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Distraction Of A Discarded Woman

promo_007Review of The Sweeter Side Of Life

It has been a while, too long in fact, since we saw Kathryn in a significant new project.  Since the Cougars, Inc. VOD release on the 1st of April 2011 (May for the DVD)  there has been… well, nothing really.  Of several scenes filmed for Moneyball, one of the biggest movies of 2011, only a singleton made it to the public and that was just as a deleted scene on the DVD.  One short film (Sunday’s Mother) that has only been shown at a few festivals.  That’s it.  As regulars know there are a couple of other projects in the offing: another short (The Coin) and a small role in a feature film (2 Br/1 Ba).  That makes this, the lead role in a TV movie, a big deal for us fans of Kathryn.  Can it possibly live up to the weight of expectation?

It was so good to have Kathryn back on our screens.  We’ve missed her very much.  A comedy role like this is new for her too.  I have wanted to see her do comedy for a long time and have no doubt she can do it with aplomb.
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The Other Side Of The Sweeter Side – Update

promo_009For those on the East coast and Central regions The Sweeter Side Of Life will have just about finished.  The West coasters will have to wait just a little longer.  Once you’ve seen it please let us know what you thought with a comment below.

Below is a poll for you to give us a quick reaction to the movie.  Was the movie the sweetest thing you ever did see, or had it gone stale before its time?

If you come over all creative and wish to write a more comprehensive critique of the film then please contact us and we’ll put together a special review page for any submissions.

There will be a full KM UK review in a few days.

Also, since the last post we’ve added a few more on set photos to the Gallery, courtesy of Michael Damian and his Twitter feed.  Thanks to him for them.

Update (3 February 2013):  After two weeks we’ve closed the poll.  It was the biggest poll we’ve done with more voters than ever before.  As you can see below it was a landslide for the likes with only a few remaining to be convinced.  No one went for the hate it option.  Thank you to everyone that took part.

What did you think of The Sweeter Side Of Life?

  • The sweetest thing (84%, 26 Votes)
  • A mere trifle (16%, 5 Votes)
  • Distinctly stale (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 31

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Not Long Now

promo_002You’re probably bored of hearing this but it really is just a few hours to go until The Sweeter Side Of Life gets its first public airing on The Hallmark Channel in the US of A.

If you get a chance to watch it don’t forget to drop by and let us know what you think with a comment or two.  There will be a follow-up post with a poll after the première.  If you want to write a full review then please let us know so we can publish it here on KM UK.

You could also join the KM UK Chat page to live post about the film as it airs.

Countdown to the East coast and Central showing:


It’s The Final Countdown

promo_009With just a couple of days to go until the première of The Sweeter Side Of Life we’ve come over all nostalgic.

Not just for the time last year when we first heard of this project (it had the slightly more interesting title of Confections Of A Discarded Woman back then) and we were all clamouring for news about it.

No, for some reason we find ourselves harking back to the 1980s.  All the big hair, bright make-up, shoulder pads, rolled up jacket sleeves and dodgy European pop anthems.  Can’t think what is causing it…  :-)

The gentleman you see on the right, on the set of The Sweeter Side Of Life with Kathryn, is Steve Varnom.  He’s the one with the beard 😉  You will have seen him in the trailers and some of the promo photos for the film.  Steve plays Eddie, Desiree’s (Kathryn) lawyer and he is one of the many English actors in the film. The full-sized version of the photo is available in the Gallery.poster_005

We very much look forward to finding out how that outfit features in the movie, assuming it does.  It could very well a highlight 😛

To further mark the pending première we have a couple of poster image updates.  The first is an increase in size of the 2nd poster and the other is a new version which looses the Hallmark branding and few more minor changes.   They are also now in the Gallery.

It’s Show Times For The Sweeter Side Of Life

hallmark_channel_black_190x85By now you should have it practically tattooed on the inside of your eye lids that the TV movie The Sweeter Side Of Life débuts in the USA on the Hallmark channel at 9pm (8pm Central) on the 19th of January.  The Saturday after next.

Those of you with access to the Hallmark channel should have your alarms and, if you have them, PVR/Tivos devices primed to record it.  However, if you manage miss this momentous occasion live then there are a number of times in the following few days when you can correct this massive oversight.

Poster 001We do have to deal with the small matter of America being spread across four timezones.  Not a situation us Brits are used to.  We only get one, albeit the one that all the rest are relative to :-)  Further complicating things is that rather than having TV shows start at, for example, the four different versions of 9pm, they only use two: East Standard Time (EST, in places like New York) and Pacific Standard Time (PST, in places like Los Angeles).  The middle of the country is covered by the aptly named “Central” (which is the 2nd timezone but generally takes in the 3rd one called Mountain as well).  Which leaves us with each show being given 2 times in the form 9/8c, meaning 9pm in EST & PST and 8pm in Central.  Of course, those that need to know this stuff have no doubt been dealing with it since birth, rendering this lengthy paragraph largely redundant 😐

Straight after the première broadcast there is a repeat showing.  There are 4 more in the first first week, all after noon:

  • 19th January: 9/8c and 11/10c
  • 20th January: 1/12c and 9/8c
  • 25th January: 8/7c
  • 26th January: 3/2c

We’re nearly there.

Update (11 January 2013):  There is a further showing of the film scheduled for 24th February at 3pm on the Hallmark Channel.

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