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As If Any More Proof Were Needed…

… of how great Kathryn is.

Kathryn gets a brief mention in new interviews with a couple of co-stars in some of her recent work, Cold Case and Mother’s Little Helpers.

First, IGN UK Edition has an interview with wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.  I’m not at all familiar with his work but he is due to appear in this Sunday’s new episode (in the USA) of Cold Case, One Fall, playing…  a wrestler.  Quite a stretch for him no doubt :-)  He seems more than a little impressed by Kathryn’s work ethic.

Roddy Piper: Yes, I am. And he’s quite a character too. It was a lot of fun. Those people were great and Kathryn (Morris), the star of the show, she was really got into it so much and she spent extra time on the episode and she was crying like a baby. Bless her heart, man. In the turnarounds, when she was off camera doing her lines – instead of talking about the character’s son, she’d talk about my son, Colt, who’s a mixed martial artist. So that kind of heart was put into it. And they’re just unbelievably kind people. It was a real thrill to do it. And it was a hard part to do. It was very deep.

Secondly, What’s On has a “quick chat” with Lost star Rebecca Mader.  Rebecca, an English girl, has recently wrapped filming of Mother’s Little Helpers with Kathryn.

“I’ve just done a really funny comedy called Mother’s Little Helpers with Kathryn Morris from Cold Case and Denise Richards. It is about these women who are married and miserable, and these teenage boys set up an escort service for them. It is really silly and so funny.”

You can read the full interviews at the links above.

Fan Campaign For CC Season 8

The folks over at Cold Case discussion board Look Again are initiating a campaign to get Cold Case an 8th season.  Under threat of non-renewal for season 7, though Kathryn herself has said it wasn’t as bad as many think, the tide seems to be against the chances of another reprieve.

Can a clear sign of support by as many fans as possible convince CBS to continue with the show?  It certainly does no harm to try.

You can find all the details here in Byrdman‘s thread on Look Again.

Delight Mag CC Blog Post By Fan

Regular commenter here Lilly_Scotty (aka Zoe Lauren Thomas) has written an item for Delight Magazine’s Blog about her favourite TV show: Cold Case.

You can read the piece in full here.

Cold Case S07E15 – Two Weddings Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E15_lilly_159This was well hyped, perhaps too much, but I think it lived up to it.

In so many ways I had it well and truly nailed before hand.  For example, it was a fun throw away episode with no real significance to the greater story arcs.  Also, the bouquet was only going to end up with one person.  However, I did mess up on a couple of crucial ones.  Firstly, the doer (or lack of) was a surprise and by mid-show I had a pretty firm idea of the way it was going but they didn’t take my route.

The second one is the more important one though.  So often Cold Case lets me down.  Not this time.  They went far beyond expectations.  The make-up crew must have used all the really thick stuff to cover Kathryn’s tattoo, leaving none for her face because Lilly looked amazing throughout.  The dress was great, and not full length as I’d feared.  And we had an abundance of wonderful smiles.  Legs and smiles.  You couldn’t really ask for more from an episode.

I might have slightly over done the number of exclusive HD (720p) screencaps this week by making 276 of them, but I make no apologies for that.  How could I not!  😉

Check out TVFan‘s review over on Pass The Remote.

No new Cold Case next week because CBS seemed to have suddenly noticed that the Oscars are on that night and have decided to go with a CC repeat instead.

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Exclusive! Relativity Speaking – Updated

Relativity_S01E01_Pilot_020Here we have the answer to last week’s mystery image quiz.  Thank you all for taking part.  It was fun to watch you consider the options.  However, none of you got the right answer.

The answer is the image is from the TV series Relativity.

I know.  Me too.  Only one season was made and it was broadcast in the US from September of 1996 to April of 1997.

Continue reading »

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