
March 2025
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Reverie: One Month Out

artwork_002The NBC network have managed to remain silent on the issue, but we are almost certainly just a one month away from Reverie‘s first episode being broadcast.

It strikes me as odd that so little is being said about the upcoming show, which is due so soon.  No sign of promotional material, such as a trailer, or official confirmation of the première date.  We know it is the 6th March though.

It is only in the past couple of weeks that the Spoiler TV website has acknowledged the final few episode titles.  Readers of this site knew them back in November!

There is the small matter of the 2018 Winter Olympics, held in South Korea, to get past first.  NBC are the US host broadcaster for the event so will be devoting a lot of air time for the 17 day duration.  Hopefully once that is cleared the remaining week-or-so will give them time for it.  Who knows, the massive audience that parts of the Olympics coverage will get could be used to promote the new mid-season shows.

Not long now.

Boston Herald’s Cold Case Revival

still_001Reacting to the news that the NBC network in America is considering reviving The Office (the US version of course), Mark Perigard of the Boston Herald newspaper has put forward his own thoughts on shows that should be brought back.

Mark, the TV critic for the Boston Herald, has his misgivings about The Office but can understand the wish to return to past glories after the success of the recent new Will & Grace season, and the soon returning, already resurrected, The X-Files.

Continuing his article, Mark puts forward five other shows he thinks are worth considering.  Obviously based on the existence of this post and its title, Cold Case is one of them.  We’ll come to that in moment, because visitors to this site may be interested to note two other choices Mark makes.

Cop drama The Shield is first up.  Our connection to that show is Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) had a guest starring role in four episodes just before joining Cold Case.

Secondly we have Xena: Warrior Princess.  As Mark says, there have been talk of a revival of Xena in recent years but the plans came to nought.  Kathryn, of course, had a major role in two episodes of Xena as Najara.  It may only have been that double appearance but the character had a wider effect on the relationship between Xena and her side-kick Gabrielle.

Lastly Mark talks about Cold Case.  This is what he wrote:

A series that was a cut above crime procedurals, “Cold Case” (2003-2010) featured a group of Philadelphia detectives investigating murders unsolved sometimes for decades and featured moving flashbacks and the original music of the day, including Ray Charles, the Doors and Bruce Springsteen. “Cold Case” is also one of the few TV series that has never been released to DVD, allegedly because of the onerous issue of music rights involved. I think we would all feel safer knowing Detective Lilly Rush — and star Kathryn Morris — was back on the job.

Here, here.

KM UK did its own pitch for a new Cold Case season back in July.

You can read Mark Perigard’s piece in full on the Boston Herald website HERE.

It’s A Wrap On Reverie

on_set_003The cast and crew of the upcoming sci-fi-ish drama series Reverie have been letting it be known that they’ve finished filming.

The last day of season one filming was apparently on Tuesday (19th Dec 2018).

Kathryn’s co-star Jessica Lu celebrated by posting the photograph (added to the KM UK Gallery) you see on the right.  I assume it is her phone but technically it a Dennis Haysbert selfie as he’s holding the device.  If he’d held it side ways everybody wouldn’t have had to squeeze in so much, not that we mind really :-)

Sarah Shahi and Sendhil Ramamurthy joined them in the shot.

Jessica thanked pretty much everybody (including Kathryn) on the planet in a lengthy social media posting.

Congratulations to everyone involved in the production of Reverie.  March 6th feels a long way off.

Complete Reverie Season 1 Episode Titles

artwork_002Following on from the post a few weeks ago KM UK can now bring you the complete list of episode titles from Reverie‘s first season.

The final two titles have been revealed to fill out the 10.  Number nine is called The Key and the finale is Point Of Origin.

Personally I’m surprised that the last one doesn’t have a more ‘ending’ themed name.  Perhaps it hints at things coming full circle.

Reverie is due to hit the TV screens in the US of A in March next year.

Here is the complete list in table form.

Ep # Title Comment
1 Apertus Latin for ‘open’
2 Bond. Jane Bond
3 No More Mr Nice Guy
4 Blue Is The Coldest Color
5 Altum Somnum Latin for ‘deep sleep’
6 Pas de Deux A ballet term for a duet dance. French for ‘step of two’
7 The Black Mandala A mandala is a type of spiritual symbol
8 Despedida Spanish for ‘farewell’
9 The Key
10 Point Of Origin

Reverie Season 1 Episode Titles

artwork_002Over the past few weeks the titles of the initial episodes of the new sci-fi-ish drama series Reverie have been released.

As regular viewers will be well aware Reverie stars Sarah Shahi (Person Of Interest) as a former hostage negotiator brought in to help extract people ‘stuck’ in a virtual reality environment.  Our Kathryn is one of the key supporting cast as a member of the department of defense which is very interested in this VR technology.  The military wanting new stuff rarely means good things!

As we’ve now got the first six names I thought it would be a good time to compile the ones we have so far into a list for easy reference.

Ep # Title Comment
1 Apertus Latin for ‘open’
2 Bond. Jane Bond
3 No More Mr Nice Guy
4 Blue Is The Coldest Color
5 Altum Somnum Latin for ‘deep sleep’
6 Pas de Deux A ballet term for a duet dance. French for ‘step of two’

Many TV shows follow quite fixed patterns for their episode titles.  Friends always used “The One…” and The Big Bang Theory makes theirs sound like scientific studies to name two.  As you can see Reverie has gone for much more mixed bag.  There’s some cultural references (“Bond. Jane Bond”) and some Latin in there.

Obviously, each title relates to the content of the episode in some way so it will be interest to see how they tie in to each plot line.  Feel free to speculate.  Apertus is a good start for a opening episode and could be to do with the opening of the Reverie virtual world created by Jessica Lu’s computer wiz Alexis Barrett to customers/visitors.

As mentioned in an earlier post it is looking like Reverie will start on March the 6th (a Tuesday) next year and continue the 10 episode run on NBC uninterrupted, ending on the 8th of May.

It seems that the show is still in production but can’t be far off finishing the main filming process.

Update (13th November):  I very nearly wrote in the piece above that posting with 6 titles released would mean more would be within hours.  So it came to pass.

Two more Reverie episodes have been named.

Ep # Title Comment
7 The Black Mandala  A mandala is a type of spiritual symbol
8 Despedida  Spanish for ‘farewell’

Hopefully we can put titles to the two remaining episodes soon.

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