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Silk Stalkings

screenshot_001I can’t believe it has taken me this long to get around to this one.  Before we go any further:  spoilers abound, you have been warned.

American TV show Silk Stalkings had a bumpy ride over its 8 year run.  After initially being broadcast in a prime slot on CBS it got moved to the USA network.  The original male lead (Rob Estes as Sgt. Chris Lorenzo) wanted out before his 5 year contract was done but stuck it out.  His character was killed off during season 5 and his female co-star (Mitzi Kapture as Sgt. Rita Lee Lance) didn’t want to extend her contract beyond the end of that year.

Season 6 saw wholesale changes to cast and crew with two new leads.  I’m sure many fans were not happy about this but the show continued for three more seasons so it must have kept a fair few of them.

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ION To Début CC On Monday

ion_television_logo_150x96.pngJust a quick one to start the year off.

Monday (9th Jan 2011 2012) evening sees Cold Case début on the US television network ION.  That’s earlier than I expected.

They are starting from the beginning with a triple bill of Look Again, Gleen and Our Boy Is Back, with further episodes each Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after that.

ION’s website has more details.

Update:  Other days added.

Update 2:  Oops, not having a great start to the year.  2011 corrected to 2012.

ION Television Acquires Cold Case

ion_television_logo_150x96.pngHopefully this means something to those of you on the relevant side of the Atlantic.  I’ll keep it brief.

ION Television in the USA has announced that it has acquired the rights to broadcast all 7 seasons of Cold Case.

The deal with Warner Bros. sees ION adding Cold Case to its current roster of dramas in the first quarter of 2012.

You can read the full press release on the Cisionwire site HERE.

Cold Case S04E19 – Offender Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E19_lilly_001Much like the British summer KM UK’s Summer of HD 2011 involving Cold Case season 4 was a little patchy :-)  There were some episodes missing.  We can now put that right for one of them: Offender (episode 19).

Let me get this straight:

  • Detective Scotty (Danny) has a bit of a temper.  We’ve seen him getting very “hands-on” with a suspect.
  • One of Scotty’s partners is a blonde female detective.
  • The Captain is quite old and balding.
  • There’s an attractive red-headed A.D.A.

Anyone else have a sense of déjà vu… again:-)

Offender saw X Files regular Mitch Pileggi star as a desperate father taking the law into his own hands in a bid to force the cops to look into the death of his son.  The squad have to solve the cold case and try and stop Mitch from killing again.  This episode is focussed around more Scotty but there is still plenty of Lilly to enjoy.

170 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S04E19_lilly_004 Cold_Case_S04E19_lilly_008 Cold_Case_S04E19_lilly_018

CC S7 Finale Tomorrow On Universal UK

The Universal Channel in the UK will be showing the last ever episode of Cold Case tomorrow night (October 11th) at 8pm.

For anyone that has missed it, or any part of it, don’t worry, they will be repeating it all over again starting on Wednesday.

The Universal Channel (the UK Hallmark channel rebranded) is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers. You can find more details on the Universal Channel website.

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