
March 2025
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A-musing Reminder Of Doctored History

on_set_001It’s been a while since we had reason to post about the not picked up TV drama pilot The Surgeon General.  Not since the last time in fact :-)

In July of 2013 we saw the surprise (and possibly accidental) publication of a promo video for the show.  By then we already knew the show had not been selected for the 2013-2014 TV season by the CBS network.  That decision was clear (largely by omission from announcements, but also by director Rod Lurie Tweeting about it) a couple of months earlier.

Much like the promo video release we can still get the occasional pleasant surprise, even 2 years later.

Rod Lurie spent a bit of time yesterday (18th April) reminiscing on his Tweeter feed with photos from various projects he’s been involved with over the years.  One of them (now in the Gallery) was the one you see above.  That is Rod and Kathryn on the set of The Surgeon General.

Rod should be well known to all Kathryn fans because she has been in most of his feature films.  She starred in Deterrence, The Contender, The Last Castle (in scene that didn’t make the final edit) and Resurrecting The Champ.  For a long time I’ve thought of Kathryn as probably being Rod’s muse.  He’s now confirmed my feelings by posting the above photo with the message:

#KathrynMorris is closest person I have to a muse. In 4 of my films. Here I direct her in a pilot  #SurgeonGeneral.

Hopefully they’ll work together again soon.

Thanks to Rod for the trip back down memory lane.

Murder She Wrote – Easter Monday

msw_s12e22_035It has taken a while but UK TV network ITV have finally got almost to the end of the Murder, She Wrote series.  The sister channel ITV got here last year but now the parent (I know, I’ve made this a complicated family :-) ) ITV1 has caught up.  This means HD is possible.

On Monday, that’s the 6th of April aka Easter Monday, ITV1/1HD will be showing episode 22 of the 12 season of Murder, She Wrote.  It’s titled What You Don’t Know Can Kill You and saw Kathryn in one of her earliest roles as Doreen the waitress.  There were only two more episodes of the show ever made, prior to the four TV movie specials.  Kathryn must have left an impression as four years later she had a lead role in one of them.  You can see more details on that here.  I expect it to come around again quite soon, look out for another classic KM UK Media Alert!

Those still recovering from Sunday’s chocolate induced coma will need to set their alarms for 9:25 on Monday morning.  Sorry.

If you can’t wait until then my 2009 spoiler laden review of this MSM episode can be seen here and there is plenty of coverage in the KM UK Gallery too.

Another Cold Case Guest Star Reddit AMA

Want to chat online to a Cold Case guest star?

How about Jeffrey Combs?  He appeared in the 5th season episode Spiders as the father of the victim.  He wasn’t a nice guy.

Another Reddit AMA (‘Ask Me Anything’) online Q&A session to be held on Monday (30th Mar) at 2pm EST (that’s 7pm UK time, 6pm UTC/GMT) gives that opportunity.

Jeffrey had recurring roles on the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Enterprise TV series so I would assume much of the questioning will be about those shows.  We are talking about an online chat after all!  He might appreciate a discussion about a very different role.

As well as a lot of voice work on things like various Transformers and Marvel cartoon series, Jeffrey has worked on many other shows (She Spies, CSI, The 4400, Chadam, Criminal Minds) including the latest Batman prequel series Gotham and movies (Re-Animator).

Thanks to Todd Smitts for passing along the info.

The Reddit IAmA page HERE has all the details etc.

If you have details of something you think fellow Kathryn/Cold Case fans would be interested in then please use the Contact form to let me know and I’ll post about it.

The Protocol Not On IMDb

imdb_logo_100x100The movie business gives with one hand and takes with the other.  When one door opens another closes.  Another such phrase about a good and bad thing happening.

Back in September 2014 the possible TV series The Protocol achieved the milestone of appearing on IMDb.  I realise that this is not necessarily proof that a project is on the way to release but it always stuck me as a significant event in its life.  The Protocol pilot/short was filmed during the Summer of 2013 by Johnny Messner’s production company and saw Kathryn take a small role.

A month later in an interview at the New York Comic Con the actress Xen Sia (or whatever her name is this week, it seems to change daily!) talked about the project.  There were suggestions it was being pursued by multiple networks for development and broadcast.

After the news on Tuesday about 2 Br/1 Ba (now called Roommate Wanted) getting a release things seem to have taken a turn for the negative now.

Three weeks ago The Protocol‘s IMDb page disappeared.  Initially it could have been a glitch but it has remained absent and also been removed from the various cast and crew’s pages.  As it will all be linked together within the database that makes up the Db in IMDb this isn’t a suprise.  It’s as though it never existed.  Maybe it never did… spooky!

Will the results of the Summer 2013 labours ever see the light of day?  Johnny?

Who Shot LR?

Cold_Case_S04E24_lilly_195That guy did.  The one with the gun!

It’s not a big mystery.  We are, of course, talking about Stalker the Cold Case season 4 finale in which Ed Marteson draws a gun on the squad in their own building and takes Lilly hostage.  With everything else going on in Lilly’s life (her mother being ill etc.) she needed this situation like she needed a hole in the… err… shoulder.

But why bring this up now?

Joe Reegan the actor who played Ed has done an interview for The Examiner website in which he talks about his role in Cold Case as well has a his work in TV dramas, films and helping to rescue mistreated dogs.

“I did a couple episodes of Cold Case when I first started,” he said. “I ended up doing the season finale with a cliffhanger when I shot Lilly Rush, who was the lead character on the show. The season premiere wasn’t until the next season, so several people came up to me and were like ‘I can’t believe you shot Kathryn Morris!'”

Contrary to expectation it improved his career prospects! :-)

Since taking down Detective Lilly Rush Ed has been in CSI: LV and NY shows, Castle, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Without A Trace, Hawaii Five-0, and Chicago PD.  He will also be in the new Cyber offshoot of the CSI franchise when it starts in March.

Joe is currently promoting a new film Alien Outpost (aka Outpost 37), which is due for a limited release in a few days time.

You can read the full article on The Examiner website HERE.

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