
March 2025
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Cold Case S03E14 – Dog Day Afternoons Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_s03e14_1080p_146After the usual early year hiatus Cold Case returned to season 3 in late February 2006, 15 years ago today (26th Feb), with ‘Dog Day Afternoon’. KM UK returns with its on-going series of image updates.  The story of this episode involves a group of masked (at least they are complying with current regulations!) bank robbers seemingly revisiting the scene of a previous crime.  The case of the death of a young bank teller in 2000 is re-opened by Lilly and the gang.

Speaking of Lilly, hardly a surprise as this site is practically all about her, she re-opens a case of her own.  More of a pandora’s box than an evidence box.  And it is clearly a crime of passion.  Ray the motorcycle man rides back into town.  But does he get back in to Lilly’s… good books?

Hoping to improve your dog day of an afternoon are 288 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S03E13 – Debut Full HD Screencaps

still_006Not so much a débutante ball.  More a débutante fall! 😮  Geddit?  See what I did there?

We continue our look back 15 years to when an episode of Cold Case was first aired.  The 29th of January 2006 saw the original broadcast of ‘Debut’, the 13th episode from season 3 of the show.

It is all so far outside of my sphere of knowledge, but these highly anticipated, exciting events like prom and these balls do seem to be a regular focus of wrong doing.  They’re clearly dangerous and should be stopped!

This week 257 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps and 2 very large promo photos (like the banner image above) make their… debut… in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S03E12 – Detention Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_s03e12_1080p_097It really doesn’t feel like a whole week has passed since the last post in this series, does it? :-)

In an attempt to make a highly tenuous, and slightly tasteless, link to our current lockdown situation this episode is called ‘Detention.’  A previously thought suicide is re-investigated by the Cold Case squad after a note is found which brings into question the original verdict.

‘Detention’, episode 12 of season 3 of Cold Case was first broadcast on this day in 2006.

There are now 244 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps and 4 new promo photos worth staying behind for in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S03E11 – 8 Years Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_s03e11_1080p_091Doh!  Yes, this is a few days late.  You know when you get a wrong date stuck in your head and you don’t check just in case?  No?  Just me then.  Hopefully things will be back on track from Friday.


Not so much as ‘8 Years’ as 15 years (+ 5 days) since this episode of Cold Case from season 3 was first broadcast in America on the CBS network.  The 8 years in this case is the time between a group of school friends reuniting and the last time they met.  One of the four friends is killed.  John Stillman (John Finn), earlier in his career was involved in the original case.

A belated 163 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps from ‘8 Years’ are now in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S03E10 – Frank’s Best Full HD Screencaps

still_004It’s the final one of our look-back-15-years posts of 2020, as this was the last episode of Cold Case broadcast in 2005.  They saved the (Frank’s) Best ’til last :-)

Superficially, the case is about the death of a deli owner just a handful of years previously.  Of course, as it is nearly Xmas there is a side story about a baby.  Vera and Jeffries find a new born left outside the police station.  The squad leap into action and let Nick, the big softy, look after it.

As well as the expected 185 (Full HD, 1080p) new screencaps, which are… frankly the best, in the Gallery there is also a new hi-res promo photo (see above) and an upgrade to a previous one (number 3).

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