shorts night.  I said ‘shorts’ not ‘shots’ 😉  Starting at 7pm the evening is made up of nine short films from around the world.  Not surprisingly this is where The Coin features.

And on Saturday is another multi-film collection, this time eight, which includes a world premiere of a French short called Rêve de fer (aka Iron Dream).  Set in 1794, a writer believes he’s found something very important about the country’s ongoing revolution.  It’s in the synopsis on IMDb so I won’t be spoiling to say “he’s wrong.”  You guessed it: 7pm.

The Perfect Guy Posters


Over the weekend a couple of posters for The Perfect Guy surfaced.  Other news caused me to delay posting until now.  The lack of Kathryn (but not Morris :-) ) in them made them a lower priority too.

For the sake of completeness the two large-sized variants are now in the KM UK Gallery HERE.

The Coin @ The Hyart Film Festival

hyart_film_festival_logo_2048x2011You would think it was spent (geddit?) by now but The Coin continues its attempt to break the world record for the greatest number of film festival appearances :-)

As has become the usual for Fabien Martorell has let us know that his short film, starring Christopher Lloyd (Roger Rabbit) and Kathryn, will be screened at another festival.

This time it is the Hyart Film Festival in Lovell, Wyoming USA.  The event’s name comes from the theater used to host it.  The building has a very distinctive turquoise frontage and a large sign as seen in the festival’s logo (see pic on the left).

Wyomingites don’t have to wait very long because the film festival starts Thursday-week, the 18th of June, and runs for three days.

As of going to press the screening schedule has not been published.  I’ll let you know when we have more news.

Yet Still More Cold Case Guest Star Reddit AMAs

Up for a bit of Cold Case chat with an actor that guest starred on the show?

Thanks to Todd Smitts, our resident expert in all things Cold Case, I have an update on a couple more of these Ask Me Anything Q&A sessions on the Reddit website.

This was Todd’s latest message to me:

[T]wo more Cold Case actors will be doing AMA’s on reddit this week.  Ksenia Solo (Lena from “Cargo”) will be doing on at 5 PM eastern on June 8, and Ian Anthony Dale (Ray Takahashi from “Family 8108”) at 5 PM eastern on June 9.

Ksenia Solo is a Latvia-born Canadian actress who has starred in the movie Black Swan and the TV series Lost Girl amongst many other things.  You may remember her in Cargo as the girl with curly hair, a look she doesn’t appear to sport these days.  Currently she is busy with shows Orphan Black and TURN: Washington Spies and has a film called Another You out at some point this year.  She’s a busy woman.

By the time Ian Anthony Dale guested in Family 8108 he’d already been a regular on shows like Charmed and Surface.  He’s also guested on a lot of other shows.  Bones, 24, all the CSIs, The Mentalist, Burn Notice, The Event, are just a few from a long list.  Most recently Ian had a recurring role in Hawaii Five-O and a lead role in Murder In The First.  He’s a busy man.

The Reddit IAmA page HERE has all the details etc.

If you have details of something you think fellow Kathryn/Cold Case fans would be interested in then please use the Contact form to let me know and I’ll post about it.

The Perfect Guy Trailer – Kathryn Appears!

trailer_001_screenshot_005A trailer for the upcoming thriller The Perfect Guy has been released (well, it’s out there) and, as this post’s title makes clear, Kathryn makes an appearance.  It is very brief though.

A copy of the quite lengthy video and some HD-sized images from it can now be found in the KM UK Gallery HERE.  Those that don’t like to know anything about what happens in a movie before seeing it in full might be best advised to steer clear.  Just look at the pictures instead. They give nothing away about the plot, just that Kathryn is gorgoeous and that’s not a surprise to anyone!

The Perfect Guy stars Sanaa Lathan (The Cleveland Show) as a newly single lady that meets a handsome gentleman and starts a new relationship with this seemingly ideal guy.  Michael Ealy (Almost Human) is that man.  Unfortunately for Sanna’s Leah, he’s becomes rather possessive.  The film is due for release from September.

Kathryn has a small role as Karen, a friend of Leah.  We see them together in a restaurant in the trailer.

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