
March 2025
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Pin A Label On The Dress

Cold_Case_S07E15_lilly_266An original element of Cold Case‘s USP was that Lilly Rush (Kathryn, obviously) was always dressed quite simply and her hair style was very matter-of-fact.  Unlike in many similar shows Lilly was a cop first and foremost and not a catwalk model with a completely different outfit in every scene.  She didn’t want to spend hours in front of a mirror every day only to be stuck in the interrogation room (which ironically had a massive two-way mirror in it) or chasing down suspects all over Philly.  However, the hairdo became the focus of much discussion despite being designed not to be.

This trait of Lilly’s was carried over into her personal life as we saw in the episode Revolution (S02E14) when the two Rush sisters met for dinner and Lilly was wearing what could well have been her prom dress.  It was not a good look: a red thing with boxy shoulders.  We were left to imagine Lilly getting ready for that meal and realising that she had nothing to wear other than her regular work suits.

But, much like many a possible on-going story line this thread was dropped when it came to the Two Weddings (S07E15) episode of the show.  It opened with the shot of a stocking, high-heel-wearing pair of legs stepping across a threshold.  Two everyone’s surprise, as the camera panned up we saw it was the dressed-to-the-nines, looking like a million dollars Lilly!  Yowza!  (Eyes out on stalks emoji!)

Lilly and co. were attending the wedding of their colleague Louie and our leading lady had clearly spent her years of unused wardrobe budget in one hit on the shoes, dress and coat.

still_002Why I am telling you all this?  Well, because visitor to this site Susana recently asked about the dress.  The question reminded me that despite much discussion at the time we never found out if it could be attributed to a particular designer or brand.  Plus, it was nice to revisit this episode again.

still_003A few months after Two Weddings aired in the US Kathryn attended a charity event in which she modelled a ‘Tresor de Vintage’ dress which had some similarities.  It was green and knee length.  That’s always had me wondering if the Two Weddings dress was from the same stable.  As an aside Kathryn’s Colony co-star Sarah Wayne Callies was also there that day.

So, my question is can you put a name to the dress?

As a sweetener I’ve added a couple more stills from the episode to The Gallery.

Colony On UK Sky 1 From Thursday

colony_banner_2880x1260A couple of weeks ago the news broke that Colony would be coming to UK television screens on Sky 1 in early April.

That time has arrived and Colony is now on the schedules.

The series will be shown on the satellite channel from Thursday (7th of April) at 9pm, in between DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow and the beginning of the new season of the comedy panel show Duck Quacks Don’t Echo.  That’s a prime time slot on a major channel.

Josh Holloway (Lost) and Sarah Wayne Callies (The Walking Dead) lead the sci-fi drama series about a set in current day earth that has been invaded by aliens.  They have taken control and split the remaining human population into walled in ‘blocks’.  Colony follows the lives of the Bowman family (Josh and Sarah as parents to three children) and others in a section of Los Angeles.  Kathryn stars in three episodes as someone allowed to live in a more privileged area in return for collaborating with the ‘hosts’, in her case she is collecting works of art for them.

Cold Case To Return As Event Series In 2017 – April Fool


Another KM UK Exclusive:  We could be seeing a new season of Cold Case next year!

There has been a move in recent years away from the 20+ episode-long seasons for TV series.  Increasingly new series are being done as short 6-13 episode ‘event’ runs.  Streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon have driven this trend and traditional broadcasters are realising that attention spans are dropping.  Viewers don’t want to spend 9 months wading through 24 episodes, or episodes of 24, any more.

Another side to this has been using the format to bring back old favourites to our screens.  The key cast don’t want to commit to a full season worth of work and there is more fanfare with an ‘event series’ of a treasured oldie.  More bang for the buck.  Already this year we’ve seen a six episode-long 10th season of geek favourite The X-Files and later Prison Break will be back after going off air in 2009.  Both are on the Fox network

CBS has seen the success of these shows and wants a piece of the action for itself.  KM UK has just discovered that the network has made Cold Case a front runner to be restarted for a special season.

Unlike traditional ‘crime of the week’ Cold Case the thinking is that a new 10 episode season would be based around a longer story arc.  Effectively one case throughout, with smaller side cases filling in each episode.  Of course, Cold Case has tried longer stories spread across multiple episodes before but this time they intend on seeing it out to the bitter end.  It won’t disappear after just a few episodes, never to be mentioned again.

Currently Cold Case: Reheated, as it might be called, has the working title of Hunt The Gowk.  Bizarre, but it apparently relates to the story being told.  It will set in 2017 so things will have moved on from when Cold Case came to an end in 2010.  What are Rush and Valens up to now?  Are Stillman, Vera and Jeffries still around?  Is Miller running the precinct?

New series producer Sizdah Bedar has said they want to have as many of the original main characters as they can and if possible bring back some fan favourite criminals.  They have been in jail for quite a long time now.  New, younger homicide detectives could also be drafted in to bolster the ageing squad.  Shailene Woodley (Big Little Lies) is being courted to revive her Amish girl character from Running Around (Cold Case s05e03) as a junior police officer who becomes heavily involved in the story.  There could be a Cold Case: TNG spin-off for her if it goes well.

All the original main cast members are said to be up for this.  Danny Pino’s return to the CBS fold for BrainDead was key to making a revival possible.  He will be free after that show ends production this spring.

Even more importantly Kathryn will also be free this autumn once the second season of Colony has finished filming over the summer.

Pre-production has only just started but expect to see Cold Case: Reheated around this time next year, very early in April.

Update:  I’m sure you’ve all worked out that this was my annual attempt to surprise and slightly amuse for April Fool’s day.

Colonization Heads Home

colony_banner_2880x1260Many years ago the United States Of America was formed by the joining of 13 British colonies down the East coast of the country.

Now, after the series just finished airing its first season on American TV the sci-fi-ish drama Colony is said to be on the way to Britain.

The Digital Spy website has reported that the Sky 1 satellite channel will broadcast Colony to home in the UK starting in early April of this year.  This could mean repeats on the Freeview channel Pick (which was once known as Sky 3) at some point in the future.

Read the Digital Spy article here.

Last September, around the time we found out that Kathryn had joined the cast (by then they’d probably completed filming already), it was announced the streaming service Netflix had acquired the global rights to Colony.  It will become available there early next year.

As we know Colony has already been signed up for a second season due to air next year.  Kathryn’s continuation or otherwise is not known at this point.

Colony S01E09 – Zero Day HD Screencaps

Colony_S01E09_123I’m no expert on body language or reading people’s moods, women especially are a mystery (that’s why we love you so), but in the above image I’m sensing a certain amount of anger.

To round up this week in Colony for Charlotte (Kathryn), she:

  • Tried to further humiliate/punish Maddie (Amanda Righetti, The Mentalist) for breaking ‘the rules’, even though it is not clear she did
  • Found out that Maddie could be of further use
  • Suggested to Maddie that she would be rewarded for her loyalty
  • Got caught out defying the ‘hosts’ to line her own nest
  • Was thrown under the bus by her own husband Nolan (Adrian Pasdar, Heroes)
  • Attempted to drop Maddie in it to Proxy Snyder (Peter Jacobson, House)
  • Was taken away by the authorities

All in a week’s work for an art curator then.

Yes, as we saw in the sneak peek video from the other day things do not look good for Charlotte in her final appearance in this season of Colony, the USA network sci-fi-ish drama series.  Her longest screen time yet.  There is only one episode left to go.

After Maddie used her knowledge of a largely secret art collection in LA to regain her position with Charlotte she, knowing that it would ingratiate herself even more, arranged for one of the key paintings to be put to one side and kept off the official list.  For some reason the ruling alien race want to keep the pretty stuff for themselves.  So why was Charlotte still there?  😉

We didn’t see how it happened but someone (Maddie being the obvious source) tipped-off Snyder about Charlotte’s hoarding and he came with the troops in tow.  The unlisted painting was found by the ‘Redhats’ and Nolan agreed it should not have been there.  Charlotte blamed Maddie who described herself as “just an assistant” when asked who she was.  That sealed Charlotte’s fate.

No Kathryn in next week’s season finale but the show is set for a second, slightly longer, season, we know the ‘factory’ is not necessarily the end, and Charlotte is an established part of the Colony universe so they could still bring her back next year.

Either way, it was good to see Kathryn return to the small screen, even if it was in a relatively minor role.  Plus, we got to see that smile a bit in this episode.  Thank you to the people behind Colony for making that happen.

And, we didn’t get to see the more casual looking Charlotte in the scene shown in a couple of the promo photos released for episode seven.  There’s a deleted scene out there…

There are now 132 HD (720p) screencaps of Kathryn in the episode “Zero Day” of Colony in the Gallery.

Colony_S01E09_019 Colony_S01E09_032 Colony_S01E09_092

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