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Cold Case S04E11 – The Red And The Blue Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E11_lilly_146As Britain suffers a typically “interesting” (as in wet, windy and cold) attempt at Spring we take another look at what could have been during last year’s KM UK Summer of HD.  We didn’t quite manage to cover the whole of Cold Case season 4.  One of the few missing episodes was number 11, The Red And The Blue.  Not any more.

And you know what that means:  Road Trip!

The murder of a Country & Western singer (yes, they do both kinds!) in Philly sees Lilly volunteer to go to Nashville to investigate.  Scotty draws the short straw and has to accompany her.  Short straw!?!?  Seriously?!?!  The rest of gang continue inquiries at home.

Scotty does some horsing around with a LEO, which leads to a great scene between him and Lilly (pictured above)  The episode is full of fun moments.  Yeehaw!

231 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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WB TV Exhibit At The Paley Center – Update

television_out_of_the_box_poster_137x189Warner Bros. Television, in association with the Paley Center For Media, has created an interactive multimedia exhibition called Television Out Of The Box.

Open for the next 3 years, the museum in Beverly Hills, California, covers some of the best known TV shows from the past 6 decades.  Sets, props, costumes and much more from shows like Friends, ER, Smallville, The Big Bang Theory and Fringe have been put on display to the public.

And the reason for mentioning it here on KM UK?  Cold Case is one of the many shows made by Warner Bros. Televsion.

Cold Case is briefly mentioned on the Paley Center website but no detail is given about what, if anything, from the show might there.  It is planned that the content of the exhibition will be changed regularly.

You can find more details, including opening times and ticket prices, on the WB Exhibit page of the Paley Center website.

If you get a chance to visit the museum please let us know what it was like.

What from Cold Case would you like to see at the exhibition?  Lilly’s hair extensions?  Nick’s cut necktie?  Scotty’s bruised knuckles?  Will’s record collection?  John’s age-jumping daughter?  :-)  Leave your suggestions in the comments below.

tv_out_of_the_box_001Update (15 Apr 2012):  I found an article on the website by Danielle Turchiano (LA TV Insider @ Examiner) about the exhibition.  You can read the article in full HERE.  The piece has a slideshow of photos taken by Danielle, which includes a shot of Lilly’s badge and ID card.

Very generously Danielle has allowed me to post a large copy of the photo (seen on the left) here on KM UK.  You can find it in the Gallery (in a new Miscellaneous – Exhibitions section).

Danielle also let me know that Lilly’s pistol in its holster is part of the display.  From the photo I think you can also see the edge of a bit of cold case paper work and the top of a mobilephone.  Lilly went through a variety of cellphones (to use the American vernacular) during Cold Case’s run but the blue one in the photo looks like an early season 7 model seen in episodes like Hoodrats.  Lilly was receiving worrying cryptic messages and photos which turned out to be from Eddie.

Spartacus Season 3 & Najara To Make A Comeback? – April Fool

Xena_S04E18_081*** SPOILER ALERT ***

This article and the linked interview contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Friday night (30th March 2012) saw the dramatic conclusion to season 2 (season 3 if you count the prequel mini-series) of the Starz TV hit show Spartacus.

The reluctance to shy away from killing off characters many would assume sacred was taken to shocking extreme as the finale drew to a close.  You’d think that being the star that brought in the crowds, had worked with many of the crew before, and is married to one of the show’s Executive Producers would give you some job security.  Apparently not, as the death of Lucy Lawless‘s character proves. This is not one of those “but they’ll bring them back somehow” deals either as Michael Ausiello’s interview with Spartacus Executive Producer Steven S. DeKnight makes clear.

So where does this leave Spartacus for season 3? A largely new cast including several new female characters. And what does this have to do with us here at KM UK?  A well informed someone who has chosen to go by the name of Maj-kat has let me know that they would really like Kathryn to take a significant role in season 3.  They know her well from her time on Xena, she is clear of her Cold Case commitments and has shown a willingness to take on more… errr… adventurous roles (*cough*Cougars, Inc.*cough*).  Call make-up, we may need a blonde merkin! 😉

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Cold Case S04E04 – Baby Blues Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E04_lilly_011Last year’s KM UK Summer of HD covering season 4 of Cold Case had a few gaps in it.  One of those gaps was episode 4, Baby Blues.

The PPD’s ME, Frannie, makes a rare appearance in this one, nearly her last in fact.  Frannie brings an old case to the squad regarding the death of a 6 month old baby.  As if this case bringing up some issues related to her own neglected childhood aren’t enough, Lilly has to contend with ‘motorcycle man’ Ray playing the old ‘I’m in hospital’ card.  What a rookie move, it’s the oldest trick in the book.  Worked though  😕

Lilly’s hair-do falls into the the just got out of… the rain style this episode 😉

197 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Kathryn @ CC Promo Event In Tokyo – June 2007

cc_promo_tokyo_004“Wow” I hear you say.  And say it you should, though “WOWOW” would be more appropriate :-)

So far in our look back to Kathryn’s public appearances in 2007 we’ve covered a variety of recurring and often interlinking topics.  This time we introduce two more: Cold Case and Japan.

Although both of those themes are different from those we’ve discussed before (motorsport, Resurrecting The Champ and the Monte Carlo TV festival) it still sort of ties-in.  This is like a festival, it’s about TV and the car Kathryn drove in Long Beach (a Toyota) was Japanese.

In early summer of 2007, 29th of June to be precise, Kathryn was in Tokyo to promote Cold Case on the WOWOW TV network in Japan.  In case you are unable to I’ve read what it says on the end of those cardboard file boxes pictured behind Kathryn and deduced that they are talking about Cold Case season 3.  I know, I’m a fricking genius! :-)

cc_promo_tokyo_030What can I say about that outfit?  OK, let me re-phrase that.  What can I say about that outfit that won’t get me in trouble?  Kathryn, of course, looks stunning in her almost lighter-than-air pink dress, brown and green scarf(?), and strappy silver shoes, but it is those legs that really steal the show.  Wowowza!  I’m not sure that the very short dress was chosen with the knowledge that she’d sitting on a high stool on a stage though.  If any of our Japanese readers were sitting in the front row and had their cameraphone with them please contact me 😉  Seriously.  Call me!

Amazingly this event has evaded the KM UK Gallery since opening but we’ve put that right in style today with 48 medium-sized photos added to the Gallery.  We still have a huge amount of other updates planned.

If you’d like to see that outfit in action you can see brief clips of Kathryn entering the venue for this event at the beginning of several videos we have of promotional interviews she did for WOWOW TV.  They are in the Gallery here.  We have rabi to thank for them.

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