
March 2025
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15 Years Old: Cold Case

CC_Titles_16On this date, the 28th of September, Cold Case premièred on CBS in the USA.  Of course, that particular 28th of that specific September was the one in 2003.

A whole 15 years ago.  If you’re not feeling old enough already then that fact will not help.  We must, however, mark the occasion so important in many people’s, including my own, our introduction to Kathryn Morris.  The show is instrumental in the existence of this very site.

We got to enjoy Kathryn and her colleagues across seven seasons of Cold Case but the powers that be didn’t know that in 2003.  As with any new show they put it out there hoping audiences will find it and connect with it sufficiently to return each week.  And they did, in their millions right to the end.

Sadly the show did come to a close in May 2010 after 156 episodes.

Happy Birthday Cold Case.

In the coming months I will be posting new and updated promotional and stills photographs from Cold Case episodes in time with their original airing dates.  Look out for the first set in a few weeks.

Wings Of Gold Comes Of Age

pwog_promo_006Pensacola: Wings Of Gold, the CBS network action series revolving around a team of elite soldiers, is 21 today.  Happy Birthday P:WOG!

The show débuted on the 15th of September 1997 and went on to have 3 seasons with a total of 66 episodes.  Kathryn was only the first of those annual runs as much of the cast was changed for season 2.

Last year’s celebratory post here on KM UK went down the route of the materials used to mark wedding anniversaries.  In the modern list 21 years is nickel or brass.  Nickel clearly has links to the US.  Throw the word ‘top’ in front of ‘brass’ and you’ve got a military hierarchy reference.  This stuff writes itself!

For more details on the series and Kathryn’s role in it, see that article from last year. and other P:WOG posts.

To mark this significant event I’ve added a load of new P:WOG content to the KM UK Gallery.  We’ve got promo stills and photos, various miscellaneous images (DVD covers, signed photo etc.), and a few small videos.  Check them all out in the Pensacola: Wings Of Gold section of the Gallery.

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Japanese Cold Case Season 2 Due Soon

Cold_Case_Japan_Promo_photo_1600x1190It has been two years but the Kanagawa Prefectural Police’s First Investigative Division squad are returning to Japanese television screens in the autumn.

The WOWOW TV network is airing 10 new episodes of their version of Cold Case starting on the 13th of October.  WOWOW is the Japanese home of the original American version too.

Yo Yoshida returns as the Japanese Lilly Rush.  Her character is called Yuri Ishikawa and, as I noted previously, in a nice touch Yuri is Japanese for Lily.  The rest of the core cast looks to be the same as in season 1 too.

Read all the details on the WOWOW website HERE.

If you know of a localised version of Cold Case in your part of the world then please do let me know.

Reverie S01E10 – Point Of Origin Screencaps

Reverie_S01E10_016So, that’s that for Reverie.  At least until we hear about a possible second season.

As previously, Kathryn’s Monica played a crucial role in the plot, but not one that required much screen time.  It took until nearly 20 minutes in before we got to see her.  The episode was mostly focused on Alexis (Jessica Lu) and her story.

Monica went full Mindhunters/Mind Hunters for section in the middle: creeping around in the dark, gun poised.  We got a few good Kathryn smiles too.

Any thoughts on the twist at the end?  I have my own ideas based on who we know was left within the program,  though it doesn’t make much sense.  I’m sure the creators and writers have a plan if they get a chance to continue.

80 new HD (720p) screencaps from the season finale of Reverie are now in the KM UK the Gallery.

And we also have a final ‘Après Exitus w Kat & Jess!’ video as posted by Jessica Lu on Twitter.  That has been added to the collection in the Gallery.

It has been good to have Kathryn back on our screens for the summer.  Or was it all a dream…? #reverie

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Reverie S01E10 – Preview Video + Promo Photos

artwork_002Looks like we’re only going to be seeing Kathryn in six of the 10 episodes in Reverie‘s first season.  No news yet on whether there will be a second.

Reverie_s01e10_previewKathryn did not feature in this week’s episode, number 9 called ‘The Key’.  However, the post-show preview for the season finale gave us a glimmer of hope for the next.  And I do mean a glimmer.  It is a blink and you’ll miss it moment about 10 seconds into the half-minute long clip.  The video is now in the Gallery.  Any promotional photos will be added if/when they are released.

The press release for the upcoming episode mentions one of the team being kidnapped.  You can work out which person it is from the clip without too much difficulty.  Looks like Kathryn’s Monica Shaw is roped in to help out.

See the last episode next week.

Update:  Five, yes 5!, promo photos from Point Of Origin that include Kathryn have been released.  That does suggest she will be in the episode a reasonable amount. See all five, count ’em, in the Gallery now. Expect bigger and better versions soon.

Update (3 August):  As promised the promo photos have all been upgraded to versions that are significantly bigger.  Enjoy.

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