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Reverie S01E06 – Preview Video

artwork_002Reverie_s01e06_previewSomehow amongst all the information available, including the press release for this upcoming episode, I had missed that Reverie is not on this week.  Wednesday being the 4th of July means it is a big holiday week in America, and most of the main TV networks are taking a break from their normal schedules.

Based on the preview video (now added to the Gallery) and the lack of Kathryn in the released promo photographs (not in the Gallery) for this episode we should not get our hopes up for her starring much.  If at all.  Kathryn does not feature in the video.

“Pas de Deux”, episode 6 of Reverie is due to be broadcast next week on the 11th of July.

Reverie S01E05 – Altum Somnum Screencaps

reverie_s01e05_191As promised lots of Monica Shaw (Kathryn) in this one.

Although she was very much in DoD mode we also got to see a bit of her softer side, at least towards the end when she understood more about what the team had achieved together.  She also made herself more a part of that team and not just an interested observer from the sidelines.

We even caught a lovely smile or two, and we are always on the look out for those from Kathryn.

There is now a nearly 200 strong HD (720p) screencap collection from this episode of Reverie in the KM UK the Gallery.

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Reverie S01E07 – Press Release

artwork_002Reverie season 1, episode 7: “The Black Mandala”

A mandala is a type of spiritual symbol.

Official Press Release:

07/18/2018 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : The team works together to save the life of a wrongly imprisoned boy and Mara (Sarah Shahi) is introduced to the dangerous world of Dark Reveries where the normal rules don’t apply. Dennis Haysbert, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kathryn Morris and Jessica Lu also star.


Reverie S01E06 – Press Release

artwork_002Reverie season 1, episode 6: “Pas de Deux”

A pas de deux, ‘step of two’ in English, is a ballet dance involving two people.

Official Press Release:

07/11/2018 (10:00PM – 11:00PM) (Wednesday) : Mara (Sarah Shahi) tries to save a young dancer whose recent tragedy has sent her spiraling into deep despair. The case leads Mara to a surprising reunion with Chris (guest star Sam Jaeger), the love she left when her life fell apart. Dennis Haysbert, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kathryn Morris and Jessica Lu also star


Reverie S01E05 – Promo Photos – Updated x2

Reverie_s01e05_promo_003Following up the preview clip I recently added to the ‘Altum Somnum’ press release post (check it out for a question to answer) we have 4 nice and large promo photos from the episode.  All feature Kathryn.

All are in the Gallery and displayed around this post.  I won’t detain you any longer.

Update (21st June):  Make that 5 photos.  Oops, I missed one!  And it is the biggest of them all.

Reverie_s01e05_preview Reverie_s01e05_promo_002 Reverie_s01e05_promo_004 Reverie_s01e05_promo_005

Update (22nd June):  Now we have couple of clips of scenes from this episode.  The first one is very Kathryn-centric as Monica Shaw does her ‘Bosley’ thing explaining the situation to Charlie’s Angels.  See what I did there?  In clip number two Mara goes into the mind of an injured woman.  I’ve thrown in some HD (720p) screencaps from clip 1.

Reverie_s01e05_clip_001 Reverie_s01e05_clip_002 Reverie_s01e05_clip_001_066

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