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Happy New Year!

The_Perfect_Guy_1080p_069Happy New Year from KM UK

Best wishes for 2016 to Kathryn and all her fans

I hope you will all join us in 2016.

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

wallpaper_172_1980x2640_lollyHappy Thanksgiving to Kathryn, her family, and all our American friends from KM UK

Thanksgiving isn’t thing we do here in England so it easily slips the mind.

That may explain why I managed to forget to do this annual post last year.

It’s the last Thursday in November so our American cousins are getting in some pre-Xmas Xmas in the form of Thanksgiving.  We hope they enjoy it.

Much like this post has skipped a years it has been a few years since I used Lolly‘s wallpaper to illustrate one.  Thanks again to her for her work.  You can find more Thanksgiving themed fan art in the KM UK Gallery.

Happy New Year!

promo_007Happy New Year from KM UK

Best wishes for 2015 to Kathryn and all her fans

I hope you will all join us in 2015.

Happy New Year!

promo_007Happy New Year from KM UK

Best wishes for 2014 to Kathryn and all her fans

I hope you will all join us in 2014.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013


Happy Thanksgiving from KM UK to Kathryn, her family, and all of our American friends

As much as I wish we could contain Xmas to within December at least, I fear that that horse has already bolted.  It’s running wild.

We can lay blame for much of this on our cousins on the other side of the pond: the Americans.  Their month-early celebrations for Thanksgiving must be at least partly responsible.

And on that note:  Happy Thanksgiving  :-)

Credit to Icywinter for the banner image above.  It is part of KM UK’s extensive Fan Art Gallery. If you wish to add your own work to the Gallery then please contact me.

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