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Cold Case S02E14 – Revolution Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E14_lilly_152Lilly and Christina go out to a restaurant together.  How could this be anything other than a good idea?  Unlike Lilly’s dress 8-o  Put it in the box labelled “what were you thinking?”  Along with a similar one on Scotty’s forehead :-)

It’s Revolution in the latest post for KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013.  A conscientious objector who fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam war is brought to book 36 years later because his girlfriend was found murdered in their flat on the day he left.  As usual things are not that simple, especially when matters of the heart are involved

Things were going so well for the Rush sisters.  A nice moment one morning: Lil’ offering to take Christina out for dinner on her birthday.  The next: halfway through a bottle of wine Christina’s on the receiving end of an angry sister and out on her ear.

232 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E13 – Time To Crime Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E13_lilly_016This week’s KM UK Summer Of HD 2013 is Time To Crime and it takes a slightly different approach to the portrayal of the crime from normal.

A gun handed in during an mayor-led amnesty is linked to the 1987 drive-by shooting of a young girl playing in a park with her mother.  The squad trace the multi-year life of the gun back from the eventual owner, whose son traded it in for sneakers, to the original source.  In between we meet a down-on-his-luck divorcee, a rich kid and his family’s maid.  Lives are changed.  Eventually one is lost.

209 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E12 – Yo, Adrian HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E12_lilly_226Get it?  It’s Lilly boxing! 😀  Never mind :-(

We are at the halfway mark of KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013 and Cold Case is wearing its movie reference on its sleeve.

Yo, Adrian (Cold Case season 2, episode 12) has the Silvester Stallone film Rocky all over it, far beyond the title being a quote from it.

The case involves boxers and the world of boxing.  The crime took place weeks after the film was released (December 1976).  Even some of the locations used for the Philly-based TV show and film are the same.  A similar underdog vs. pro theme is used with the story about the death of a boxer shortly after losing badly in a boxing match.  One of the characters even goes to see the film in the cinema!  The deathbed confession of the match referee causes the case to be re-opened, that’s pure Cold Case.

Was this episode a knock-out for you?  (Sorry!  It had to be done)

226 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E11 – Blank Generation Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E11_lilly_081The year was 1978.  Teenager Matthew Adams is a member of a cult.  He killed himself.  Or did he?

The KM UK Summer Of HD 2013 contines with Cold Case episode Blank Generation.

Keen to rescue their relative, the Adams family hired a person to extract and errr… un-brainwash him.  Is “brain-dirty” a thing?

Nearly 30 years later Matthew’s sister comes to the Cold Case squad with new evidence.  Lilly gets a surprise at home and Scotty receives some tragic news.

314 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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Surgical Strike!

surgeon_general_logo_430x86This was unexpected!

We thought it was completely dead and buried.  Never to be seen or heard of again.  But no!  It takes one final dying breath.  One last blip on the ECG before flat-lining.

After failing to be picked up to series it was likely that the Surgeon General pilot would remain locked up in the deepest of CBS’s vaults “on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’” (points for getting that reference) and forgotten about forever.  Luckily for us PR and marketing company The Cimarron Group had other ideas.

Last Friday, for reasons unknown, Cimarron announced to the world that the show was “coming this fall to CBS”.  They are wrong about that, it won’t.  However, they were kind enough to post a “sizzle reel” promotional video to go with it.  The promo would have been used at the Upfront events if Surgeon General ever got that far.  Which it didn’t.

In the video we get to see all the major cast (“Hello to” Jason Issacs, Mike Colter, Beth Riesgraf, Paul McCrane, Anna Deavere Smith, Clancy Brown and Katherine McNamara) including Kathryn, who features prominently in several scenes.  Sean Astin is notable by his absence though.

Just to reiterate: this does not mean the show will be made or that the pilot will ever be broadcast.

A set of screencaps and a small copy of the video are now in the Gallery for your viewing pleasure.

As is so often the case we must offer our huge thanks to Kareen_T for passing this along.

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