In America they are really getting in to the heart of the 10 episode, first season run of Reverie. But what about the rest of the world?
KM UK can bring its fellow United Kingdom dwellers a bit of good news on that front. Not seen this reported anywhere else so I’m going to sneak the word “Exclusive” in here 
The SyFy channel is bringing Reverie to the shores on Great Britain starting in early August. In fact the day after, give or take a timezone or two, the show is due to end in America: the 2nd of August.
As part of some sort of viral advertising campaign the SyFy channel has created an Onira-Tech (the fictitious company behind the VR technology in the show) website with a promotional video. See it HERE. Videos like this remind me too much of the brilliant TV show Better Off Ted to take them seriously. Find a way to watch it, you’ll thank me.
The SyFy channel and its various versions (some spelt more properly) around the world are part of the NBC Universal corporation, which produces and broadcasts Reverie in the U.S.
Of course, I’ve added a small copy of the video, titled “Dream Life Your Way”, to the KM UK Gallery HERE.
So that is Reverie coming to the UK on August 2nd. You read it here first.
Update (23rd June): The TVWise website is reporting, in a claimed exclusive, that the SyFy channel in the UK has acquired the rights broadcast to Reverie, starting in August. That will come as a shock to many of you, I know.
Update (24th June): TVWise appear to have removed the ‘exclusive’ claim from their piece.
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